Battle Pet checklist

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Battle Pet checklist

Post by Remescao » December 31st, 2012, 1:36 am

So, I've been working on getting blue versions of all the wild pets, and to help me do that, I needed a checklist. At 500 plus pets, that's a bit of a list to work with, so I came up with another idea; a list of all zones with pets, with a double check space for each. The first check says "I have one of every wild pet in this zone", and the second check says "All in blue".

It's kinda information dense, because it tracks zone names, by continent, expansion, experence levels, & pet levels.

I have it in what I think is near a final form, so I'm asking the Warcraftpet community to kick it around for a bit and see what they think. I can't post my google docs pdf because I haven't started enough threads, so I'll copy in here. Orginal format is two pages with two columns.

--- Page 1

(Key: 1 check=all Battlepets; any quality /
2 check=perfect blues / Zone /
Expansion / [xp lvl] / <pet lvl>

Northern Kalimdor battle pets
[ ][ ] Azuremyst Isle-tbc[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Exodar-tbc[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Durotar-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Ogrimmar-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Teldrassil-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Darnassus-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Bloodmyst Isle-tbc[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Darkshore-classic[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Azshara-classic[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Northern Barrens-classic[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Ashenvale-classic[20-25]<6>
[ ][ ] Stonetalon Mts-classic[25-30]<7>
[ ][ ] Felwood-classic[45-50]<13>
[ ][ ] Winterspring-classic[50-55]<14>
[ ][ ] Moonglade[Sanctuary]<16>
[ ][ ] Mt Hyjal-cata[80-82]<22>

Southern Kalimdor battle pets
[ ][ ] Mulgore-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Thunder Bluff[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Desolace-classic[30-35]<9>
[ ][ ] Southern Barrens-classic[30-35]<9>
[ ][ ] Dustswallow Marsh-classic[35-40]<10>
[ ][ ] Feralas-classic[35-40]<10>
[ ][ ] Thousand Needles-classic[40-45]<11>
[ ][ ] Tanaris-classic[45-50]<13>
[ ][ ] Un'goro Crater-classic[50-55]<14>
[ ][ ] Silithus-classic[55-60]<16>
[ ][ ] --Temple of Ahn'Qiraj-classic!![55-60]<16>
[ ][ ] Uldum-cata[83-85]<23>

Northern Eastern Kingdom battle pets
[ ][ ] Eversong Woods-tbc[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Silvermoon City-tbc[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Tirisfal Glades-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Undercity-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Ghostlands-tbc[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Silverpine Forest-classic[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Hillsbrad/Alterac Mts-classic[30-40]<6>
[ ][ ] Arathi Highlands-classic[25-30]<7>
[ ][ ] Hinterlands-classic[30-35]<9>
[ ][ ] Western Plaguelands-classic[35-40]<10>
[ ][ ] Eastern Plaguelands-classic[40-45]<11>
[ ][ ] Isle of Quel'Dana-tbc[65-70]<20>

Southern Eastern Kingdom battle pets
[ ][ ] Dun Morogh-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Ironforge-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Elwynn Forest-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] *-Stormwind-classic[1-10]<1>
[ ][ ] Loch Modan-classic[10-20]<3>
[ ][ ] Westfall-classic[10-15]<3>
[ ][ ] Redridge Mts-classic[[15-20]<5>
[ ][ ] Duskwood-classic[20-25]<6>
[ ][ ] Wetlands-classic[20-25]<6>
[ ][ ] Northern Stranglethorn-classic[25-30]<7>
[ ][ ] Cape of Stranglethorn-classic[30-35]<9>
[ ][ ] Badlands-classic[45-48]<12>
[ ][ ] Searing Gorge-classic[48-50]<13>
[ ][ ] Burning Steppes-classic[50-52]<14>
[ ][ ] --Blackwing Lair-classic!![49-60]<15>
[ ][ ] --Moltencore-classic!![49-60]<15>
[ ][ ] Swamp of Sorrows-classic[52-58]<15>
[ ][ ] Blasted Lands-classic[54-58]<15>
[ ][ ] Deadwind Pass-classic[55-70]<16>
[ ][ ] Twilight Highlands-cata[84-85]<24>
[ ][ ] Tol Barad-cata[85]<24>

