New to pet battles

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New to pet battles

Post by Pettraveler11234 » February 9th, 2022, 2:35 pm

I'm new to battles. My goal is to get the the celestial tournament if it's still payable. I have most of the store bought pets and more I have collected over the years. What's some good store teams? Can I just got straight to pandaria? Or do I have to battle my way through classic? Any tips or suggestions I'd really appreciate

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Gráinne » February 10th, 2022, 2:41 am

Welcome to battling!

Yes, the Celestial Tournament is still very do-able, and it's a great experience.

Store pets aren't especially useful there, though. I think the Pandaren Monk can be used in one of the strategies, but I wouldn't expect them to play a major role.

First of all, though, I see your highest level pet is 10, and you need to get at least one pet to 25 before you can even buy more 25s to use in the Celestial Tournament.

The fastest way is through the Draenor Garrison. You can get one instant-25 stone from there. There are other ways, but the Garrison is the fastest. I explain all the methods here: ... -25/278562
I follow that up with ... -25/279043 ... ter/286211 ... ris/279486

I actually wrote those for someone who was trying to get through the Celestial Tournament (and she did!) ... ent/278323

Once you have levelled a pet to 25, you can buy and learn more level 25s.

Look at ... Tournament for the set of pets you will need.

My estimate is that you can complete every battle in the game, except the Family achievements, with about 50 pets. The Celestial Tournament will take about 15-20 each week, with A LOT of overlap between the three rortating weeks, so you will want around 30 Blue Level 25 pets in total to complete all of the challenges.

If you are in a tearing hurry, you can buy a lot of the pets at the AH - not all, but a lot - but can get very expensive, so I hope you have some savings. :P There is no single team of three pets that is suitable for all battles. If you intend to buy your whole team, and you want to do all three weeks, ummm ... Xu-Fu's is showing that I would need 30 pets to do that with my collection, which is extensive, so figure something like 5K-10K each, with a few actually expensice ones like Sprite Darter Hatchling, so maybe 300K forthe lot, if you can get them already levelled to 25. If you can't, some battler might level them for you if you pay. The going rate used to be about 1K to level a pet 1 to 25. This might be a viable option for you if you have some of the necessary pets in the right breeds already.

Before you do anything, install these addons:
Rematch - lets you import or set up, and remembers your teams
Battle Pet Breed ID - shows you the breeds of pets
Pet Tracker - shows wild pets and shows cooldowns when battling

I honestly think it would be easier, as well as more satisfying, to buy what you can that is cheap, and then work your way up and capture some wild pets. Certainly, choosing and capturing and working towards the Celestial Tournament was the best time I ever had with pets.

Ideally, you would work your way through either the Kalimdor (Horde) or Eastern Kingdom (Alliance) tamers for Taming Kalimdor/EK, then follow the Taming achievements up through Outland, Northrend, Cataclysm and Pandaria, but given that you can now buy 25s, you might opt just to get your shopping list from Xu-Fu's and then capture only the ones you need.

I know that's a lot of information to digest in one lump. Please ask any follow-up questions you may have!

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Pettraveler11234 » February 10th, 2022, 8:41 am

Your the best! Thanks so much for that! I want to do the tournament for the celestial pets. I haven't got into battling and now I regret that after I seen those pets. So now this is my new project to do and work on . Really appreciate the info! I'm going to read through it and after work start on what I have to do!

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Gráinne » February 10th, 2022, 9:01 am

"I haven't got into battling and now I regret that after I seen those pets.

"Run! Run! NOW!
Oh, you saw the pets ...
Too late.":P

Really, you don't have to do it alone. Pet battlers are the friendliest people in WoW, always happy to help. and happy to give their opinion ... VERY happy to give opinions.:P

As bonus resources, here is a great video from Hazel that starts from scratch, so you will know much of it, but also contains many practical tips.

