I took a long hiatus from the game shortly after Cataclysm launched (or whichever expansion/patch renovated Orgrimmar and had the big Deathwing dragon randomly popping up and scorching the zone), and now I am trying to catch-up on the raid-specific pets that drop from Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar. I am aware they are potentially available at the auction house, but the prices being asked for them, when they do appear, are fairly ridiculous (from a collector's standpoint, anyhow).
Since LFR no longer allows pick-up groups for pre-WoD dungeons, I have been forced to try to form groups via chat announcements or the custom legacy raids feature available in group finder. The results (mostly lack of interest in revisiting "old content") have been pretty dismal.
Do any of you petaholics know of a better way, or perchance a place to find scheduled runs of the older dungeons? I'd love to get some of those unique-looking pets, and don't mind repetitive legacy runs to do so. Heck, I would not even mind starting/hosting a regularly scheduled Warcraftpets run (or two) if enough people were interested (but I would initially need some help/advice with any boss mechanics that might pose issues to 'flex-raid' low attendance groups).
Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
- Kel
- Posts:457
- Joined:March 12th, 2014
- Pet Score:4788
- BattleTag®:TerribleTim#1747
- Realm:Ravencrest-us
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Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
You can form your own group for just about anything now using the "Premade Group Finder" tools -
I'd start there.
I'd start there.
HayWire Motorsports
Tacoma, Washington
Tacoma, Washington
Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
Great site for player hosted events, especially when you're looking for something to fit your schedule.
Great site for player hosted events, especially when you're looking for something to fit your schedule.
Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
Theres plenty of tot nm and hc soo groups in legacy tab in LFG. Remember, you are not limited to lfr.
Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
also remember it may take some time. It took me 45 minutes to get a 4 man normal ToT group together today using the premade/Legacy Raid tool. So if they don't come running to down old content right away don't worry, eventually you'll find someone 

Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
As I said in the original post, I've been locked into some pretty horrible raids with the raid finder that either don't finish, don't know what they are doing, spontaneously disband, etc. Pretty much a lose/lose situation since it locks you out of doing other runs in the same dungeon for the remainder of the week. So, in my experience, I usually only see 3-4 bosses, and only get 1-2 potential pet-dropping bosses if I'm lucky. I was just seeing if there were any more like-minded pet collectors that might want to make a more consistent effort of it.
Thanks for the suggestions. In the long run, it may just be less painful to farm the cash for AH purchases than try to get successful PUG legacy runs.
Thanks for the suggestions. In the long run, it may just be less painful to farm the cash for AH purchases than try to get successful PUG legacy runs.
Re: Legacy Raids for Pet Collecting
You have a few other options though,
First is to continue using the group finder, but note those people you worked well with. Exchange BNet IDs and run with those people.
The second is to get in on XMog runs that seem to be fairly common.
Third you can solo any raid before MoP and a few of the MoP raids. Remember, they are going to automatically scale to 10 man difficulty so boss health will be lower than LFR instances.
I am not saying it will be easy, or even fun at the start. I know I made the mistake of joining an alliance group for some legacy raids here from the forums. I was treated so inconsiderately I will never do it again(with those people) and I will be far more cautious if I were to ever raid old content with forum members, but that has much to do with play style. When I raid content I expect the other raiders to gave actually looked at the content before, know the mechanics, show up on time, and not have to beg for an invite. I send out invites starting 10m before the scheduled time. 5 minutes before schedule I send out summons if available, at time I pull. If you are not there, see you next week. Miss 2 weeks with no response? I drop you from the invite list. Sign up as a healer and you don't heal? I switch you to dps. Don't dps? Dropped.
First is to continue using the group finder, but note those people you worked well with. Exchange BNet IDs and run with those people.
The second is to get in on XMog runs that seem to be fairly common.
Third you can solo any raid before MoP and a few of the MoP raids. Remember, they are going to automatically scale to 10 man difficulty so boss health will be lower than LFR instances.
I am not saying it will be easy, or even fun at the start. I know I made the mistake of joining an alliance group for some legacy raids here from the forums. I was treated so inconsiderately I will never do it again(with those people) and I will be far more cautious if I were to ever raid old content with forum members, but that has much to do with play style. When I raid content I expect the other raiders to gave actually looked at the content before, know the mechanics, show up on time, and not have to beg for an invite. I send out invites starting 10m before the scheduled time. 5 minutes before schedule I send out summons if available, at time I pull. If you are not there, see you next week. Miss 2 weeks with no response? I drop you from the invite list. Sign up as a healer and you don't heal? I switch you to dps. Don't dps? Dropped.