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Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 9:22 am
by Cabadath
Some sort of new bug with Jeremy Feasel?

I almost killed his monkey-pet. Only one more rocket and he would be dead. Suddenly, after getting hit by his banana barrage, the battle ended all of a sudden.

Tried to start the battle again, but I got thrown out again straigt away and my character got locked down as if in pet battle still, not able to interact at all. After a little while I could move again.

Anyone else experienced this? Didn't happen last Darkmoon Faire.

Edit: Next time I battled him, no bug occurred.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 9:54 am
by Avarre
My friend experienced the same bug, but we have no idea what caused it.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 12:05 pm
by Quintessence
I had this happen to me once last month. It also happens every now and then during other Grand Master battles (mainly in the Krasarang Wilds) and normal wild pet battles.

It's odd and a bit irritating as the battle "ends" but my pets don't receive the end of battle heal, experience, and no one really wins/nothing's completed. I haven't been able to forcibly replicate it to pin-point what causes the sudden drop.

Edit: Tried to battle the DMF tamer this morning. Prematurely dropped 4 times in a row. Make that VERY irritating instead of just a bit.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 12:42 pm
by Cabadath
It is the same reaction as when you get attacked during a wild pet battle.
Everything just stops, and you are instantly pulled out of battle.
Perhaps someone inspecting me? Getting thrown out of battles until the other guy stops inspecting you, or just getting thrown out when someone clicks on the "inspect"-button?

I remember those bugs way back (and not so way back) where everyone in a zone sitting and eating/drinking was forced to stand up whenever something happened in that zone, such as a quest completion or whatever. Something like that happened in darkmoon as well (I might remember incorrectly). Perhaps it's something concerning this bug, where those thought-to-be-resolved bugs have arisen as bugs again after the pet battle system was implemented. But as it's only in darkmoon / master pet trainers as far as I understand from your reports, it's too inconsistent for this conclusion.

Strange bug. First time I experienced it though.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 12:49 pm
by Dash
Happened to me twice, only during pvp battles. The first one was especially frustrating after the looongest fight, with the only remaining pets being my crawdad vs a mecha pandaren dragonling using decoy. Gah, I really wanted that win.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 3:03 pm
by Delinda
I had it today. 3 times when using decoy ability of Zeppelin during the fight with the monkey. Really frustrating bug.

Re: Bug with Jeremy Feasel?

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 4:23 pm
by Quintessence
After 5 attempts and getting knocked out of the battle each time, I changed my pet team and did not swap to any pets during the battle until each opponent was dead. Only after I did this was I able to finish the battle.

So if you come across the bug, I suggest switching a pet or two first and hopefully that will do the trick. (I changed from the Darkmoon Zeppelin to the Clockwork Gnome.)