Favorite Breeds?

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Favorite Breeds?

Post by Profane » June 25th, 2014, 11:22 pm

So, I'm leveling some of my pets, and for example I have TWO Lil Bad Wolves. I personally don't see the need to keep both so I was gonna sell one, but I'm not sure which I should. So I was wondering if we could start a thread about your favorite breeds? I think I saw one before that wasn't so specific as I wanna be....but here's my explaination.

Take a pet you play a lot, that has multiple breeds, and that you have PLAYED more than one breed. Just tell us which pet and which breed you prefer :D

I'm hoping someone says their preference on LBW because IDK if I should keep my S/S breed or my B/B breed.

But here's my contribution to the thread :D I use my Elfin Rabbit a lot for my dailies. I prefer the B/B breed over the S/B breed because I think 325 speed with the B/B is PLENTY of speed for it, and you get more power and health vs the S/B breed. I just think having 338 is just too much speed :)

Edit: OH and I can't choose between H/H and H/S for Menagerie Custodian.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Digem » June 26th, 2014, 11:05 am

Breed matters most in pvp pet battling and not so much in pve first off.
Secondly, breed matters in the moves a pet has and how one uses them.
I never much use my little bad wolf so I am not sure of its moves.
Does it have any attacks or stuns that say hit extra if goes first or stuns if goes first?
If so then want the fastest one a person can get to take advantage of these moves.
If not the the more power is the better choice , never hurts to hit harder.
Breed totally depends on the move base of the specific pet and how one will plan to use these moves.
Like say for a dragon for example if it has tail sweep that move hits twice if slower so one would want a slower harder hitting dragon if using that move. It also seems to crit a lot that move so if on a p/p dragon or a breed close to that can be a huge hitting move.
While other moves depend on the pet being faster to get full benefit of the move.
Like your elfin rabbit in pvp rather have the s/s spring rabbit with 357 speed making faster than almost most other pets but flyers with the buff.
Makes it so their dodge and burrow moves make pet unhitable for three moves which is nice in pvp to help win.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Profane » June 26th, 2014, 1:42 pm

I realize it has MORE to do with pvp battling, but I've not been so good at it so I gave my pve reference. If I had used a slower breed of Elfin rabbit for my team against the earth spirit daily I wouldn't beat it.

And I realize the breed depends on the moves, that's why I said for people to give their examples of their favorite breed of a SPECIFIC pet, not just in general like other posts.

LBW has a pounce spell, and then it has a counterstrike, so it would benefit from both. I haven't been able to use the pet much so that's why I was trying to see what other people prefer.

Apparently I'm not explaining this well since people aren't responding with their favorites so just nevermind.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Kpb321 » June 26th, 2014, 1:53 pm

For the LBW both Pounce and Dodge benefit from being faster than your opponent. Additionally Count Strike is rather awkward for the LBW. It has a cool down so you can't spam it and it needs to be slower to gain the bonus hit but the only other attack you could take with it is Pounce which needs to be faster to get your extra hit so it isn't a good combo. If you could take counter strike and claw together that would be better but you can't. Given that I'd say the s/s is clearly better and in your particular case b/b is just generally the worst possible breed.

For the MC I'd go with H/H of the two because he doesn't really have any moves that benefit from being faster and even as a H/S isn't particularly fast so may not be faster than his opponent anyway. I think I use a H/P normally because he's usually a big finisher with Shock and Awe and then Ion Cannon which benefits from power but I'm assuming the opponent will be dead from those big hits so doesn't really need more HPs.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Profane » June 27th, 2014, 10:17 pm

Kpb321 wrote:For the LBW both Pounce and Dodge benefit from being faster than your opponent. Additionally Count Strike is rather awkward for the LBW. It has a cool down so you can't spam it and it needs to be slower to gain the bonus hit but the only other attack you could take with it is Pounce which needs to be faster to get your extra hit so it isn't a good combo. If you could take counter strike and claw together that would be better but you can't. Given that I'd say the s/s is clearly better and in your particular case b/b is just generally the worst possible breed.

For the MC I'd go with H/H of the two because he doesn't really have any moves that benefit from being faster and even as a H/S isn't particularly fast so may not be faster than his opponent anyway. I think I use a H/P normally because he's usually a big finisher with Shock and Awe and then Ion Cannon which benefits from power but I'm assuming the opponent will be dead from those big hits so doesn't really need more HPs.
Ty kbp :) That's exactly what I was looking for :) If anyone else wants to contribute with any other pets that they've tried multiple breeds with? :)

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Luciandk » July 1st, 2014, 2:26 pm

Blizzard dropped the ball on properly explaining breeds ingame. Which is pretty sloppy, considering how important it is for pet performance.

But yes, theres no best breed. You have to take in account the ability set of the pet. What does the abilities play off?

Most however agrees that B/B is awful. But its a mistake to consider it reason to autodiscard a pet. In such cases where other breeds isnt available, its often the ability set that redeem a pet. For example [pet]Blossoming Ancient[/pet] using Ironbark, photosyntesis and sunlight. It is a truly, hideously strong combination that lifts up the pet in the upper tiers despite its B/B breed.

Or the S/B [pet]Clockwork Gnome[/pet]. It is one of the most used pets for many pve strategies against difficult trainers, as [ability]Build Turret[/ability] is just that good. Stacks extremely well with other abilities such as [ability]Call Lightning[/ability].

