LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
i did raf and didn't realize i couldn't get my other account to pandaland without the exp so was wondering if anyone knows of a good spot not in pandaland that doesn't have adds that i'd have to kill.
Lith#1334 Please state the trade in the info!
Re: LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
There are pretty much always adds above a certain level.
Re: LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
Not always. The place I go in pandaland there are 0 adds, just cant take my 2nd account there due to not having pandland expansion.
Lith#1334 Please state the trade in the info!
Re: LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
I leveled some guys in Uldum...
The coordinates are 52,27 ish. There are Desert Spiders and Tol'vir Scarabs - level 23 and 24. It's around where you get your first quests to kill things in Uldum, where the Sun Priests and Sun Acolytes are.
The coordinates are 52,27 ish. There are Desert Spiders and Tol'vir Scarabs - level 23 and 24. It's around where you get your first quests to kill things in Uldum, where the Sun Priests and Sun Acolytes are.
Re: LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
Thanks will have to try there

Lith#1334 Please state the trade in the info!
Re: LF lvling spot non pandaland w/ no adds!
I also like the area around the inn in Mount Hyjal, looping around the pond. The are a few aggro mobs, but not many.Lith wrote:i did raf and didn't realize i couldn't get my other account to pandaland without the exp so was wondering if anyone knows of a good spot not in pandaland that doesn't have adds that i'd have to kill.
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