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Menagerie Daily XP Nerf?

Posted: December 23rd, 2014, 11:44 am
by Pry
I was battling Beakinator this morning and noticed I could 2 pet and carry so I swapped in a level 14 Mana Wyrmling. On the killing blow I noticed it only got ~400xp, even less then a battle in the wild would yield. I did not have a chance to repeat the test before leaving for work so I could not get any more data. I will try again once I am home but hoping someone has some info!

I know farming these has been a great way to level pets the last few weeks any chance it has been nerfed? Or hopefully just a bug?

Re: Menagerie Daily XP Nerf?

Posted: December 23rd, 2014, 11:53 am
by Kpb321
The EXP from Menagerie dailies are wildly inconsistent based on which fight you have that day.

I might be a little bit off on this but offhand it breaks down as the following.

1) Battles with 1 pet give less exp than battles with 3 pets.
2) Battles where you click on the enemy to start have a lower multiplier than when you talk to someone or click on a pole.

So if you have a battle with a single pet that you click on them to start the fight give horrible exp just like the BoF do. If you have 3 pets and you talk to someone/click a pole to start you probably get really good exp like the Pandaria tamers and spirits.

This topic comes up every couple days when one of the low exp combos comes up. Just wait till tomorrow and it'll be better.

Re: Menagerie Daily XP Nerf?

Posted: December 23rd, 2014, 12:00 pm
by Pry
Thank you for the info and sorry it seems as though my searching skills are lacking (just joined this forum.)

I was hoping something like this was the case. I never got around to doing the Celestial Tournament as I did not play in much in MoP and was hoping to use some of the menagarie dailies (specifically Jahan, Samm, and Archimedes on Dec 27th) to power level a team for it!

Thanks again!

Re: Menagerie Daily XP Nerf?

Posted: December 23rd, 2014, 12:05 pm
by Kpb321
It happens. It isn't always easy to find something even when you know for sure it is there. Here's a more detailed explanation from the local pet exp guru.