500 wild pets? Complete list!
- Doobjanka
- Posts:467
- Joined:September 13th, 2008
- Pet Score:9260
- BattleTag®:Doobjank#1625
- Realm:Madoran-us
- Contact:
They claim there are 500 wild pets, but making a complete list I only found 441 listed. Here are all of them, in order, including doubles:
1. Adder
2. Alarming Clockbot
3. Albino Snake
4. Albino Snapjaw
5. Alliance Balloon
6. Alliance Balloon
7. Alpine Chipmunk
8. Alpine Hare
9. Amethyst Shale Hatchling
10. Ammen Vale Lashling
11. Ancona Chicken
12. Ar’lia
13. Arctic Grizzly Cub
14. Argent Gruntling
15. Argent Squire
16. Armadillo Pup
17. Ash Lizard
18. Ash Spiderling
19. Ash Viper
20. Azure Whelpling
21. Baby Ape
22. Baby Blizzard Bear
23. Baby Shark
24. Bananas
25. Beaver Yearling
26. Beetle
27. Black Kingsnake
28. Black Rat
29. Black Sheep
30. Black Tabby Cat
31. Blighted Squirrel
32. Blood Elf Orphan
33. Blood Parrot
34. Blue Baby Murloc
35. Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
36. Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling
37. Blue Mini Jouster
38. Blue Moth
39. Blue Racer
40. Bombay Cat
41. Brilliant Kaliri
42. Bronze Whelpling
43. Brown Marmot
44. Brown Prairie Dog
45. Brown Rabbit
46. Brown Snake
47. Bubbles
48. Bush Chicken
49. Calico Cat
50. Cat
51. Celestial Dragon
52. Cenarion Hatchling
53. Cheetah Cub
54. Chuck
55. Clockwork Gnome
56. Clockwork Rocket Bot
57. Coral Hatchling
58. Cockatiel
59. Cockatoo
60. Cockroach
61. Cockroach
62. Coral Snake
63. Core Hound Pup
64. Cornish Rex
65. Corrupted Kitten
66. Coyote Spirit
67. Crawling Claw
68. Creepy Crate
69. Creepy Crawly
70. Crested Owl
71. Crimson Lasher
72. Crimson Moth
73. Crimson Serpent
74. Crimson Snake
75. Crimson Whelpling
76. Crystalwing Stone Drake
77. Curious Oracle Hatchling
78. Curious Wolvar Pup
79. Dark Phoenix Hatchling
80. Dark Whelpling
81. Darkmoon Balloon
82. Darkmoon Cub
83. Darkmoon Monkey
84. Darkmoon Tonk
85. Darkmoon Turtle
86. Darkmoon Zeppelin
87. Darkshore Cub
88. Dart Frog
89. Darting Hatchling
90. De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
91. Deathy
92. Deer
93. Depleted War Golem
94. Desert Spider
95. Deviate Hatchling
96. Diemetradon Hatchling
97. Disgusting Oozeling
98. Draenei Orphan
99. Dragon Kite
100. Dragon Kite
101. Dun Morogh Cub
102. Dung Beetle
103. Durotar Scorpion
104. Dusk Spiderling
105. Eagle Owl
106. Egbert
107. Elementium Geode
108. Elfin Rabbit
109. Elven Wisp
110. Elwynn Lamb
111. Emerald Whelpling
112. Enchanted Broom
113. Enchanted lantern
114. Essence of Competition
115. Ethereal Soul-Trader
116. Eye of the Legion
117. Faeling
118. Father Winter’s Helper
119. Fathom-Stalker Azjentus
120. Fawn
121. Feline Familiar
122. Festering Maggot
123. Festival Lantern
124. Fetish Shaman
125. Fire Beetle
126. Firefly
127. Fledgling Buzzard
128. Forest Moth
129. Forest Spiderling
130. Fossilized Hatchling
131. Fox Kit
132. Frigid Frostling
133. Frog
134. Frosty
135. Gazelle
136. Gazelle Fawn
137. Ghostly Skull
138. Giant Sewer Rat
139. Giraffe Calf
140. Gold Beetle
141. Gold Mini Jouster
142. Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
143. Golden Pig
144. Grasslands Cottontail
145. Great Horned Owl
146. Greedy Kobold
147. Green Baby Murloc
148. Green Balloon
149. Green Balloon
150. Green Water Snake
151. Green Wing Macaw
