Jingles (Winter Veil)

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Jingles (Winter Veil)

Post by Rioriel » December 26th, 2020, 7:28 am

Go get your gifts from Greatfather Winter, or whatever the silly Horde version is. Usual stuff, but a brand-new pet this year Jingles. At time of writing he wasn't showing up in the journal, but is being recognised here and Xu-Fu as being in your collection. A +25 level stone (the 60 charm ones) wasn't targetting it ("invalid target"), but it levelled just fine through battles.

Gotta love bonus week. Two fights in WoD Outland (Ashlei, Veshar) and done!


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Re: Jingles (Winter Veil)

Post by N0083rp00f » December 26th, 2020, 11:51 pm

As for the default name of [unknown] the quick solution is to rename him.
I named mine Jingles but if you hit the default button the name will change back to [unknown].

/Begin rant
It is really sad that whatever intern was given the job for doing this was either too rushed or lazy to do it right and no QA to check before going live.

I blame Admin for killing off QA and making dumb decisions to pad their paychecks.
They should be shipped off to china since they love that place so much.
/end rant

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Re: Jingles (Winter Veil)

Post by Rosqo » December 27th, 2020, 3:19 am

The issues could be because they managed to keep this secret until the day it was released. I'd 100% take the odd trivial bug if they manage to keep doing this in the future.

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