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Posted: February 27th, 2015, 9:02 am
by Sukari
Hi - Which, if any, of the raids for RWL3 can be soloed by lvl 100? Thanks!

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 9:15 am
by Poutinette
all of them.

easily, and since the mobs are level 70, you can walk right past them and they won't aggro much.

The Mount Hyjal thing can be a problem with the flying mobs if you are a melee, but I think if you aggro them, they come to the ground.

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 10:09 am
by Morlis
Yep all super easy now. I did it with 3 different classes and none of them had any trouble. People were soloing this content during Mist of Pandera.

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 11:09 am
by Buruan
Trivial to solo at 100 for any class.
Soloable fairly easily at 90 by any class.

For Hyjal, if you have the choice, chose class with good AOE capabilities. I flew through Hyjal on my 100 Priest (Mind Sear), but took quite a bit longer on a 100 Pally.

Sunwell / BT was the exact other way around. Much easier for Pally than Priest.

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 11:18 am
by Cahlyn
I took my lvl87 DK for a last desperate attempt at BT pets, and was perfectly easy. Not sure if it would be the case for a squishier class but it shouldn't put people off from trying!

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 11:23 am
by Sukari
Thanks so much! I know what I'm doing this weekend :)

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 27th, 2015, 12:00 pm
by Killerkarl
They are all trivial at level 90.

Re: RWL3

Posted: February 28th, 2015, 5:07 am
by Kendrah
Sukari wrote:Hi - Which, if any, of the raids for RWL3 can be soloed by lvl 100? Thanks!
You shouldn't have any problems with them. Hell, I've been making stabs at soloing MoP raids with some success (yay for being an hunter!) I've run my level 90s+ through and haven't had a problem. I remember I did have some problems back in MoP (when they let us raid solo) but most of them were mechanics so if you do die (and that's normal, as some of the mechanics can kill) then look more to that end instead of your chara being too weak. For example, the last boss in BT, after he jumps up in the air, you have (or had?) to stand near his daggers else you'd take really high ticking damage OR if you're a class with a pet and the boss does MC of some kind, you can't have your pet out. They changed it so that with one person the MCs don't go out but pets are considered two.

I think they nerfed them a lot, though. You can now kill the first boss in Sunwell without it resetting itself. So, in short: all of them. They're fun to solo anyway. Awesome transmog.

Re: RWL3

Posted: March 1st, 2015, 9:33 am
by Tiggindy
FWIW, I've soloed BT (curse you reliquary of the lost! :x ) with a level 87 druid in half heirlooms, half dungeon drops (ranging from ilvl 155 to 316). It wasn't the slowest run that I did.

The slowest was my level 91 holy paladin with a 630 BS weapon.

So, yeah, all these places are easily doable by 87+, probably slightly lower depending on gear.