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Which Ruby Droplet To Give Away?

Posted: July 3rd, 2017, 4:40 pm
by Starshelle
My brother is only a casual pet collector and battler, but he helped me purchase some rare pets that I wanted recently, so I wanted to give him one of my extra Ruby Droplets as a thank you gift since I know he doesn't have that one in his collection. I have H/H and H/P and am trying to decide which one to give up. I do enjoy doing pet PVP occasionally and would like to do more of it, but I'm not sure which one would be better for me to keep for that purpose as I haven't tried it out for PVP yet. Any suggestions? Thank you! :)

Re: Which Ruby Droplet To Give Away?

Posted: July 4th, 2017, 4:38 am
by GrĂ¡inne
I did a survey of breeds people choose

Survey says:
Ruby Droplet, Total: 14, B/B: 1, H/B: 2, H/H: 4, H/P: 2, H/S: 5

And I agree with the winner. For PvP, that 289 speed might make the difference between getting your Bubble (or Dive? maybe) or Drain Blood off before you die, or not. 289 isn't super-speedy, but it's faster than the average 260.

Both H/H and H/P are 260 speed, so the difference is about health vs power. Thing is, you are probably running Drain Blood, and Drain Blood does not benefit from Power, so it comes down to Absorb. The difference between H/H and H/P on Absorb is 14 damage/healing. The difference in health is 177. So it would take 12 rounds of Absorb to make up the difference if you consider healing only, or 6 if you consider both.

On most pets, that would be a clear win for the H/H. Not many pets get 12 rounds of basic attacks, or even 9. However, the Droplet is a tank, and can hold out an ungodly long time as part of a healing team. So I'd say it's very close. If you're running it with a plan to swap it out to extend its life, or as a staller, the extra Power might pay off.

Summary: Between H/H and H/P, I'd prefer H/H, but the difference is very small, and depends on the team strategy.

Re: Which Ruby Droplet To Give Away?

Posted: July 11th, 2017, 4:53 am
by Starshelle
Thanks for the info! I guess will keep my eyes open for an H/S breed for myself and then when I get one, give both to brother most likely, one to keep and the other for him to resell.