Spawn of Garalon - Another Outlier?

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Spawn of Garalon - Another Outlier?

Post by Harpooha » March 22nd, 2019, 6:40 am

Looking at the gaudy health number of spawn-of-garalon, is this another outlier? I have tried to follow Grainne's math from a previous post, but I'm not sure I believe the number I'm coming up with.

I hesitate to call it OP, since that is a little hard for me to imagine. But that is a very high Health pool.

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Re: Spawn of Garalon - Another Outlier?

Post by Gráinne » March 23rd, 2019, 1:06 pm

It's a very high HP, but unlike the grotesque Hermit Crab and Boghopper, it does follow the rules. Its Speed and Power are both very low to compensate.

Health = ((BaseHealth + (HealthPts / 10)) * 5 * Level * Quality) + 100
Power = (BasePower + (PowerPts / 10)) * Level * Quality
Speed = (BaseSpeed + (SpeedPts / 10)) * Level * Quality

Working back, it's :

BaseHealth = 10.5
BasePower = 6.25
BaseSpeed = 7.25

Total Base Stats = 24

You can check that:

Health = (10.5 + (20/10)) * 5 * 25 * 1.3 + 100 = 12.5 * 125 * 1.3 + 100 = 2131
Power = 6.25 * 25 * 1.3 = 203
Speed = 7.25 * 25 * 1.3 = 235.625

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