Gold to polished pet charm exchange

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Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Prairiehamster » December 14th, 2018, 5:38 am

I have a lot of gold, but I don't have a lot of polished pet charms to get the pets I want and they're rarely listed on the AH where I have my character with the gold!

It's easy for me to buy an AH pet and cage it on a character on any other server, so I was thinking of doing pet exchanges that way for pet charm pets while I save up for my pet portal!

I was wondering what a good exchange rate would be? Like what's reasonable for a 200 charm pet like the saurolisk hatchling or any of the other charm levels like Ben'fon?

EDITED: to change it to polished
Last edited by Prairiehamster on December 14th, 2018, 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gold to shiny pet charm exchange

Post by Gráinne » December 14th, 2018, 6:10 am

You should probably work out what the exchange rate is likely to be for your local servers.

The Undermine Journal will suggest averages.

For example, Saurolisk Hatchling is a 200-charm pet.
suggests the pet is hardly seen on your registered server, but
is running around 60K on Sargeras and 60K-80K in the US generally

200 charms for 60-80K -> 300-400 gold per charm.

Similarly Lil' Ben'fon is a 300 charm pet going for 80-100K => 250-350 gold per charm. I'm guessing the higher value ones are getting less gold per charm because they're hard to sell.

So 200 gold per charm is likely the best value you will see, and up to 400 gold per charm. Rates will fall, as people get more charms and start specifically buying pets for sale, so if you're willing to wait, you can save gold.

But, as always, the pet market is irrational. Local conditions may vary enormously, so check your server.

(And BTW, it's Polished charms now. Still a sore point for some.)

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Prairiehamster » December 14th, 2018, 6:34 am

Ah man! I knew I was undervaluing when I was initially gonna offer 20k.

Thank you! That gives me a good idea of what to offer.

I also edited my post with the right name for the charms, I had them mixed up.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Peanutty » December 14th, 2018, 4:50 pm

It really varies wildly between servers. I've been charging roughly 100-125g per charm, depending on pet. Pets with some sort of restriction like rep would be more valuable in that you have to grind rep for them.

I want to actually sell pets, not have to relist them over and over. I see pets listed at 200g+ per charm and they just don't move very fast.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Tekulve2018 » December 14th, 2018, 7:51 pm

Just a note...
There are complications in attaching a strict value to polished charms. Some 75 charm pets sell for a high price (15-20k)and yet the Accursed Hexxer (500 charms) can be obtained for 56k atm on stormrage (obviously more on some realms).

Also, people with smaller collections might covet their own polished charms to upgrade pets to rare or to speed level a pet. This doesnt affect AH values other than it slows charm spending down..thus less charm pets flood AHs, keeping prices relatively high.

With people running many alts, repping up and doing pet quests daily..charm pet prices will naturally lower within the next month or so I would guess.

Good luck collecting though

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Prairiehamster » December 16th, 2018, 2:37 pm

I guess a good rule of thumb would be to just see what someone wants in exchange, instead of a strict value system.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Harpooha » December 16th, 2018, 4:54 pm

My home server tends to be expensive for pets. Over the course of time, I have set up alts on different servers to take advantage of relatively cheap pets or to buy a breed I want.

It takes a little time, but selling pets or mounts can build enough gold so you can buy what you want. The tricky part is getting the initial money to be able to post auctions. One way to do this is buy a guild tabard and send it to your alt. Then the alt can vendor it for start up cash.

After that it's just a matter of selling duplicate pets. Pets from raids, island expeditions, warfronts or even the garrison will sell if priced right. Just remember that you're not trying to get the best price for your spare pets.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Mehetabel » December 17th, 2018, 6:20 am

Harpooha wrote:It takes a little time, but selling pets or mounts can build enough gold so you can buy what you want. The tricky part is getting the initial money to be able to post auctions. One way to do this is buy a guild tabard and send it to your alt. Then the alt can vendor it for start up cash.
Buying a WoW token is another option. I did this recently as my home server is rubbish for AH pets. I have an alt on the most populated EU server so bought/sold a token there and have been slowly picking up some pets, for good prices, that I don't even SEE on the AH on my home server.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Prairiehamster » December 17th, 2018, 7:14 am

Yes! I just had this experience as my last hurrah oh Doomhammer after getting Lil' Tarecgosa from a guild that was letting me rent them.

Pets that were almost 2000 on Scarlet Crusade were only 150 on the AH!

I went from 32 to 29 in my server rankings just from going nuts with my celebration and how cheap the pet prices were.

I might leave that character on Doomhammer a little longer...

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Digem » December 18th, 2018, 7:25 am

Prairiehamster wrote:Yes! I just had this experience as my last hurrah oh Doomhammer after getting Lil' Tarecgosa from a guild that was letting me rent them.

Pets that were almost 2000 on Scarlet Crusade were only 150 on the AH!

I went from 32 to 29 in my server rankings just from going nuts with my celebration and how cheap the pet prices were.

I might leave that character on Doomhammer a little longer...

I would leave that alt permanently on that server. It is a good idea to have an alt on a high population server to pick up pets at good prices. I have one on area 52 horde side for that exact reason and find pets that are never on my main server and usually at great prices. If I don’t like the prices I try to whisper seller privately to get better prices as most just want to make a sale

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Salus » December 18th, 2018, 3:18 pm

Digem wrote:I would leave that alt permanently on that server. It is a good idea to have an alt on a high population server to pick up pets at good prices. I have one on area 52 horde side for that exact reason and find pets that are never on my main server and usually at great prices. If I don’t like the prices I try to whisper seller privately to get better prices as most just want to make a sale

Area 52 is great for buyers; Illidan is also a good choice, but I find Ragnaros to be consistently cheapest. I guess Latin American players don't do pets.

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Re: Gold to polished pet charm exchange

Post by Prairiehamster » December 18th, 2018, 8:25 pm

Area-52, you say? Maybe an auction character is going to appear on there soon. I always loved that server name.

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