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TomTom waypoints for all of the Tamers

Posted: January 8th, 2013, 8:51 pm
by Niccalo
/way Vale of Eternal Blossoms 67.6 40.8 Aki the Chosen
/way Ashenvale 20.2 29.6 Analynn
/way Howling Fjord 28.6 33.8 Beegle Blastfuse
/way The Cape of Stranglethorn 51.2 73.6 Bill Buckler
/way Shadowmoon Valley 31 41.4 Bloodknight Antari
/way Deepholm 49.8 57 Bordin Steadyfist
/way Mount Hyjal 61.4 32.8 Brok
/way Townlong Steppes 57 42.2 Burning Pandaren Spirit
/way Southern Barrens 39.6 79.2 Cassandra Kaboom
/way Kun-Lai Summit 35.8 73.6 Courageous Yon
/way Northern Barrens 58.6 53 Dagra the Fierce
/way The Hinterlands 62.99 54.57 David Kosse
/way Eastern Plaguelands 67 52.4 Deiza Plaguehorn
/way Burning Steppes 25.6 47.6 Durin Darkhammer
/way Moonglade 46 60.6 Elena Flutterfly
/way Duskwood 20.2 44.2 Eric Davidson
/way Swamp of Sorrows 76.6 41.6 Everessa
/way Valley of the Four Winds 46 43.6 Farmer Nishi
/way Dread Wastes 61.2 87.6 Flowing Pandaren Spirit
/way Twilight Highlands 56.6 56.8 Goz Banefury
/way Dustwallow Marsh 53.8 74.8 Grazzle the Great
/way Zul'Drak 13.2 66.8 Gutretch
/way The Jade Forest 48 54 Hyuna of the Shrines
/way Elwynn Forest 41.6 83.6 Julia Stevens
/way Thousand Needles 31.8 32.8 Kela Grimtotem
/way Searing Gorge 35.6 27.8 Kortas Darkhammer
/way Redridge Mountains 33.2 52.6 Lindsay
/way Deadwind Pass 40.2 76.6 Lydia Accoste
/way Icecrown 77.4 19.6 Major Payne
/way Desolace 57.2 45.8 Merda Stronghoof
/way Krasarang Wilds 62.2 45.8 Mo'ruk
/way Shattrath City 59.4 69.8 Morulu The Elder
/way Nagrand 61 49.4 Narrok
/way Crystalsong Forest 50.2 59 Nearly Headless Jacob
/way Hellfire Peninsula 64.4 49.2 Nicki Tinytech
/way Uldum 56.6 41.8 Obalis
/way Dragonblight 59 77 Okrut Dragonwaste
/way Westfall 60.8 18.6 Old MacDonald
/way Zangarmarsh 17.2 50.6 Ras'an
/way Townlong Steppes 36.2 52.2 Seeker Zusshi
/way Northern Stranglethorn 46 40.4 Steven Lisbane
/way Winterspring 65.6 64.6 Stone Cold Trixxy
/way Kun-Lai Summit 64.8 93.6 Thundering Pandaren Spirit
/way Feralas 59.6 49.6 Traitor Gluk
/way Dread Wastes 55 37.6 Wastewalker Shu
/way The Jade Forest 28.8 36 Whispering Pandaren Spirit
/way Felwood 40 56.6 Zoltan
/way Stonetalon Mountains 59.6 71.6 Zonya the Sadist
/way Durotar 44 28.8 Zunta