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Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 11th, 2013, 11:26 pm
by Dash
First of all, admittedly, my pc is very slow, so it may actually "help" here. Right after the loading screen, I think I caught a glimpse of my opponent's pet for half a second, in this case a mage water elemental, which then gave me the name of said opponent (checked the armory, it was someone from the other faction, but from my server). I think I also saw hunter and warlock pets. I haven't taken the time to contact this player and see if indeed they were doing pvp pet battles at that time, but it was ... sort of disturbing actually. Has anybody else exprienced this?

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 1:36 am
by Grifter
Not yet, but I find it kind of sad, that pet PvP is totaly anonymized. Not showing the name is one thing, but replacing the opponents character with some avatar (or all my opponents must have worn perfectly mogged sets of armor) is even more sad. I want them to see that they battle a naked bloodelf DK with a Safari-Hat. :) It migth distract them and make them lose. :lol:

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 4:53 am
by Katzbalger


Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 6:46 am
by Teacake
I've actually seen their battle/companion pet (not a combat pet such as a hunter pet) phase in before they did, and the tooltip showed me "xx's companion." Happened with a guildmate and her Emerald Proto Whelp so we knew we were fighting each other. :)

Edit: And I agree with Grifter about showing the real avatar, if only because I am missing out on the opportunity to wear themed outfits that match my team.

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 7:04 am
by Tiggindy
It shows you what they've named their pets, is it possible to track someone down based on that?

If so, it's pointless to hide everything else.

I've seen the same set of enemy pets, but their "owner" was a goblin, and orc and a panda. Really? the least you can do is give me the same anonymous figure when I know I'm fighting the same person over and over?

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 8:33 am
by Dash
Grifter wrote:Not yet, but I find it kind of sad, that pet PvP is totaly anonymized. Not showing the name is one thing, but replacing the opponents character with some avatar (or all my opponents must have worn perfectly mogged sets of armor) is even more sad. I want them to see that they battle a naked bloodelf DK with a Safari-Hat. :) It migth distract them and make them lose. :lol:
In the beginning, and before I realized my opponents didn't even see me, I may or may not have battled wearing nothing but my trusty rocket helmet :ugeek:

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 12th, 2013, 9:19 pm
by Eutectic
Rated Pet BGs where you can actually see your opponents.

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 3:04 am
by Invictus
My connection seems to be laggy as hell lately, and I have had the same experience with many pet battles for a while now.

If the opponent is a hunter or lock, I see their pet and can mouse over it and see both the pet's name and their character's name (it says "X's Pet" on the tooltip).

I never understood the reason for completely anatomizing pet battles either, what is the point of using fake avatars instead of showing their character?

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 5:25 am
by Dash
Invictus wrote:I never understood the reason for completely anatomizing pet battles either, what is the point of using fake avatars instead of showing their character?
Anonymizing? To prevent any form of griefing or harassment of any kind. Blizz wants to keep this as light-hearted as possible, hence acknowledging wins only, for instance. Using premade avatars probably helps, as it keeps players totally unidentifiable, except for renamed pets.
Speaking of which, It's a bit weird that some races emote a /rude when they win, instead of the usual victory dance (looking at you, Worgens)

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 10:59 am
by Rakrath

instead naming your pets like your favorite pokemon :p, u can name your pets like: Charname/Servername/Region or combination of it.

Why? well maybe u can find players passionate to pet battles same as you are.


Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 13th, 2013, 6:40 pm
by Saa
Rakrath wrote:Hi,

instead naming your pets like your favorite pokemon :p, u can name your pets like: Charname/Servername/Region or combination of it.

Why? well maybe u can find players passionate to pet battles same as you are.

I suspect if I did that I'd be opening myself for all manner of abuse from rage whispers since I've been milking the pvp scene with a Stunted Direhorn, Giant Bone spider and Fiendish Imp set up. Even more so as they're named things like Trololol.

I get enough of that in Wpvp, I enjoy the anonymity :P

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 10:54 am
by Guest
Rakrath wrote:Hi,

instead naming your pets like your favorite pokemon :p, u can name your pets like: Charname/Servername/Region or combination of it.

Why? well maybe u can find players passionate to pet battles same as you are.


I fought a guy a few times who's 3 pets names spelled out Add my battle tag with the name ... I didn't add him but made me chuckle. ~ K

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 14th, 2013, 2:22 pm
by Dash
Saa wrote: I suspect if I did that I'd be opening myself for all manner of abuse from rage whispers since I've been milking the pvp scene with a Stunted Direhorn, Giant Bone spider and Fiendish Imp set up. Even more so as they're named things like Trololol.

I get enough of that in Wpvp, I enjoy the anonymity :P
Are you saying you encourage nerdrage? Are you the type that feels better thinking that your opponent is not having fun? Trololol indeed.

Re: Catching a glimpse of your opponent

Posted: June 15th, 2013, 10:23 am
by Saa
Dash wrote:
Saa wrote: I suspect if I did that I'd be opening myself for all manner of abuse from rage whispers since I've been milking the pvp scene with a Stunted Direhorn, Giant Bone spider and Fiendish Imp set up. Even more so as they're named things like Trololol.

I get enough of that in Wpvp, I enjoy the anonymity :P
Are you saying you encourage nerdrage? Are you the type that feels better thinking that your opponent is not having fun? Trololol indeed.
Raging over a computer game, especially something as inconsequential as pet battling would indicate that you possibly have anger issues that you should resolve in the real world. Are 'you' the type that feels the need to comment on a fairly innocuous name like 'Trololol' in outrage?

I've seen much worse whilst getting my Trainer title mon ami