Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

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Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

Post by Papazol » August 17th, 2013, 7:46 am

During Celestial tournament we may meet 2 sets of pet tamers. Team what I prepared for 1st set I wrote in part 1 ... f=3&t=6016 . Lets smoke list of 2d set.

1 team of Taran Zhu includes 3 humanoids.
Team looks like joke, like any 3 25 lvl pets can get it. But this monks should be legendary with high speed and huge dmg., humanoid pasive may restore them a lot hp each round and they have 2 stuns, blind, heal an fd. From another side they do not have enough damage abilities. So we may just try to fast kill them or may nee to use avoidance. Our choice will depend how smart their algorithms are.
- Humanoid Yen has 1600 hp, 362 power, 306 speed and uses Comeback, Blackout kick and Faign death. So we see humanoid with just 1 critter dps ability, what better works if user has less hp than target. But that abilities (better, then low) have one weak point - they have better chance to proc if they go 2d. From another side Faigh death must go first or just havent sence to use. And he has stun. So our first idea will be slow pet, what immune to stuns (i.e. critter), with good undead nuke. Our answer is Stone Armadilo (prefer in some breeds) or Apmadilo Pup , what have Infected claw with great undead dmg. Another varian (but a little worse) Mr. Wiggles with his Diseased Bite. From one side critter looks like the best choice, but on some point of fight Yen will use FD and switched on 2d monk with beast atack, who almost instantly will finish our pet. It will work so if they have smart algorithm. So we may need no critter pet, what can be immune to stun, - we need Arcane storm. When we say Arcane storm we want say Mana surge and will use like first pet Nexus whelpling , moreover Yen doesnt have humanoid atacks. But still, if algorithm smart, Yen will use FD and we will face 2d monk with blind (so arcane wings will not protect us) + humanoid atack, and we instantly will lose our whelp. On this point we need like first pet no-dragonkin pet with Arcane storm - Kilin Tor Familiar or Pandaren air spirit. I deside to use Familiar cose it has Arcane explosion - great aoe ability, what hits backline pets. So we slowly down whole team without switching pets. Our Familiar may even die before Yen will use FD, we just need full launch Arcane storm after him.

- Humanoid Bolo has 1863 hp, 300 power, 394 speed and uses Punch, Blinding powder (enemy team misses 1 round) and Rampage. Monk what doesn't give our chance to use critter or dragonkin on first monk (if their order same like on wowhead), but nothing more, that it. We just need some pet with huge undead dmg to kill it. In common sence we cant use undead like 2d pet. If our first pet critter will push Yen to use FD and will be kiiled Bolo, even if our 2d undead will kill Bolo, Yen will back and finish it. So they will have 2 pets and we 1 left. If we use KTF (like I will) and it will die before Yen will use FD, 2d undead will die in 2 hits and we still will have 1 pet against 2. So like our 2d pet we need something fast, strong, with good undead damage. And our answer - both Nether rays. And Fledgling nether ray and Nether ray fry have Shadow shock - great undead nuke. Moreover Nether ray fry can be 4 (power) breed with 341 ap on 25 lvl so his Shadow shock go first and will do 703 undead damage for humanoids. So we just will start dps monks down with no matter what they will do. Actualy, we may be will able to use Nether rays*3 in this fight and will win it in 12 rounds, but they are tiny so I still deside to protect them by Arcane storm and make some dmg backline pets on start.

- Humanoid Li has 1600 hp, 300 power, 394 speed and uses Triple snap, Bandage and Kick. Stun+heal+pasive heal can be problem if he left one by one with Nether ray, so better for us start him not fully healthed, under arcane wings with higher speed, what we can get from Nether ray fry 5 (speed) breed. But, one more time, we will have difficalty just if monks have high hp, high speed, right rotation and smart algorithm. In optimistic case (all like usual) we will win it by 1 critter and 1 nether ray.

2 team of Wrathion includs 1 undead and 2 dragonkins.
Another joke team, if they will not be too OP.
- Undead Cindy is just brother of Frosty has 1600 hp, 300 power, 375 speed and uses same abilities - Diseased bite, Blistering cold and Ice tomb. This is realy kidding, cose 2 from them are elemental, what do less dmg for critters and pet, like undead, take more dmg from critters. I think, all will agree, what in this situation we need to start from critter. From critters we need pets, what can avoid damage from ice tomb (even if it will not stun critter). So we need pet with Dodge or Burrow, but dont need both of them. So we may use rabbits, but I dont see close necessary in it yet.
From another side we need huge critter damage, and if we will see on Taran Zhu team we will find ability, what doesnt give us chance to use undead pets against monks. So we need critter pet with Comeback and Burrow and this is Perky Pug or identical Lucky Quilen Cub. Like 3d ability this pets have heal, what can compensate damage from Blistering cold and Diseased bite.

- Dragonkin Alex has 1975 hp, 300 power, 300 speed and uses Breath, Ancient blessing and Flamethrower same like Spirit of compretition. Like we see, for drake team Blizz used standart drakes, no mater they are weak and useless. For this drake ideal opponent will be Scourged whelpling. Humanoid Call darkness can crit drakes for 1k and prevent from heal, Tail sweep finishes the work. From another side we may be need all Call darkness pets esp undeads, for Celestials, so we can use Dark whelpling, Anibisath Idol, or many, many another pets. This team from our knowlege looks like weakest on all Tournament.

