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Finding Breed ID of wild pets in-game

Posted: October 19th, 2012, 10:44 pm
by Gnolp
This post is a copy-paste of my post on the EU Pet Battle forums here:

If I update that one, I'll update this one too.


If you do know what they are, and you want to be able to hunt for pets with the correct breed ID, then that's where this macro comes in.

The macro will give you this kind of output:
(You'll notice it deviates slightly from the results you'd expect, 0.5 0.5 0.5. This becomes more extreme the lower the level, so I don't recommend using it below around level 10).

In order to run the macro, you will need this addon:

It allows macros to pass the 256 char limit, making this macro usable:

/run local bh=40;local bp=8;local bs=8;function r(n,i) return tonumber(string.format("%."..(i or 0).."f",n)) end;local dpl=1;local qm=(tonumber(((C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(2,dpl))-1)/10)+1);eh = tonumber(C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(2,dpl)*1.2);local ep = tonumber(C_PetBattles.GetPower(2,dpl));local es = tonumber(C_PetBattles.GetSpeed(2,dpl));local el = tonumber(C_PetBattles.GetLevel(2,dpl));local pm = ((ep/(el*qm))-bp);local sm = ((es/(el*qm))-bs);local hm=((eh-100)-(el*qm*bh))/(el*qm*5);SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(C_PetBattles.GetName(2,dpl) .. ":");SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Power modification: " .. r(pm,5));SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Speed modification: " .. r(sm,5));SELECTED_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Health modification: " .. r(hm,5));

Wonderful you say, how do I use it? Simples! You'll need:

-Base stats of the pet type you're hunting (Again, Schafffhauser can help you). I do have a spreadsheet of almost every single pet's base stats, but with it being incomplete I am not going to upload it yet.

Once you have those base stats, you'll need to manually put them into the macro, near the start:
local bh=40;local bp=8;local bs=8;

Replace bh=40 with the correct base health number, then replace bp and bs with base power and base speed respectively.

Once that's done, save the macro, bind it somewhere that you can still use in a wild pet battle and use it once you're fighting the pet whose stats you want to see.

A little complex at first, but once you get the hang of it it's very easy to find out the breed ID of any wild pet without bothering to catch it, wait for armory to update, and run it through that website. Ask questions below and enjoy.

Final note. This would obviously be much more streamlined with an ingame addon that does all this for you and has its own database of all base stats so you don't have to manually enter them. This is in the works, but for now this will do.

Re: Finding Breed ID of wild pets in-game

Posted: October 27th, 2012, 2:38 pm
by Ginntonic
Not quite sure what to make of this lists, for example

Lil' Ragnaros
1400 374 211

Stunted Shardhorn
1481 358 211

This is at lvl 25, so those are the top 2 dps pets in the game? or what does base and current stand for?

thank u