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Sort by "wanted" and "% of community collected"?

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 4:52 am
by Tyrindor
I want to start collecting the least rare pets that I haven't collected yet. I figure that's the best way to start towards 600 pets. However, seems to be no way to filter by "Wanted" and "% of community collected" at the same time.

Best way to go about doing this? Thanks.

Re: Sort by "wanted" and "% of community collected"?

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 8:31 am
by Chibimage
Here is an interesting graph by Global population of pets collected:

They have mounts too and xmog sets, it's kinda cool :)

Re: Sort by "wanted" and "% of community collected"?

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 9:41 am
by Worgenbait

This is also a good site. Make sure your profile on Guildox is updated, go to this site, and punch in your character (since I honestly don't know how to get to the initial page for it, it's set to my own at the moment). This will show the pets and mounts you are still missing set to an order showing what everyone else has. It isn't showing the new pets yet, and for some reason glitches on the Pandaren turtle mounts, but otherwise gives you a good reference for what you are looking for.

Re: Sort by "wanted" and "% of community collected"?

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 10:38 am
by Tyrindor
Thanks guys.