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What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 16th, 2014, 7:48 pm
by Shikon01
I know a lot of folks collect mounts as much as they collect and love there pets so what are your thoughts ? I know my undead mage looks great on that bat but, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this new creature. Its mean and ugly looking :lol: Anyone excited or planning on getting this new baby ?

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 1:08 am
by Leowyld
I've never been a big mount collector myself. I actually prefer a gryphon as a flying mount (although that flying disc you get in Pandaria is cool, too). Never really tried to get any of the dragons and such. And I doubt I would buy a store mount. All that said, It isn't pretty, no, but I don't think it is supposed to be. It does look kinda cool and bad-a.

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 6:23 am
by FuxieDK
I like the barrel rolls, but the drunk flying is annoying...

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 8:14 am
by Guest
Emerald Hippogryph
Argent Hippogryph
Cenarion Hippogryph

I tend to use those 3. Any other mount I don't really care about tbh (even though I have some like armoured bloodwing - never use it)

If they changed armoured bloodwing to have a walk animation then I would consider using it. The "flap 2 feet above ground is walking" concept is silly. Especially with WoD restricting flying. (If the mount can flap 2 feet off the ground... why can't it fly?)

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 2:36 pm
by Telsek
I like that I have almost accidentally accumulated a nice assortment of mounts, but I don't go out of my way to collect them. I've purchased several mounts from the store that struck my fancy, but this won't be one of them.

Taste being subjective, this isn't a design that I find particularly attractive. The choice of modelling it after a chimaera is interesting, but to me the design of the wings is off and the bomb things... or whatever the flaming canisters glued to its side are, are questionable additions at best.

While I think some of the large mounts are beautiful and own a good number of them, for day to day use and especially for the purposes of farming ore, I lean toward the smaller mounts. I tend to avoid using mounts that don't actually have a walk animation just because they feel so different when constantly landing and taking off while farming. For the past many weeks, I've been using my Swift Windsteed. His running animation when viewed from behind is a bit quirky, but I like him.

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 5:13 pm
by Gwenolyn
Kind of strange looking. But when it goes on sale, I'll get it.

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 18th, 2014, 10:24 am
by Shikon01
Telsek, I'm like you as I have some mounts like the bat I really like, but isn't the best choice for farming which is disappointing. I haven't seen this one on bonechewer yet as shocking as that is on such an old realm and I wanted to get a really good look at it, but this appears to be a " look at me " mount verse being a mount you could enjoy farming on. I too farm on my smaller flyers, but would love for wow to come out w/ one that's ' cool " as well as good for farming. I like to be able to use a variety of mounts depending on my mood, but will get this one if it goes on sell to add to collection.

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 4:26 pm
by Velgana
I really like the way it looks, but I probably won't get it because I never tend to buy any of the Blizzard store mounts.

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: January 19th, 2014, 7:11 pm
by Dakaf
Haevlyn wrote:. The "flap 2 feet above ground is walking" concept is silly. Especially with WoD restricting flying. (If the mount can flap 2 feet off the ground... why can't it fly?)
Duh, gravity differences! :)

Re: What are your thoughts on new mount?

Posted: March 23rd, 2014, 10:39 pm
by Deadlycurves
i did buy this mount as i buy all the blizz store mounts and pets, though i only use it on one toon a non farming DK who as an egineer likes that the beast is jet powered too :mrgreen: