Pet Breed help...

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Pet Breed help...

Post by Malibu12s » July 2nd, 2013, 6:28 pm

First, I don't get the search on this site... Yes, "Breed" is a common search term, why should it be ignored? I'd rather it return a lot of results as opposed to none. Ignoring common words is for things like "at, is, it, the, etc..." I searched "What breeds are best to collect" and got NO results. Almost all my words were ignored. Doesn't make much sense to me.

So, with that said, I apologize if this is a duplicate post of another thread, i simply couldn't find it using the search that ignores almost everything you type in because it is "too common". (I mean no offense to those who built the site, but you might want to check into a better search option, if there is one. I rarely have luck searching the site, or forums and this is such an awesome site with lots of great info from great people!)

So here is the gist of my question: You can only have three of each pet, right? With more than three breed options, which is best to focus on acquiring? H/P, H/S, and H/H? Also, aside from coming here and looking (thanks for all the awesome tools you give us warcraftpets!) is there an easy way to find out if a particular pet has more than one breed?

I've read the breed info page here but I still have a few questions. Any additional info from a breed expert would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
Last edited by Malibu12s on July 3rd, 2013, 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Jadax » July 2nd, 2013, 7:11 pm

Every pet has its available breeds listed on its info page.

As for which breed is the best, it depends on the pet. Undead, for example, typically have very low base speed stats, so choosing a speed breed for an undead is usually going to be pointless as many pets you face will still end up having higher speed. Of course, there are exceptions.

Generally, look at the base stats and see how they compare to other pets that you are likely to, or want to, face with that pet. Then, look at the move set and see if it will benefit from additional speed/power/health. Remember that heals are affected by power, and that racials will also affect your decisions.

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Cdeveau » July 2nd, 2013, 7:18 pm

I'm no expert, but I will offer this 2 cents. The breed all depends on what you are doing with the pet, and with the team.

Someone help me with the # of unique pets that are collectable. It know it's over 500.

So now, ask yourself this. Is this pet just to round out your collection, or are you going to battle with it? For a collection purpose, breed schmeed.

On the other hand, if you are battling with it, what are the other two pets you're using to accompany said pet. Is it a speed team, is is a switch team? And what types of battles? PVE or PVP?

Once you know that, you can determine best breed for your pet. Hope it helps.

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Ril » July 3rd, 2013, 1:30 am

just to give a few examples...

if your pet has healing abilities that depend on your damage, go with maximum power. for all sorts of defensive abilities like dodge, burrow, block, and CCing abilities like stuns, speed is king. on the other hand, apart from the obvious better-if-you-go-last abilities, there are a few less obvious spells like reckless strike which are much better at lower speed due to being hit one less time with the debuff up. never forget about the scaling with hit points as well: the humanoid bonus is stronger at higher HP, the magical bonus is better at lower HP. that brings me to the racial bonuses, they have to be taken into consideration as well. the undead one for instance prevents the loss of the last round (when your pet dies), so you don't have to bother with speed much unless you have specific abilities that require high speed (death grip comes to my mind).

of course, everything is limited by the actual breed choice of a given pet. if you get to choose between SB and HH, for a pet that benefits most from power, the HH one is probably still the better choice than SB despite the slightly higher power, because you just lose so many stats and don't get much out of the speed.

so all in all, take time to look at the pet's family and spells. usually i just look it up as i go. in many cases, there are several similar kinds of pets (think roaches), you can vary the breed a bit this way.

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Kring » July 3rd, 2013, 2:20 am

Malibu12s wrote:First, I don't get the search on this site... Yes, "Breed" is a common search term, why should it be ignored? I'd rather it return a lot of results as opposed to none. Ignoring common words is for things like "at, is, it, the, etc..." I searched "What breeds are best to collect" and got NO results. Almost all my words were ignored. Doesn't make much sense to me.
Just use google:

Code: Select all what breeds are the best
Google is better then any forum search engine to search in a forum. This is true for every forum.

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Gromagrim » July 3rd, 2013, 4:45 am

Hello Malibu,

There's a few things to consider with breeds, I'll link you to a post I made about choosing the best for your pet at the end of this.

It's worth noting though that about half of the pets only come in a single breed. This makes it a lot easier. Also, a lot of the wild pets, or more common pets (e.g. kittens, snakes etc.) All have identical movesets, but the best breed might not be available to all of them.

For example, Oozes - a popular strategy with these is to use two DoT attacks which increase damage taken by the enemy, then use absorb to both injure the enemy and heal the ooze. The best stat for this was Power, as it increased both the damage doen and healing gained. At the time there were three oozes with the required moveset - Disgusting Oozeling and the wild pets Oily Slimeling and Jade Oozeling. Only Jade Oozeling was available in breed 4 (Power/Power) so it became the favourite ooze.

Here's my link on choosing the best breed for a specific pet; Clicky!

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Poofah » July 3rd, 2013, 1:03 pm

If you want something really long, try this old post. But the gist of it is: yes, power is generally best; but, it is very valuable to go first, if you can do so by beating their speed by a small amount. This is especially true in PvE, where you know the tamer pets' speeds and can trump them by as little as possible, and even more true when you or the tamer pet has an ability that is stronger when going first (a good example is the thundering pandaren spirit).

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Re: Pet Breed help...

Post by Malibu12s » July 4th, 2013, 3:48 pm

I appreciate all the responses! You all have given me much food for thought. thanks!

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