Twilight thoughts?

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Re: Twilight thoughts?

Post by Drlambda » August 3rd, 2017, 9:51 am

Yeah, i'm kinda torn. I played it some more today, and the team i played on video (Dread Hatchling, Twilight, Frostfur Rat) literally has the second-worst w/l ratio of any team i got to over 10 wins at 10-6-1. It's a Darkness team with all the known weaknesses and a few ones on top of that (like critters being immune to stuns, and double humanoid movesets being bad against beast pets.)

I like the pressure Twilight alone can apply with DOT + stun, forcing your opponent to make an undesirable decision, but because of the (still lowish at 293) speed and only a very small toolbox that requires setup, i don't know if we will see a lot of them after the hype died down. It's nice that it butchers BS, possibly even stunning him the turn you proc his racial (which is exactly what i want to do to anyone playing BS :D ) and pretty strong against some others, so i called him a high tier 2 pet and still think this is true.

I see some room for improvement on the team and saved a few variants. Especially Widget and Nightshade Sproutling (which i don't have) look like very good ideas, but there is only so many matches with Darkness teams i can play before i have enough of that for a few days.
Last edited by Drlambda on August 4th, 2017, 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Twilight thoughts?

Post by Rosqo » August 3rd, 2017, 12:16 pm

It's synergy is cool with darkness and surge of light but those misses will be painful.

It will make it as the third pet on some darkness teams but it's not a stand out pet primarily due to its speed. It's weird that it's just quicker than the bs probably coincidence rather than Blizzard designing new pets to be viable vs the bs.

It's probably just going to be a pet that occasionally shows up in the queue once the hype dies down.

Probably give it 6/10

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Re: Twilight thoughts?

Post by Vakeetah » August 3rd, 2017, 7:54 pm

[ability]Twilight Fire[/ability] is neat. Even if it's not a good buddy for [ability]Conflagrate[/ability] and [ability]Deep Burn[/ability] due to its short duration, it deals great damage by itself. The problem? A 1 round cooldown, on a pet that has cooldowns on all other abilities. That makes it prey to the [pet]Bone Serpent[/pet] syndrome, and not just for the Darkness :P

I'm wondering if a DoT setup with [ability]Twilight Fire[/ability], [ability]Spore Shrooms[/ability] and [ability]Drain Power[/ability] could work? Not sure what it'd do with that much Elemental damage, if Mechs would still tear it apart due to being a Beast... but anything before going the Darkness route!
- Thanks to Paladance for the sig!

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Re: Twilight thoughts?

Post by Yehuda » August 26th, 2017, 6:46 pm

It's my new favorite pet.
Put it with [url][/url] and [url][/url] and I'm 74-12, and probably should have been better.

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