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Peanutty » July 1st, 2014, 5:07 pm

Aveia wrote:My favorite change was going from a H/S 322 speed rabbit to a S/S 357 rabbit on the earth spirit trainer above shrine. I used the h/s 322 speed rabbit for the longest time. But then I tried S/S 357, and it made that fight sooo much safer and faster for me. Getting the rabbit > 334 speed allows it to dodge the slime's early/harder hitting attacks. The rabbit can get the slime to about half hp without dying, and my second pet can finish killing the slime and solo kill rat. The second pet hits harder than the rabbit (plus I don't have to do another pet swap), so it makes the rest of the fight go faster. (Besides the fight taking longer, my 2 big problems with the slower bunny were: 1 My second pet would have to solo the slime. Sometimes the slime would win vs my 2nd pet if I had a miss or two, and then it'd kill the bunny - then I lose. And 2... was that I had to use the bunny to kill the rat, and I mess up the rotation sometimes- and if I did that once or twice, I'd lose. Neither of those are an issue for me now.)
For the same trainer I use a H/B Rabbit, which is a 305 speed I believe? I find the extra health to be helpful to survive the earth spirit and the speed is just enough to outpace both the earth spirit and the mole. I start with my carry pet, then swap to the Rabbit to kill off the earth spirit. Swap in my Mechanical Pandaren Dragon to take out the slime, then I swap back to the Rabbit and do the dodge/burrow rotation to finish off the mole.

Just goes to show, "favorite breed" really is subjective. :) Both strategies above work but are dependent on the stats of the Rabbit used.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Kpb321 » July 2nd, 2014, 1:37 pm

I do a s/s Grasslands Cottontail with a MPD for that fight and never have any problems. The Grasslands Cottontail has higher base str and lower speed so it's slower than the slime as a s/s. What I do is the attack, dodge attack till the Earth Elemental is dead.Then I swap in either the MPD or my carry pet if it's high enough level to survive the first hit. Assuming my carry took the hit it's Breath, Decoy, Breath till the slime is dead. You want the decoy to eat the second big attack and the dot so you have to time it right. Assuming I didn't miss the MPD will be at 100-200 health when the slime dies and the mole comes in. Then it's bombing run, breath, pass (he's under ground currently) die to the burrow and rez, breath and die to the rush. Bring in the Grasslands Cottontail and just attack. I don't even bother burrowing the rush because I have enough hps to survive on and he ends up doing almost as much dmg to himself and if something goes wrong I can just dodge/burrow any further dmg that I might take.

It really helps to have an add on that shows the CD on stuff so you can time the Decoy correctly.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Peanutty » July 2nd, 2014, 1:57 pm

Assuming I use the H/B Rabbit, the Mechanical Panderan Dragon and a carry pet (usually between lvl 8-16ish), this is how I do the fight:
1) Against earth spirit: Carry pet eats stun and first hit. Swap in rabbit and burrow. Flurry until the earth spirit tries to stun, then dodge, burrow, flurry until dead.
2) Against the slime: Swap in MPD. Decoy, bombing run, breath* until dead. (*The only thing that can screw me up is 2 breaths missing, but it's so rare for that to happen.)
3) Against the mole: If MPD is alive, use bombing run, otherwise bring the rabbit back in. It's now a guaranteed kill! When the mole burrows, use dodge. Flurry until the mole has 1 round left on stoneskin, then burrow. Flurry x 1, then repeat steps.

So the entire rabbit portion of this strategy requires just over 300 speed. The H/B gives you a bit of a buffer on the earth spirit, and the balance stat gives it a little more power than you'd get out of a H/S. A B/B would also be work in this same situation, you'd give up less than 100 health for a tiny bit more power. I used to run a S/B for this same strategy but the extra speed is a waste in this case.

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Jerebear » July 2nd, 2014, 8:03 pm

When I go the rabbit route vs the Thundering, I pair it with the Sen'jin Fetish (Voodoo Figurine also works). The Senjin Fetish so far has never failed me and has a 100% damage move so you don't have to worry about misses. You can basically Flame Breath the slime down and the undead round gives you extra room to make mistakes. Sometimes I even get lucky and can toss a Rot onto the last pet before I die and get back to the rabbit. I always had trouble with the MPD missing, so moving to the Fetish was refreshing...and it is just as fast a kill as the MPD.
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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Peanutty » July 2nd, 2014, 11:49 pm

I'll give the Senjin Fetish a try. Even though it really is rare that 2 breaths miss, it has happened, so I'd rather go with a "guaranteed" route if possible. Sometimes by making small adjustments you just find something that really clicks for you. :)

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Re: Favorite Breeds?

Post by Jerebear » July 3rd, 2014, 5:13 pm

As a note, with the senjin fetish, the rotation is usually very simple:

kill the elemental with your rabbit
swap to fetish on the round where the slime comes out
Flame Breath x4 and the slime is dead.

If the slime manages to miss an attack and your fetish ends up having it's undead round on the same round as when the mole comes out, toss Rot on the mole before finally dying. Bring in the carry pet, but immediately switch to the rabbit afterwords (don't worry, the carry pet will get EXP even though it didn't get an attack)

If the slime misses twice and you never get to the undead round, then just swap to the carry pet on the first round the mole is out (followed by immediately swapping in the rabbit in)
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