You can also join the Warcraft Pets Discord, where people will be happy to help

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Pettraveler11234 » February 15th, 2022, 1:20 pm

thanks so much for all the help! i got ALOT of help from a VERY nice woman. we hung out on discord for the entire morning yesterday! i beat all the trainers all the trainers up to pandaria. now im kind of lost... do i now continue to draenor? i got all my raiding with leashes achivements and my safari hat late last night. i wouldnt have got even this fare without her help! so whats next lol?

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Gráinne » February 15th, 2022, 3:25 pm

Ok, so you have your Safari Hat, which is kind of a graduation, so congratulations!

At this point, you can go many possible directions, and you can mix and match.

Looking at your collection, while you have more pets levelled to 25 now, you also still have a lot of pets you need to get to 25, so that's a thing. You have opened the Dailies in Pandaria, so those will be available for you to do every day. You will level a pet from 1 to 25 in - is it 4 battles now? - with the Safari Hat.

You should be offered the Pandaren Spirit Tamer quest ... irit-tamer so you can open those 4 tamers as well.

You can go to Draenor right now, and start on the tamers there. They give equal experience for levelling more pets.

You can see what tamers are up as World Quests in Legion. The repeatable tamers in Legion, which is most of them, also give the same XP to your levelling pet, and you can just stand there all day and repeat the process. Legion repeatable tamer levelling is the main engine for powerlevelling pets.

You can do the world quests in BfA and Shadowlands for Polished Charns and Marked Flawless Stones.

You can do any and all of these at the same time, and in any order. It's all about levelling more pets, and collecting more strategies that you can repeat with the tamers, and ofc more achievements. This is a huge guide to all the ways you can level pets: ... ling_Guide

And the pets you should make it a priority to level are the ones on the list.

Keep checking back with the Celestial Tournament page as you keep making progress. It won't be long until you have a roster that can hanfdle it!

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Pettraveler11234 » February 15th, 2022, 4:18 pm

I have over 8 level 60s and a few 50s so I just went to xufu with the tip of was given and went to bastion and did the cliffs of bastion on EVERY town possible. This helped me SO MUCH! I'm hooked on pets now I honestly never paid much attention to it until I seen the celestial pets I never knew about. Had I started years ago I'd of gotten them by now lol but I'm omw to it

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Gráinne » February 15th, 2022, 4:53 pm

Ayup, sounds like you got the bug. You have my sympathy! :P

Having lots of alts is a huge advantage for BfA/SL Charms, but also carries a risk of burnout. Keep an eye on yourself, and switch off when you feel it becoming a pressure or a burden. It's a marathon, not a sprint, so you don't have any timegates to meet.

Enjoy! And ask again if there is anything you need. :D

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Pettraveler11234 » February 22nd, 2022, 9:00 am

Last night I beat my first week. Some of the guides I read/watched on YouTube seemed out dated. Chi-chi was actually the toughest fight I had. I ended up using a voodoo figurine and a giant sewer rat. And it worked like a charm! So what I'm wondering now. Is how does tbis 10-12 week to get all the pets come in? After my 1st win do I not get the same amount of coins? Also on the upcoming weeks any recommendations teams?

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Gráinne » February 26th, 2022, 12:22 am


In the Celestial Tournament, each pet you can buy costs three coins.

Next week, you will get one coin for your win. You will need three wins to get three coins for each of the other three pets, so nine more wins in total.

As for future battles: ... Tournament
has all the strategies.

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Re: New to pet battles

Post by Edmuir » May 18th, 2022, 10:48 am

Not sure if the OP is still following this thread, but once you get a decent stable of 25s, leveling Alts via a combination of Pet Battles and Herbalism becomes very easy and I reckon just as fast (maybe faster) than questing. Bastion is really, really good for this. You can set up multiple Whelpling teams (Nexus and Stormborn) that crush the local wild pets in about 1 minute. From what I'm seeing, the XP gains are just as good as what your lowbies get (sub-Lv 50) in Panderia since herbalism adds a not insignificant amount of XP. The pets don't hyperspawn like the otters around No No, but they really don't have to since you're flying just a short ways to pick an herb or start a new battle. It is surprisingly fast leveling.

As for the CT, take your time and just enjoy it. I've been chipping away at it for ages and still lack one of the pets m'self.

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