152. Gregarious Grell
153. Grey Moth
154. Grinty
155. Gryphon Hatchling
156. Guardian Cub
157. Guild Herald
158. Guild Herald
159. Guild Page
160. Guild Page
161. Gundrak Hatchling
162. Gurky
163. Gurky
164. Hardboiled Egg
165. Hare
166. Hawk Owl
167. Hawksbill Snapjaw
168. Hippogryph Hatchling
169. Horde Balloon
170. Horde Balloon
171. Horny Toad
172. Huge Toad
173. Human Orphan
174. Hungry Nether Ray
175. Hyacinth Macaw
176. Hyjal Bear Cub
177. Infested Bear Cub
178. Irradiated Roach
179. Island Frog
180. Jacob the Test Seagull
181. Jade Oozeling
182. Jade Tiger
183. Jubling
184. Keg Pony
185. King Snake
186. Kirin Tor Familiar
187. Kitty
188. Krazzwork’s Zeppelin
189. Landro’s Lichling
190. Landro’s Lil’ XT
191. Landro’s Lil’ XT
192. Larva
193. Lashtail Hatchling
194. Lava Beetle
195. Lava Crab
196. Leaping Hatchling
197. Leatherback Snapjaw
198. Legs
199. Lifelike Toad
200. Lil’ Deathwing
201. Lil’ K.T.
202. Lil’ Ragnaros
203. Lil’ Smoky
204. Lil’ Tarecgosa
205. Lil’ XT
206. Little Black Ram
207. Little Fawn
208. Lizard Hatchling
209. Lizzy
210. Loggerhead Snapjaw
211. Long-tailed Mole
212. Lost of Lordaeron
213. Lucky
214. Lucky
215. Lumpy
216. Lunar Lantern
217. Lurky
218. Macabre Marionette
219. Maggot
220. Magic Lamp
221. Magical Crawdad
222. Mana Wyrmling
223. Manny
224. Mechanical Chicken
225. Mechanical Squirrel
226. Mechanopeep
227. Minfernal
228. Mini Diablo
229. Mini Thor
230. Mini Tyrael
231. Miniwing
232. Mocassin
233. Mojo
234. Molten hatchling
235. Moonkin Hatchling
236. Moonkin Hatchling
237. Mountain Cottontail
238. Mountain Skunk
239. Mouse
240. Mr. Chilly
241. Mr. Grubbs
242. Mr. Kitty
243. Mr. Wiggles
244. Muckbreath
245. Mule Deer
246. Mulgore Hatchling
247. Murkablo
248. Murki
249. Murkimus the Gladiator
250. Murkimus the Gladiator
251. Murky
252. Nether Ray Fry
253. Netherwhelp
254. Nightsaber Cub
255. Nuts
256. Obsidian hatchling
257. Olive Snapjaw
258. Onyx Panther
259. Onyxian Whelpling
260. Oracle Orphan
261. Orange Tabby Cat
262. Orcish Orphan
263. Otter Pup
264. Panda Cub
265. Pandaren Monk
266. Panther Cub
267. Parrot
268. Pattymack – WildBattlePet Test
269. PattyMack 2.0 – WildBattlePet Test
270. Peanut
271. Pebble
272. Peddlefeet
273. Pengu
274. Perky Pug
275. Personal World Destroyer
276. Pet Bombling
277. Phoenix Hatchling
278. Pink Baby Murloc
279. Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm
280. Plump Turkey
281. Poley
282. Polly
283. Porcupette
284. Prairie Chicken
285. Prairie Dog
286. Proto-Drake Whelp
287. Pterrordax hatchling
288. Purple Baby Murloc
289. Purple Puffer
290. Rabbit
291. Rabbot
292. Rabid Nut Varmint 5000
293. Raccoon Kit
294. Rainbow Trout
295. Ram
296. Rat
297. Rat Snake
298. Rattlesnake
299. Ravager Hatchling
300. Ravager Hatchling
301. Ravasaur Hatchling
302. Razormaw Hatchling
303. Razzashi Hatchling
304. Red Dragonhawk Hatchling
305. Red Moth
306. Red-Tailed Chipmunk
307. Redridge Rat
308. Reincarnated Skytalon
309. Restless Shadeling
310. Ribbon Snake
311. Roach
312. Robo-Chick
313. Rock Viper
314. Rocket Chicken
315. Ruby Sapling
316. Rumbling Rockling
317. Rustberg Gull
318. Rusty Snail
319. Sand Kitten
320. Sand Scarab
321. Scarlet Snake
322. Scooter the Snail
323. Scorpion
324. Scorpling
325. Scourge Haunt
326. Sea Pony
327. Searing Scorchling
