I'm like an Unborn Val'kyr magnet!!!

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I'm like an Unborn Val'kyr magnet!!!

Post by Abbotta » June 25th, 2017, 10:11 am

or maybe folks just aren't looking for them as often. But while I was doing midsummer fire festival I found FOUR Unborn Val'kyrs. I also found good homes for 3 of them - I hate for them to be so lost roaming around worried some critter might devour them for lunch. The 4th one I messed up - Blizzard must have changed it that if you click on a battle with an UBV and then forfeit the fight they run away.

Oh and to the one person out there who was an idiot. That person begged me to let him/her know if another UBV came along to whisper them. That was the 3rd one. But then they were like 'Is it rare, I don't have a stone to upgrade so only collecting rares'. Yo dude if I look at it in battle it will run away when I forfeit so then there isn't any. I put them on ignore and went the the next person - and btw it was a rare.

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Re: I'm like an Unborn Val'kyr magnet!!!

Post by Gilneas » June 25th, 2017, 11:55 am

I believe they upped the spawn rate at some point once it was no longer the new hot, rare thing.

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