--- Page 2

Oultand battle pets
[ ][ ] Hellfire Peninsula-tbc[58-63]<16>
[ ][ ] Zangarmarsh-tbc[60-64]<17>
[ ][ ] Terrokar Forest-tbc[62-65]<18>
[ ][ ] Nagrand-tbc[64-67]<18>
[ ][ ] Blade's Edge Mts-tbc[65-68]<18>
[ ][ ] Shadowmoon Valley-tbc[67-68]<19>
[ ][ ] Netherstorm-tbc[67-70]<19>

Northrend battle pets
[ ][ ] Borean Tundra-wrath[68-72]<19>
[ ][ ] --Coldarra-wrath[68-72]<19>
[ ][ ] Howling Fjord-wrath[68-72]<19>
[ ][ ] Dragonblight-wrath[71-74]<20>
[ ][ ] Grizzly Hills-wrath[73-75]<21>
[ ][ ] Zul'Drak-wrath[74-77]<21>
[ ][ ] Sholarzar Basin-wrath[76-78]<21>
[ ][ ] Storm Peaks-wrath[76-80]<22>
[ ][ ] Crystalsong Forest-wrath[77-80]<22>
[ ][ ] *-Dalaran-wrath[77-80]<22>
[ ][ ] Icecrown-wrath[77-80]<22>
[ ][ ] Wintergrasp-wrath[77-80]<22>
[ ][ ] --Naxxramas-wrath!![77-80]<22>

Pandarian battle pets
[ ][ ] Jade Forest-mop[85-86]<24>
[ ][ ] Valley of the Forest-mop[86-87]<24>
[ ][ ] Krasarang Wilds-mop[86-87]<24>
[ ][ ] Kun'lai Summit-mop[87-88]<24>
[ ][ ] Townlong Steppes-mop[88-89]<25>
[ ][ ] Dread Wastes-mop[88-89]<25>
[ ][ ] Vale of Eternal Blossoms-mop[89-90]<25>

Maelstrom battle pets
[ ][ ] Darkmoon Faire-cata[Sanctuary]<1-10>
[ ][ ] Deepholm-cata[83-85]<23>

-classic = Vanilla Wow Zone
-tbc = The Burning Crusade
-wrath = Wrath of the Lich King
-cata = Cataclysm
-mop = Mists of Pandaria

(-Expansion!! Raid with pets)
[* = City]

Edited to add that Moonglade is a Sanctuary & put MoP in the Index.
Last edited by Remescao on December 31st, 2012, 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Breehit » December 31st, 2012, 4:22 am

This is a great idea..I like the dual column format. However, for me, I need a list of pets by name, so that I can hunt for the ones I do not have. The Warcraft Pets site has this kind of list, by zone, but it does not yet track the quality of one's pets. Your format would be very useful, if you would expand it to include the specific pets by zone.

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Quintessence » December 31st, 2012, 5:13 am

A list to help track what you need is a great idea, and it looks like you've got a great one going. Here are some suggestions for other things you can add to your list if they're something you'd like to pursue:

- alternate colors (if you're looking for specific colors)
- specific breeds (if you're seeking ones that have specifically weighted stats)

Sidenote: WarcraftPets plans on adding a feature in the future that shows the quality of your pets. So you'll be able to track which pets you can upgrade along with which ones you still need and what levels/zones they come from. :D
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by GormanGhaste » December 31st, 2012, 8:37 am

I think this list is definitely useful, I'm always having to look up what zone would be an appropriate level for the pets I'm currently leveling. I like that it Doesn't have pet names, as I always look up the zone in my pet journal to see the rarity of my pets anyway.


