Openraid runs for ToS meta for micronax

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Openraid runs for ToS meta for micronax

Post by Nagini » September 30th, 2017, 3:39 pm

I'm not sure if you're allowed to point people towards other sites, but for those people that aren't actively raiding but are looking for micronax, usually has a few runs on there for the ToS meta. I personally run with Neall a lot for other achievements, and he helped me get my micronax tonight.

Openraid is essentially a site where you sign up and link your toon to an account, and after that you can join or make groups for various WoW content. It used to be very popular, but lost some of its relevance with the release of the improved ingame groupmaker/finder. However, it is still very usefull to plan and gather players for more coordinated achievements, such as meta runs or for example Herald of the titans, which requires only lvl 80 toons.

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