Lost In The Deeps

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Lost In The Deeps

Post by Guest » June 17th, 2015, 12:55 pm

As of this moment, I realm hopped to look for "Into the Deeps" to work on getting Pebble. I found the quest and informed the guy what he had on EmeraldDream. He changed the description in premade groups / custom to say what he had there. Go, run hurry or if you have a friend on that realm tell them too. Hope everyone see this in time. :D ;) Good hunting
Last edited by Guest on June 24th, 2015, 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Into The Deeps

Post by Sibi » June 17th, 2015, 1:55 pm

I have it listed....for the time being for Alliance.


Re: Into The Deeps

Post by Guest » June 23rd, 2015, 6:58 am

I just wanted to confirm a couple of things about the quest "Into The Deeps" to obtain Pebble.

Although you may look and do not see the quest on your realm, all is not lost. Currently I am 5/10 on the quest and 4 of those have been by realm hopping. I stand at the quest giver while I join various groups under Group Finder / Custom Groups. There are many folks that open their Garrisons for traders, Kura and other things that will give you a chance to look for a realm with the quest. 8-)

Every time I have found the quest, the group I was in was in raid mode. As you may or may not know, you cannot complete quest and get credit in a raid group. Not to worry, pick up the quest and leave the raid. It will take you back to your home realm. Even with the quest not being on your realm, it will allow you to complete it and turn it in on your realm, as if it was there all along. :)

Many folks have said they have been trying for months to get this done, I have completed 4 in 7 days. It did however take between 2-4 hours total per day to locate the quest, so it may be time consuming, but it is not impossible. Good luck to everyone who is after Pebble. :D


Re: Lost In The Deeps 6/24/2015

Post by Guest » June 24th, 2015, 9:18 am

I can confirm that the quest is up today on Dalaran / US :D


Re: Lost In The Deeps 6/25/2015

Post by Guest » June 25th, 2015, 11:22 pm

It took me a while today, if you can get a group in group finder of have a friend there, I got the quest just now from a group on Ragnaros. You will need to get it and complete it before your reset Friday if you want another chance then. :)

It took me about 5 1/4 hours total to locate it, so my pain is your gain. hahaha :lol:


Re: Lost In The Deeps 6/30/2015

Post by Guest » June 30th, 2015, 6:08 pm

Found the quest by realm hopping on Shadowmoon. :D

Well my pet battle friends I completed 10/10 and have Pebble, after I level him I will update my info on here. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent in the last two weeks realm hopping to finish, but realm hopping was the key. Best of luck to everyone getting this done. :)

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Re: Lost In The Deeps

Post by Africanleopard » July 2nd, 2015, 7:05 pm

I am 7 out of 10 from when Cata was relevant- how do you guys/gals realm hop? It would be sooo much easier if some-one could check on a their realm and post on wowhead or something....Like they have the menagarie battle pets up... :idea:

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Re: Lost In The Deeps

Post by Nagini » July 2nd, 2015, 7:50 pm

You realm hop by going to the LFD/LFR window (press i) and going to custom groups. To realm hop, its as easy as finding any group that will take you and joining them, it will phase you to a different realm shortly after you join. There will often be multiple groups up specifically for that.

Rarehunting also can be done by hopping/checking other realms, and so can finding Erris if she's not up in your garrison.
However, not everything is different from realm to realm. Many things in the garrison, such as which petbattle(which pets are used) is up for erris/lio/whoever the horde person is are not different between realms so changing realms or garrisons would not change that.


Re: Lost In The Deeps

Post by Guest » July 2nd, 2015, 8:42 pm

Africanleopard wrote:I am 7 out of 10 from when Cata was relevant- how do you guys/gals realm hop? It would be sooo much easier if some-one could check on a their realm and post on wowhead or something....Like they have the menagarie battle pets up... :idea:
What I did was go to and sit in front of the quest giver. Then I would go to Group Finder / Premade Groups and first look for folks listing their garrisons. After you join, it will take a minute or so for you to transfer to their realm. Be sure you write down the ones you try so you do not waste time going back that same day. :geek:

When you find the quest "Lost in the Deeps", accept it. Remember, if the group you found it in has been converted to a raid group, you cannot complete the quest. Not to worry, as soon as you get the quest and it is in your quest log, you can leave the group and you will see a greyed out ? above the quest givers head. This means you can complete it and turn it in on your realm now. ;)

Best of luck to you, hope you get it completed soon. :)

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