- Dragonkin Dah'da is brother of [pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet] has 1600 hp, 375 power, 300 speed and uses same abilities - Shadowflame, Roll and Elementium bolt. I dont think any will be disagree if I say what Anubisath Idol will eat this useless whelp liver on dinner. with good hit ratio fight will be not longer than 5 rounds. Even more, if Lucky quilen cub will be realy lucky he will able to eat him righ after Cindy. But, looking forvard, we may need Anub for 3d drake, so we also have some change for him. May be another Anub. Or, if we haven't 2d Anub, some undead pet with avoidance. One from best for this work, how I believe, is Restless Shadeling in 6 (heath) breed. Like undead he takes less dmg from dragonkin abilities, has Phase shift, a lot hp and will stay 1-2 rounds after death.

3 team of Chen Stormstout includs elem, critter and beast.
- beast Tonsa has 1600 hp, 381 power, 287 speed and uses Bite, Headbutt and Crew. Like with Brewly one ability - Crew, does this pet weaker, that it can be. Same like with beast Summer from Shademaster Kyrin (first set) beast with huge predictable nuke can be contred mech with Decoy, i.e. Darkmoon zeppelin or Mechanical pandaren dragonling.

- elemental Brewly has 2069 hp, 300 power, 281 speed and uses Brew bolt (direct aquatic dmg), Barrel toss and Inebriate (reduse chance to hit on 25%). Interesting elem pet. It puts hit debuff same like Slippery ice, but without another effects, and dps with brew bolt. If it does only that (and, for axample, selfheal), it may be realy hard pet. But his 3 ability Barrel toss makes Brewly much weaker. May be it was added like anticritter ability, but we any way dont need critter for this fight, cose this pet doesn't use any elemental atack. So if we will use any pet with any avoidance, Brewly just will lose 1 round. Second - if this elem like main atack uses aquatic ability we may use some magic pet. I dont check yet if Slippery ice dispellable, so Inebriate will be also dispellabe, but still magic pet with avoidance and dispell looks like realy antipet for Brewly. We have it - Magic lamp, so we will take less dmg from Brew bolt, dispell Inebriate (hope so), and Soul ward for Barrel toss. More over, if Brewly will reliase barrel randomly without some standart algorithm, we can use Wish. We remember, what magic pets pasive prevents from lose more then 40% (35% in 5.4) from one hit. And Wish heals for 50%. Like 2d variant for this pet we may use all same aquatic pets with Dive and 2d aquatic nuke, what we plan to use against elem Au from Bringtron 4000 team (first set), - Pandaren water spirit or Tiny white carp or [pet]Spawn of G'nathus[/pet].

- critter Chirps has 1600 hp, 319 power, 375 speed and uses Flank, Lullaby and Locust swarm. When I first time saw this kricket, I had bad feelings, what he will come to revenge me for thousands of his brosers, what I killed in Wo4W. But not now. It is realy dumb to use sleep and DoT same time. It isn't TOURNAMENT, it is random poor trash lo lvl my beasts. Flank does more dmg if critter goes first, and krickets are fast, so we need some ability, what will go first. From beast atacks it is only Trihorn charge. So we need 1 from Direhorns ... rn-charge/, who also has Trihorn shield to absorb Locust swarm. If we havent Direhorns or too lazy to lvl it, we may use any another pet with always first atack and shield, for example, crabs.

So pets I will prepare for 2 variant 1st tour, are:
against 1st team:
- Stone Apmadilo or Kilin Tor Familiar;
- Nether ray fry or Fledgling nether ray;
- Nether ray fry or Fledgling nether ray;
against 2d team:
- Perky Pug or Lucky Quelin Cub;
- Anubisath Idol or Restless Shadeling;
- Scourged whelpling or Dark whelpling;
against 3d team:
- Magic lamp or Pandaren water spirit or Tiny white carp or [pet]Spawn of G'nathus[/pet];
- Direhorn Runt or Emperor crab;
- Darkmoon zeppelin or Mechanical pandaren dragonling
Last edited by Papazol on August 27th, 2013, 5:15 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

Post by Papazol » August 17th, 2013, 2:48 pm

added 2d team.

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Re: Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

Post by Papazol » August 18th, 2013, 6:18 am

Ok, finished second part and go smoke Celestials. Any your suggestions about this part are welcome

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Re: Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

Post by Madsen » August 18th, 2013, 12:08 pm

Do you mean "make" when you type "smoke"?

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Re: Suggestion for Celestial Tournament (part 2)

Post by Papazol » August 18th, 2013, 12:32 pm

Nope. This is some kind of russian joke - if someone didnt learn something, we tell "he smokes his textbooks", and if someone doesnt know or unerstand something, we say "Go smoke Google" or "Go smoke Wiki". Same for me - I printed list of pets, take some weed and smoke my suggestion ;)

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