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Suggestion: Class/Race-specific Pets Lists

Posted: October 21st, 2020, 7:43 pm
by Rezzelyn
I'd really love it if we had the option to look at a list of pets that would look natural beside each class and race. I'm starting many alts and I'm looking to have a pet summoned as a leveling companion but it's hard to find the ideal pet when you can't see all your options in front of you. Instead of combing through every category for the best themed pets or researching all their idle animations to see if certain pets behave like your class, it'd be nice to have a list on your site as a point of reference for fresh ideas for everyone to use. Racial pets are kinda easy to figure out based on the animals in their zone, but class-matched pets are a bit harder to figure out.

This could be done by simply tagging pets as "Shaman" or "Rogue" related and then allowing the search engine to pull up all those pets into a list. Or you could have a dedicated webpage to feature the list.

Thanks for your consideration! :D