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Joined:January 31st, 2013
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Post by Lors » September 18th, 2013, 3:45 am

Hi guys,
I am looking to add some of the TCG pets to my collection but I want to be sure of what I am doing... dont want to waste my money and time for it!!

I've never played the wow TCG so I don't really know how it works. I believe I should be looking for unscratched cards only, right?
Does it matter if I play in EU if the card was from US? Maybe its a stupid question but shit happens!!

I would appreciate if you can advice about prices and recommended pets for duels :)

Thanks a lot in advance.

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Post by Jaladar » September 19th, 2013, 2:13 pm

Hi ya !

I have been collecting TCG loot since the beginning so I can help you out with a few answers.

The cards you are looking for are called "loot cards", and will have a gold scratch-off area at the bottom of the card. The game is coming to an end so finding these will become more and more difficult, but the last expansion has all previous loot cards available (I actually pulled a Spectral Tiger Mount out of a pack--I was in shock).

If you are looking at E-bay, I recommend buying unscratched cards as opposed to buying a pet someone else has available to sell in-game for real $$. The reason for this is that the card is a tangible item and is covered by Ebays fraud policies--I don't know that intellectual property (ie-a caged pet in game that would be traded) would be. This also prevents you getting a duped pet that could get taken away later by Bliz should they decide to do so. Some people offer to send you the code versus the actual card--I have done this but I try for the cards before I go this route.

As far as being in EU vs US, doesn't matter--when you enter the code it will ask what region you play in so as long as you do that part correctly you will be fine. Hope that helps and feel free to get with me if you have other questions about the TCG.


Joined:January 31st, 2013
Pet Score:4526
Realm:Dun Modr-eu


Post by Lors » September 20th, 2013, 3:43 am

Thanks a lot Jal, very useful answer!!

Guys, in your opinion, which pets TCG in terms of dueling are good and worth it? I bought a Sand Scarab yesterday and I am waiting for it, it will come from hong kong though so I need to wait :) I did this to test the seller but I would like to get some more and useful if possible!!


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