328. Sen’jin Fetish
329. Senegal
330. Sheep
331. Shimmering Wyrmling
332. Shimmershell Snail
333. Shore Crab
334. Shore Crab
335. Siamese Cat
336. Silithid hatchling
337. Silky Moth
338. Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling
339. Silver Pig
340. Silver Tabby Cat
341. Singing Sunflower
342. Sinister Squashling
343. Skunk
344. Small Frog
345. Smolderweb Hatchling
346. Snake
347. Snarly
348. Snow Cub
349. Snowshoe Hare
350. Snowshoe Hare
351. Snowshoe Rabbit
352. Snowy Owl
353. Soul of the Aspects
354. Spawn of Onyxia
355. Spectral Tiger Cub
356. Speedy
357. Spider
358. Spiky Lizard
359. Spiny Lizard
360. Spirit Crab
361. Spirit of Competition
362. Spirit of Summer
363. Spotted Bell Frog
364. Spring Rabbit
365. Sprite Darter hatchling
366. Squirrel
367. Stinkbug
368. Stinker
369. Stone Armadillo
370. Strand Crawler
371. Stripe-Tailed Scorpion
372. Swamp Moth
373. Swirling Stormling
374. Tainted Cockroach
375. Tainted Moth
376. Tainted rat
377. Teldrassil Sproutling
378. Terky
379. Tickbird Hatchling
380. Tiny Bog Beast
381. Tiny Flamefly
382. Tiny Green Dragon
383. Tiny Harvester
384. Tiny Red Dragon
385. Tiny Shale Spider
386. Tiny Snowman
387. Tiny Sporebat
388. Tiny Twister
389. Tiny Water Strider
390. Tirisfal Batling
391. Toad
392. Toothy
393. Topaz Shale Hatchling
394. Toxic Wasteling
395. Toy RC Mortar Tank
396. Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
397. Tree Frog
398. Tree Python
399. Turquoise Turtle
400. Tuskarr Kite
401. Twilight Beetle
402. Twilight Iguana
403. Twilight Spider
404. Undead Eagle
405. Undercity Rat
406. Vampiric Batling
407. Venomhide hatchling
408. Venomspitter hatchling
409. Voodoo Figurine
410. Warbot
411. Water Snake
412. Westfall Chicken
413. Wharf Rat
414. Whirling Waveling
415. Whiskers the Rat
416. White Kitten
417. White Moth
418. White Plymouth Rock
419. White Tickbird hatchling
420. White Tiger Cub
421. Widow Spiderling
422. Willy
423. Wind Rider Cub
424. Winter Reindeer
425. Winter’s Little Helper
426. Winterspring Cub
427. Winterspring Cub
428. Withers
429. Wolpertinger
430. Wolvar Orphan
431. Wood Frog
432. Worg Pup
433. Worgen Dust Bunny
434. XS-001 Constructor Bot
435. Xelnath
436. Yellow Balloon
437. Yellow Balloon
438. Yellow Moth
439. Zeppit
440. Zergling
441. Zipao Tiger
1. Adder
2. Alarming Clockbot
3. Albino Snake
4. Albino Snapjaw
5. Alliance Balloon
6. Alliance Balloon
7. Alpine Chipmunk
8. Alpine Hare
9. Amethyst Shale Hatchling
10. Ammen Vale Lashling
11. Ancona Chicken
12. Ar’lia
13. Arctic Grizzly Cub
14. Argent Gruntling
15. Argent Squire
16. Armadillo Pup
17. Ash Lizard
18. Ash Spiderling
19. Ash Viper
20. Azure Whelpling
21. Baby Ape
22. Baby Blizzard Bear
23. Baby Shark
24. Bananas
25. Beaver Yearling
26. Beetle
27. Black Kingsnake
28. Black Rat
29. Black Sheep
30. Black Tabby Cat
31. Blighted Squirrel
32. Blood Elf Orphan
33. Blood Parrot
34. Blue Baby Murloc
35. Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
36. Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling
37. Blue Mini Jouster
38. Blue Moth
39. Blue Racer
40. Bombay Cat
41. Brilliant Kaliri
42. Bronze Whelpling
43. Brown Marmot
44. Brown Prairie Dog
45. Brown Rabbit
46. Brown Snake
47. Bubbles
48. Bush Chicken
49. Calico Cat
50. Cat
51. Celestial Dragon
