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Legion world quests where?

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 9:19 pm
by Cheyrn
Will I get a quest at some point that starts world quests in legion, or do I stumble across them? I have finished TIny Terrors in Tanaan, and what comes before it, I think, in Draenor, Pandaria, Outland, Northrend and Azeroth

Re: Legion world quests where?

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 9:28 pm
by Quintessence
You need to be level 110 to unlock World Quests and the Broken Isles pet trainers. IIRC the unlock quest is a short quest chain that ultimately rewards the [url=]Flight Master's Whistle[/url].

If you've already accomplished this on another character and unlocked WQs, any 110 alts just need to meet with Khadgar in Dalaran and complete the quest that awards the Flight Master's Whistle.

After that, if you're still not seeing Pet Battle World Quests, check your world map and make sure tracking is turned on (I believe it's off by default). Click on the magnifying glass (upper right corner) and make sure Pet Battles is checked.

Hope this helps!

Re: Legion world quests where?

Posted: May 17th, 2017, 10:48 pm
by Cheyrn
Thank you. I think I'm not seeing quests because I haven't finished "Uniting the Isles'. I don't yet have Friendly reputation with Valarjar.