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Slyvy can't be imported

Posted: September 1st, 2023, 11:56 pm
by Uka
The newest Trading post pet, Slyvy, does not want to be imported for some reason.

Automatic update does not show it, but it says: "One additional pet you collected is missing from our site. We'll be adding this pet to the site soon."
And when adding Slyvy manually, it says "According to the Armory, you do not have this pet. If you're certain you've collected it, log out of WoW and exit the game completely. Then try reimporting your pets using the button below."
I do have it in the Armory!

Re: Slyvy can't be imported

Posted: September 2nd, 2023, 1:50 am
by Quintessence
Try re-importing again, I think we've fixed it. Let us know if you're still unable to import it!

New-new pets like this (ones that haven't been tested on the PTR) require additional troubleshooting on our end which can take a day or so.

Re: Slyvy can't be imported

Posted: September 2nd, 2023, 6:58 am
by Uka
Yes, that works now - thanks!