52. Cenarion Hatchling
53. Cheetah Cub
54. Chuck
55. Clockwork Gnome
56. Clockwork Rocket Bot
57. Coral Hatchling
58. Cockatiel
59. Cockatoo
60. Cockroach
61. Cockroach
62. Coral Snake
63. Core Hound Pup
64. Cornish Rex
65. Corrupted Kitten
66. Coyote Spirit
67. Crawling Claw
68. Creepy Crate
69. Creepy Crawly
70. Crested Owl
71. Crimson Lasher
72. Crimson Moth
73. Crimson Serpent
74. Crimson Snake
75. Crimson Whelpling
76. Crystalwing Stone Drake
77. Curious Oracle Hatchling
78. Curious Wolvar Pup
79. Dark Phoenix Hatchling
80. Dark Whelpling
81. Darkmoon Balloon
82. Darkmoon Cub
83. Darkmoon Monkey
84. Darkmoon Tonk
85. Darkmoon Turtle
86. Darkmoon Zeppelin
87. Darkshore Cub
88. Dart Frog
89. Darting Hatchling
90. De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
91. Deathy
92. Deer
93. Depleted War Golem
94. Desert Spider
95. Deviate Hatchling
96. Diemetradon Hatchling
97. Disgusting Oozeling
98. Draenei Orphan
99. Dragon Kite
100. Dragon Kite
101. Dun Morogh Cub
102. Dung Beetle
103. Durotar Scorpion
104. Dusk Spiderling
105. Eagle Owl
106. Egbert
107. Elementium Geode
108. Elfin Rabbit
109. Elven Wisp
110. Elwynn Lamb
111. Emerald Whelpling
112. Enchanted Broom
113. Enchanted lantern
114. Essence of Competition
115. Ethereal Soul-Trader
116. Eye of the Legion
117. Faeling
118. Father Winter’s Helper
119. Fathom-Stalker Azjentus
120. Fawn
121. Feline Familiar
122. Festering Maggot
123. Festival Lantern
124. Fetish Shaman
125. Fire Beetle
126. Firefly
127. Fledgling Buzzard
128. Forest Moth
129. Forest Spiderling
130. Fossilized Hatchling
131. Fox Kit
132. Frigid Frostling
133. Frog
134. Frosty
135. Gazelle
136. Gazelle Fawn
137. Ghostly Skull
138. Giant Sewer Rat
139. Giraffe Calf
140. Gold Beetle
141. Gold Mini Jouster
142. Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling
143. Golden Pig
144. Grasslands Cottontail
145. Great Horned Owl
146. Greedy Kobold
147. Green Baby Murloc
148. Green Balloon
149. Green Balloon
150. Green Water Snake
151. Green Wing Macaw
152. Gregarious Grell
153. Grey Moth
154. Grinty
155. Gryphon Hatchling
156. Guardian Cub
157. Guild Herald
158. Guild Herald
159. Guild Page
160. Guild Page
161. Gundrak Hatchling
162. Gurky
163. Gurky
164. Hardboiled Egg
165. Hare
166. Hawk Owl
167. Hawksbill Snapjaw
168. Hippogryph Hatchling
169. Horde Balloon
170. Horde Balloon
171. Horny Toad
172. Huge Toad
173. Human Orphan
174. Hungry Nether Ray
175. Hyacinth Macaw
176. Hyjal Bear Cub
177. Infested Bear Cub
178. Irradiated Roach
179. Island Frog
180. Jacob the Test Seagull
181. Jade Oozeling
182. Jade Tiger
183. Jubling
184. Keg Pony
185. King Snake
186. Kirin Tor Familiar
187. Kitty
188. Krazzwork’s Zeppelin
189. Landro’s Lichling
190. Landro’s Lil’ XT
191. Landro’s Lil’ XT
192. Larva
193. Lashtail Hatchling
194. Lava Beetle
195. Lava Crab
196. Leaping Hatchling
197. Leatherback Snapjaw
198. Legs
199. Lifelike Toad
200. Lil’ Deathwing
201. Lil’ K.T.
202. Lil’ Ragnaros
203. Lil’ Smoky
204. Lil’ Tarecgosa
205. Lil’ XT
206. Little Black Ram
207. Little Fawn
208. Lizard Hatchling
209. Lizzy
210. Loggerhead Snapjaw
211. Long-tailed Mole
212. Lost of Lordaeron
213. Lucky
214. Lucky
215. Lumpy
216. Lunar Lantern
217. Lurky
218. Macabre Marionette
219. Maggot
220. Magic Lamp
221. Magical Crawdad
