Prices of pets dropping on AH?

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Prices of pets dropping on AH?

Post by Natalies_pets » July 18th, 2016, 11:45 pm

Hello, my fellow pet enthusiasts! I'm new to these forums but have been lurking around for a couple years. Has anyone notice the prices of pets dropping dramatically? Maybe it's just my server(Area-52), but I noticed it on my alts' other servers too. For instance, Spectral Tiger pet is now going for 50k. It used to be 500k and up. The Timeless Isle pets are getting really cheap. The Fox used to go for 24k, now it's 5k. Anyway, anyone notice this too, or know why the price drop? I know the pre-patch drops tomorrow but I don't see how that would affect the prices on some of these pets.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Prices of pets dropping on AH?

Post by Dolz » July 18th, 2016, 11:49 pm

My guess would be that with a lot of folks taking a break before the patch that there wasn't as much demand. As far as the Spectral Tiger I believe it is a TCG that's been dupped.

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Re: Prices of pets dropping on AH?

Post by Uduwudu » July 21st, 2016, 9:15 am


The prices HAVE to drop. The going forward and getting money is going to take way too long, and no one is going to be able to spend 50K on anything, and those game farmers, will either leave or swallow it.

I'm of the opinion that NY standard of living is not good for folks in 75% of America, for example, and jacking up the prices, simply because that's what NY'rs pay for it, doesn't mean that someone in Needles, AZ is going to buy it, or ever be able to get that pet, unless they are lucky!

That discrepancy, in my thoughts, is harsh, and also hurtful to the game as a whole.

I would rather see a game where it takes your ability and knowledge to play, rather than ... you have the best champagne in your closet and drink it online while rehearsing your Olympics speech!

This last part, was proved, by a guy in Mithaniel Marr server in EQ, when he posted numbers from a serious of Bard games, and PvP situations, and after all the numbers, the only thing that he could show you, was that ... the richest and best dressed, won. And he thought that was unkind, because one guy that did not beat him, he admitted, was far superior, and threw everything at him, to try and surprise him, and get him to make a mistake. So, if the game "rewards" you for playing and doing so well, THAT'S ACCEPTABLE, but the other way, is by selling and making money, that you sell on the Internet for $5 to %10 dollars for 100 or 1000 Gold. Which, OF COURSE, just doubled and triple in price, because Gold is now a difficult proposition, unless this is Blizzard's way to FORCE you to go to the Expansion, which was what they did on this last expansion with the Jungle.

It's tricky stuff, and I do think that knee-jerk reactions by Blizzard are not necessary, and they could have fixed things by dropping it 10% or 20%, but to kill it all to 5 Copper, is downright malicious and pathetic. If you only have one character or two, and do not have a Potion/Elixir maker, you will not be able to buy it. This was similar into the 60's (10 some years?) and caused me to get a 2nd account so I could make my own and not have to scamper to have food and drink for the next raid! Now you know why I have 2 accounts, still.

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