Leave off the character levels for each zone, and just use the pet levels.

Make sure the pet levels for each zone are accurate. For instance, you have Burning Steppes down as 14, Warcraftpets has it down as 15, but when I went there yesterday, the pets were level 15-16.

Combine the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor into one list. I don't want to have to scroll through two (or in this case, four!) lists to see all the zones of a similar level. You could always label each zone with its continent, if desired.

I suggest leaving the raid pets off the list, as the checklist seems to be all about wild pets and their rarities.
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Remescao » December 31st, 2012, 3:28 pm

Ah, well the reason I don't have any pets listed, is that I use Nulberri's enhanced pet journal addon. I have it set to sort by level in descending order (highest first), with the 'list only pets in current zone' option checked.

So how it works is I decide I'm pet hunting, I look at my list and see I'm not done with Krasarang Wilds, for instance. I fly there and look at my journal. That shows the pets I have, and the ones I don't and their quality. I have one of every thing at least in green except the sumprush rodent and wandering festival pet. Okay I can't get those at the moment, so what else? I need a savory beetle, a luyu moth, and a mei li sparkler in blue, and those become my current goals. With my journal set up like it is, it shows the zone to zone pet completions, so all I need to track is if I'm done with the zones.

It also makes it easier to modify the checklist if they add new pets. No modifying needed if they add a pet to a zone already on the list, and if they add a new raid or dungeon or whatever, you add it to the list.

If I need the whole list, I just uncheck the 'by current zone' option and I have it. Simple.

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Remescao » December 31st, 2012, 4:07 pm

GormanGhaste wrote:Suggestions:
Leave off the character levels for each zone, and just use the pet levels.
I hunt pets with several of my characters and even my lowbie level 12 goblin or panda could fight Pandaren pets if they wanted too... and if they wouldn't get murderized by every wandering mob in a ten mile radius. I have it there to remind me that I don't really want to take my 20 something pally into a end level classic zone that's 50ish. It's a reality check. =)

And even though the Raid pets aren't Battle pets, I list them to remind me that I still need them, eventually.

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Remescao » December 31st, 2012, 4:36 pm

Combine the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor into one list. I don't want to have to scroll through two (or in this case, four!) lists to see all the zones of a similar level. You could always label each zone with its continent, if desired.
I designed it like that at first, but then deliberately broke the old continents into North and South parts, because it helps me to have a local group to focus on and not the whole continent. The way I'd do it was for hunting rare spawns in the lower Eastern Kingdoms, I'd start in Stormwind, then taxi to Booty Bay to check if it's raining on Jageuro island for baby apes, then taxi to Nethergarde to check on Scorplings (finally got one... but it's green), stop by Karazhan to fight the tamer, then fly to Darkshire and taxi to Iron Summit and look for a blue molten hatchling... and just work my way up the continent's zones to the natural division between Wetlands and Arathi. Kalimdor wasn't so obviously divided so I just picked Mulgore as central and went across from there.

I hunt in regions (like Outlands/Northrend, etc), and dividing the classic continents geographically like that helps me to quickly check for the rare spawns in a region in what seems to me to be an efficient manner.

It wouldn't take too long to cut and paste them back into an intergrated continent order, low to high as I originally had it.
This works for me, copy it into your favorite text editor and rearrange it how you like.

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Re: Battle Pet checklist

Post by Humbelle » January 3rd, 2013, 10:25 am

I created an Excel spreadsheet to track pets, level and rarity and breed ID and a short version of their source (i.e. drop, achievement, pet battle, etc). On Warcraft pets, I can print a list that shows the pets that I have collected (which also gives their source and zones). On Pet Search, I can print a list of every pet I have and their breed IDs and levels. But neither site let me track rarity (which is one of the things that I wanted to track).

I'd be happy to send a copy of the file to anyone who wants it or if enough people are interested, I will upload it and provide a link.

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