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School of Hard Knocks 2013

Posted: May 1st, 2013, 8:26 pm
by Adiamaea
I was wondering if guilds were getting together to try to get this horrid achieve? I am in Knight Owls of WOW on Alliance, Zangarmarsh and we are trying every night this week to get that achieve. We invite anyone who needs the achievement who are Level 90 to join us at 1am Zangarmarsh time tonight [actually Thurs am] on Alliance and Horde 81-90. We will try every night until we all get it. Plan is to group up and get on Vent, ask a Knight Owls member for info. Check our guild schedule on Armory for time changes if necessary. We are not PVP'ers. We are also teaming with League of Shadows. Good luck to all!

[my alt Viae is in Knight Owls on Alliance, I also have Fyia on Horde, Zangarmarsh and many others]

Re: School of Hard Knocks 2013

Posted: May 2nd, 2013, 8:41 pm
by Gwenolyn
The year I got it, I guess I got lucky. People were letting others capture the flags etc who had their orphans out... and we would return the favor... things like this renew your faith in people's kindness! :mrgreen:

Re: School of Hard Knocks 2013

Posted: May 5th, 2013, 2:14 am
by Toliman
Gwenolyn wrote:The year I got it, I guess I got lucky. People were letting others capture the flags etc who had their orphans out... and we would return the favor... things like this renew your faith in people's kindness! :mrgreen:
i think 2 years ago, i was in a group of 12 people in AV, standing in the "left" alliance tower as horde, waiting for the capture to take, and we had 3 people standing around out of distance come in to re-cap the tower with their orphans out from the alliance as well. it retrograded quickly, but that was all i needed for LST, last achieve after ~4 years. very cathartic, and not a fun or relieving feeling at all.

of course, it took 7 runs, but i was prepared much better, actually knowing where the towers are, helps a lot. i don't think anyone caps them anymore, or it's not a bot objective ??

i've also guild run WSG flag runs, one person picks up the flag, drops it a few feet away,everyone cycles through, all inside the base. of course, there's like 7 people standing in the room, so it's not quite as pacifist, but we did give them a head start before doing the normal battle in the middle of nowhere strat. i think we used emotes to communicate when everyone had their turn. and then we all waited in the other room to "help them out"...

regular PvPers hate the holidays. especially AB. EoTS, can be harder to get people to "take time out", the best strat is to pass the flag out of the 'bot combat zone, and take healers with you. or run EoTS as a monk/paladin to get out of the bridge area fast.