Discuss pet battles, strategy and theorycrafting.
- Posts:189
- Joined:April 7th, 2012
- Pet Score:2862
- Realm:Gilneas-us
Something that you already know
by Imthedci » April 14th, 2012, 7:41 pm
It's news that you already know, but from the mouth of a GM - So it's semi-official...
Oh, how I hate waiting... WTB Instant Gratification

Guest -
by Guest » April 14th, 2012, 7:48 pm
Not for a while? /cry
As long as we get some kind of pet update in every patch I think I'll be happy to wait.

- Posts:189
- Joined:March 26th, 2012
- Pet Score:4675
- Realm:Jubei'Thos-us
by Nursie » April 14th, 2012, 11:00 pm
at least a month away, they still new to:
- add abilities to most pets.
- place new pets in most northrend, all cataclysm and Pandaria zones.
- give pretty much all pets stats.
- sort out the pet cage system.
- finalize the UI.
- get the battle animations ready.
- sort out the random battle system.
- possibly add NPC trainers.
- add pet battle achievements.
We might get to test it when all pets are in and the UI and animations are ready.