The philosophy is something like: all pets have a some basestats, that the breed-bonus is applied to. Since the base differs, you cannot be sure that the pure breeds have the highest stats in any given ability group/set. Most neutral seems to be 1400/260 260 (Only using Rare setups btw. We all end there in the end - dont we?

Example: Sapphire Cub has -2/0/+2: 1075/260/325 before S/S breed bonus is aplied. Giving end result: 1075/260/390. Lowest health and highest speed in the game so far.
Example: 1562/292/195: thats +1/+1/-2 before breed P/B of an Onyxian Whelpling. Ends at: 1627/322/208.
I took all the data from WCP and putted it here: Google-doc. Page one is static with basestats, breeds and abilitysets. Page 3 has more info (Like: what is that pets highest possible stat in health, power or speed.) But I keep scambling the rows EVERY SINGLE TIME, I am online and collect pets. Thats gonna irritate people. Making this spreadsheet I found that at least 5 pets have a "+0.5" too much. First it was only the Cinder Kitten. (Thought some inturn had done a poor job making it