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Pet ability damage question.

Posted: October 9th, 2014, 8:01 am
by Zapzorz
Hi all,

I noticed today that an aquatic ability said it would do 569 damage on an elemental pet, but it did 561, leaving the pet alive with only a handful of health points, not that this was a big issue but it did make me wonder what makes the numbers be different/off? There where no buffs or debuffs on any of the pets.

Thanks in advance for any clarification/help.

Re: Pet ability damage question.

Posted: October 9th, 2014, 8:13 am
by Awq
The current variance of a hit is +/- 10%. This means that a hit will do 512-626 damage.
The variance will only increase in WoD.

Re: Pet ability damage question.

Posted: October 9th, 2014, 6:21 pm
by Jerebear
The variance on 95%-100% abilities will stay the same for WoD. For abilities that were 80%-90%, the variance you are talking about will go away and be replaced by a new type of variance. It may be more or less than what you see currently, but abilities will no longer miss (and technically the damage distribution model changed completely).

There are exceptions to the above rules, but they involve abilities that change hit% based on things like weather effects and debuffs. Those will keep the current variance as well.