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4 Free MoP digital keys giveaway !!!!!

Posted: October 26th, 2013, 4:16 pm
by Arthas666
Hey guys !

I managed to put my hands on 5
MoP digital keys and since I am not gonna use 4 of them
I decided to give them away for free to those of you who can't afford to get one .
seems like the right thing to do =)
So to participate just answer this two questions :

1.Why should I give you the free key ?

2.Why do you love world of Warcraft?

Submit you answers down here and please send me a email to :

arthasgiveaway @ gmail com

In the email write where your answer is ... ( what website\forum )

(As you can see its not my personal email but a one I made for the giveaway so all the deal will be organized
I am not posting it only here ... So better come up with some cool answers (; )

Good luck !

P.s gonna start giving the keys is few days wait for email back from me in like 3-4 days
after I get few good answers i will pick winners and post here if any of you win ofc :D

Re: 4 Free MoP digital keys giveaway !!!!!

Posted: October 26th, 2013, 9:42 pm
by Hoopie
I just think what youre doing is great, I dont need a code. Just letting you know its always nice to see someone giving! : )

Re: 4 Free MoP digital keys giveaway !!!!!

Posted: November 29th, 2013, 7:32 am
by Yazhi
thats an absolutely great thing to do, black friday made it a real nice offed to buy but im sure you will make a few people very happy for christmas :)

Re: 4 Free MoP digital keys giveaway !!!!!

Posted: December 12th, 2013, 6:58 pm
by Gervesin
Is this giveaway still a thing? It's been a while.. But just in case!!

1. I've only recently begun playing WoW. Less than a week in, in fact! I only got the battlechest because I wasn't sure I'd like the game, but come to find out I ... do. A giveaway such as this would leave me a little money to buy a pet or two off Blizzard, and I've had my eye on a Cinder Kitten!

2. ... I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that it's pet battles that have caught me hook line and sinker for WoW. It has a ton of options, and all of them are at least a little useful to battle with! It might be a little cliche to say given I got this address off Warcraftpets to begin with, but it's true. I hope to collect all of them eventually, and get them all to rare level.