222. Mana Wyrmling
223. Manny
224. Mechanical Chicken
225. Mechanical Squirrel
226. Mechanopeep
227. Minfernal
228. Mini Diablo
229. Mini Thor
230. Mini Tyrael
231. Miniwing
232. Mocassin
233. Mojo
234. Molten hatchling
235. Moonkin Hatchling
236. Moonkin Hatchling
237. Mountain Cottontail
238. Mountain Skunk
239. Mouse
240. Mr. Chilly
241. Mr. Grubbs
242. Mr. Kitty
243. Mr. Wiggles
244. Muckbreath
245. Mule Deer
246. Mulgore Hatchling
247. Murkablo
248. Murki
249. Murkimus the Gladiator
250. Murkimus the Gladiator
251. Murky
252. Nether Ray Fry
253. Netherwhelp
254. Nightsaber Cub
255. Nuts
256. Obsidian hatchling
257. Olive Snapjaw
258. Onyx Panther
259. Onyxian Whelpling
260. Oracle Orphan
261. Orange Tabby Cat
262. Orcish Orphan
263. Otter Pup
264. Panda Cub
265. Pandaren Monk
266. Panther Cub
267. Parrot
268. Pattymack – WildBattlePet Test
269. PattyMack 2.0 – WildBattlePet Test
270. Peanut
271. Pebble
272. Peddlefeet
273. Pengu
274. Perky Pug
275. Personal World Destroyer
276. Pet Bombling
277. Phoenix Hatchling
278. Pink Baby Murloc
279. Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm
280. Plump Turkey
281. Poley
282. Polly
283. Porcupette
284. Prairie Chicken
285. Prairie Dog
286. Proto-Drake Whelp
287. Pterrordax hatchling
288. Purple Baby Murloc
289. Purple Puffer
290. Rabbit
291. Rabbot
292. Rabid Nut Varmint 5000
293. Raccoon Kit
294. Rainbow Trout
295. Ram
296. Rat
297. Rat Snake
298. Rattlesnake
299. Ravager Hatchling
300. Ravager Hatchling
301. Ravasaur Hatchling
302. Razormaw Hatchling
303. Razzashi Hatchling
304. Red Dragonhawk Hatchling
305. Red Moth
306. Red-Tailed Chipmunk
307. Redridge Rat
308. Reincarnated Skytalon
309. Restless Shadeling
310. Ribbon Snake
311. Roach
312. Robo-Chick
313. Rock Viper
314. Rocket Chicken
315. Ruby Sapling
316. Rumbling Rockling
317. Rustberg Gull
318. Rusty Snail
319. Sand Kitten
320. Sand Scarab
321. Scarlet Snake
322. Scooter the Snail
323. Scorpion
324. Scorpling
325. Scourge Haunt
326. Sea Pony
327. Searing Scorchling
328. Sen’jin Fetish
329. Senegal
330. Sheep
331. Shimmering Wyrmling
332. Shimmershell Snail
333. Shore Crab
334. Shore Crab
335. Siamese Cat
336. Silithid hatchling
337. Silky Moth
338. Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling
339. Silver Pig
340. Silver Tabby Cat
341. Singing Sunflower
342. Sinister Squashling
343. Skunk
344. Small Frog
345. Smolderweb Hatchling
346. Snake
347. Snarly
348. Snow Cub
349. Snowshoe Hare
350. Snowshoe Hare
351. Snowshoe Rabbit
352. Snowy Owl
353. Soul of the Aspects
354. Spawn of Onyxia
355. Spectral Tiger Cub
356. Speedy
357. Spider
358. Spiky Lizard
359. Spiny Lizard
360. Spirit Crab
361. Spirit of Competition
362. Spirit of Summer
363. Spotted Bell Frog
364. Spring Rabbit
365. Sprite Darter hatchling
366. Squirrel
367. Stinkbug
368. Stinker
369. Stone Armadillo
370. Strand Crawler
371. Stripe-Tailed Scorpion
372. Swamp Moth
373. Swirling Stormling
374. Tainted Cockroach
375. Tainted Moth
376. Tainted rat
377. Teldrassil Sproutling
378. Terky
379. Tickbird Hatchling
380. Tiny Bog Beast
381. Tiny Flamefly
382. Tiny Green Dragon
383. Tiny Harvester
384. Tiny Red Dragon
385. Tiny Shale Spider
386. Tiny Snowman
387. Tiny Sporebat
388. Tiny Twister
389. Tiny Water Strider
390. Tirisfal Batling
391. Toad
