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Pet Farming Chains

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 6:52 am
by Naojirou
First of all, thanks for coming up with such an awesome site.
I have checked almost all parts of the forums and I have failed to see any similar idea so here I am bringing it up. Assuming people will show interest in it, it is gonna be something huge, thus will include some sort of rules which I will announce later.

It is gathering people on various realms on a Real ID chain so that whenever people occasionally see a rare pet of a particular breed, which they dont need, they can announce the pet on the real id broadcast and keep the pet busy if a member is interested. Once they come, the person seeing the pet can forfeit the fight and let the other capture the pet.
Also it can be used to visit other rather inactive realms to look for pets like Minfernal.

Please post your ideas about this, and if it sees some interest, we can start the engine.

Sincerely, Nao.