5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

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5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Bob850 » September 14th, 2013, 6:07 pm

I have run LFR ToT with my 6 90's this week and have yet to get a pet off a bonus roll. I asked in each raid to see if any one had better luck but they only won pets off the boss drop and not the bonus roll. Are you guys having better luck? Has any one got a ToT raid pet off a bonus roll (Ji-Kun Hatchling, Living Fluid,Son of Animus)?

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Azrile » September 14th, 2013, 6:32 pm

That is going to be terribly hard to verify. The drop rate is only 1%, even for the bonus roll. ( so basically 2% total).

I just don´t have the ummph to run old LFRs for a 2% chance at a pet I can buy for gold. To many semi-fun ways to farm gold without having worry about 24 others.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Bob850 » September 14th, 2013, 7:43 pm

I was waiting until 5.4 to see if I had any luck on getting them to drop off the bonus roll. I have the gold/ I can just buy them but wanted to actually get a pet drop. Seems all I've been doing is buying/ trading pets. Dont think I had to farm for a specific pet drop since cata when I was farming all the whelps and Hyacinth Macaw. Your right though, I do not want to spend my time running LFR on 6 diff toons when i can just buy them off the AH and go farm the new 5.4 pets. On the upside thanks to blizz, all my lvl 90 alts are now 500+ ilvl due to the Timeless Isle and ToT LFR. I can now enter the new SoO LFR on my alts when it comes out :D

*If any one does win a pet off a bonus roll let me know. Just want to know if they are dropping off the bonus roll.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Shiranui » September 14th, 2013, 10:08 pm

viscious horror still from normal or heroic only correct?

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Ligre » September 14th, 2013, 11:22 pm

That is correct, Tilo.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Azrile » September 15th, 2013, 12:11 am

Bob850 wrote:I was waiting until 5.4 to see if I had any luck on getting them to drop off the bonus roll. I have the gold/ I can just buy them but wanted to actually get a pet drop. Seems all I've been doing is buying/ trading pets. Dont think I had to farm for a specific pet drop since cata when I was farming all the whelps and Hyacinth Macaw. Your right though, I do not want to spend my time running LFR on 6 diff toons when i can just buy them off the AH and go farm the new 5.4 pets. On the upside thanks to blizz, all my lvl 90 alts are now 500+ ilvl due to the Timeless Isle and ToT LFR. I can now enter the new SoO LFR on my alts when it comes out :D

*If any one does win a pet off a bonus roll let me know. Just want to know if they are dropping off the bonus roll.
lol. I have been farming the heck out of timeless island.. basically all i´ve been doing since 5.4 I just gave up on those 1% dungeon drops. I transfered enough gold to Illidian that I can wait for the new ones to drop below 5k. Just not worth the aggravation of dealing with that much LFR. killing 5000 dancers is more my style.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Bob850 » September 15th, 2013, 1:47 pm

I just ended up buying the Ji-Kun Hatchling and Living Fluid for 5k each. I'm still looking for a Son of Animus. I cant really farm the Timeless Isle yet since there is so much lag. Thats the downside to being on a high pop server I guess. Hopefully next week it will be less crowded. Every time a rare pops up 10 sec later its gone (makes farming them difficult unless you camp a specific rare).

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Shiranui » September 15th, 2013, 7:38 pm

wow nice find - those are still going for 15-20k on my server

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Vakovlk » September 17th, 2013, 6:24 am

Only fast question - bonus roll drops are only in a specific boss? E.g. pygmy direhorn can drop ony from Horridon bonuss roll or from all bonus rolls?

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Quintessence » September 17th, 2013, 7:50 pm

Gibbus wrote:Only fast question - bonus roll drops are only in a specific boss? E.g. pygmy direhorn can drop ony from Horridon bonuss roll or from all bonus rolls?
I have't tried it yet, nor have I had a pet drop on a bonus roll yet, but I think each pet is still boss specific. Son of Animus from Dark Animus, Ji-kun Hatchling from Ji-kun, etc. If anyone has had any experiences other than this, please share!
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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Anasa » September 18th, 2013, 2:13 pm

Azrile wrote:I just don´t have the ummph to run old LFRs for a 2% chance at a pet I can buy for gold. To many semi-fun ways to farm gold without having worry about 24 others.
Since I've never seen but one Son of Animus on my realm's AH, I have no choice.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Azrile » September 18th, 2013, 10:42 pm

Anasa wrote:
Azrile wrote:I just don´t have the ummph to run old LFRs for a 2% chance at a pet I can buy for gold. To many semi-fun ways to farm gold without having worry about 24 others.
Since I've never seen but one Son of Animus on my realm's AH, I have no choice.
I feel ya. My server-faction is completely dead for pets. There are never raid drops, tcg or basically anything interesting. I only started really doing pet battles in March or so, but I quickly decided if I was going to do this seriously, I need to get gold on a high population server. Mostly what I do is just BMAH stuff on my server, then sell it on Illidian. For instance, very early on I won a Dragon Kite for like 40k.. sold it on illidian for 80k and was able to buy about all of the low-end TCG pets, a few raid drops etc... all with that one dragon kite. Since then, I have won a few rocket chickens and stuff.

The other thing I did was sell all my extra pandas and spirit pets on a different low-pop server where I had an 85 DK, who is now parked at the BMAH and occassionally wins stuff from that BMAH... all to sell on Illidian.

Since 5.4, I have been selling ALL of my timeless island stuff on Illidan, and will wait a few more weeks, and then buy them all back along with maybe some raid drops. Prices are dropping quickly on all this stuff.. some of them are dropping 50% in price every few days.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Sanzul » September 19th, 2013, 12:20 am

As I understood it, the bonus roll drop rates for ToT pets got buffed in 5.4. I got the Horridon pet from a bonus roll yesterday, but haven't gotten around to doing any other boss that drops pets yet.

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Re: 5.4 LFR ToT; are raid pets droping off bonus roll?

Post by Anasa » September 19th, 2013, 12:43 pm

Sanzul wrote:As I understood it, the bonus roll drop rates for ToT pets got buffed in 5.4. I got the Horridon pet from a bonus roll yesterday, but haven't gotten around to doing any other boss that drops pets yet.
No, what happened with 5.4 is that winning a pet became possible from a bonus roll. There was nothing about an increased drop rate.

Did you get the Horridon pet from a bonus roll on Horridon?

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