392. Toothy
393. Topaz Shale Hatchling
394. Toxic Wasteling
395. Toy RC Mortar Tank
396. Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
397. Tree Frog
398. Tree Python
399. Turquoise Turtle
400. Tuskarr Kite
401. Twilight Beetle
402. Twilight Iguana
403. Twilight Spider
404. Undead Eagle
405. Undercity Rat
406. Vampiric Batling
407. Venomhide hatchling
408. Venomspitter hatchling
409. Voodoo Figurine
410. Warbot
411. Water Snake
412. Westfall Chicken
413. Wharf Rat
414. Whirling Waveling
415. Whiskers the Rat
416. White Kitten
417. White Moth
418. White Plymouth Rock
419. White Tickbird hatchling
420. White Tiger Cub
421. Widow Spiderling
422. Willy
423. Wind Rider Cub
424. Winter Reindeer
425. Winter’s Little Helper
426. Winterspring Cub
427. Winterspring Cub
428. Withers
429. Wolpertinger
430. Wolvar Orphan
431. Wood Frog
432. Worg Pup
433. Worgen Dust Bunny
434. XS-001 Constructor Bot
435. Xelnath
436. Yellow Balloon
437. Yellow Balloon
438. Yellow Moth
439. Zeppit
440. Zergling
441. Zipao Tiger

Proudly volunteering to this website since 11/09!
Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
With pandaria and northrend still to get any pets and some still missing from outlands/EK/Kalimdor I'd say we'll reach 500 with ease. I'm seeing lot's of new critters in pandaria like mirror striders and crickets.
- Ruzgofdi
- Posts:124
- Joined:December 31st, 2007
- Pet Score:4033
- BattleTag®:TrojanRat#1907
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Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
Interesting that Blood Parrot and Coyote Spirit are included on that list.
Perhaps there's hope that they will be finally freed from their item prisons.
Perhaps there's hope that they will be finally freed from their item prisons.
Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
also they won't all be wild pets, most of the current companions will stay as drop/vendor/profession/achievement/TCG/Blizz store pets.
- Doobjanka
- Posts:467
- Joined:September 13th, 2008
- Pet Score:9260
- BattleTag®:Doobjank#1625
- Realm:Madoran-us
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Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
The list includes a lot of item pets from quests and pets we'll never get. We have those marked in the Wild Pets list.

Proudly volunteering to this website since 11/09!
Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
Theres a lot of doubles on this list O.o 16 That I can count... Drops that 441 down a little. I know why some are doubled (Same name on both Alliance and Horde but different models.) Just cant figure some of the others out.
Alliance/Horde/Yellow/Green Balloon
Guild Herald/Page
Landro's Lil XT
Moonkin Hatchling
Ravager Hatchling
Snowshoe Hare
Shore Crab
Winterspring Cub
Alliance/Horde/Yellow/Green Balloon
Guild Herald/Page
Landro's Lil XT
Moonkin Hatchling
Ravager Hatchling
Snowshoe Hare
Shore Crab
Winterspring Cub
Re: 500 wild pets? Complete list!
Don't forget the Scourge Haunt! I imagine my spare haunted memento's will be worth much more if it becomes a real pet that can be used in battles.Ruzgork wrote:Interesting that Blood Parrot and Coyote Spirit are included on that list.
Perhaps there's hope that they will be finally freed from their item prisons.