5.1 Pets

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5.1 Pets

Post by Malanade » November 27th, 2012, 3:44 pm

Have any of them actually spawned on anyone's server yet? The Harpies, Infinite Whelps, and Nexus whelps are currently MIA and I haven't gone to check any of the other areas. Yet. :(

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Quintessence » November 27th, 2012, 3:47 pm

I've only checked the Harpies and Lofty Libram, and didn't see any in either location. This might just mean players have already gone through and cleared them all out, though. Or these pets are set on the new spawning timer, so they won't be up in clusters right after server restarts/maintenance. Let's hope they're not Minfernal 2.0 >_<
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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Malanade » November 27th, 2012, 3:50 pm

I'm going to cry if they're the new minifernals. I'm just now talking to a dwarf who just got 'one' cogblade but that's it. Weird part is he said they all despawned.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Jestah » November 27th, 2012, 3:55 pm

I was on right as the servers came back up and checked both the harpies and the infinite whelplings to no avail. I am going to just assume that they are on the new spawn timer myself.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Lowbrowdeluxe » November 27th, 2012, 5:52 pm

Just now checked for Sumprush Rodent after checking for Kun-Lai Runt, no luck on either, although I noticed that Spiny Terrapin seem to be going way further up the river (all the way to valley) than they used to. Or maybe I just never paid attention before.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Diva » November 27th, 2012, 6:16 pm

No dragonkin in coldarra :( flew all over the place looking, it was the one i wanted most. >.<

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Moozipan » November 27th, 2012, 8:59 pm

I found a Kun-Lai Runt.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Blessaidlee » November 28th, 2012, 1:08 pm

Im having the same problem on Argent Dawn... cant find ANY wild pets no matter where I go. Im gonna cry too! Ive camped them and nothing! I reported it to blizz just in case. Ive noticed others saying where they found them. I disabled all of my addons thinking that was the reason I wasnt seeing them since they were out of date. Ugh

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by DragonDai » November 28th, 2012, 1:21 pm

I have seen at least one of almost all of the new pets. I haven't seen a single book or infinite whelpling, and I haven't looked for the two new ones in Pandaria yet. I have looked for all the others and found at least one...most of the time...exactly 1, over many...many hours spent checking. The only pets I found multiples of when I went looking was the harpies and the yetis. I searched most of yesterday and for several hours this morning on VERY low pop servers (where there is often a minfernal or two running around) with basically no luck. This leads me to believe that on a scale of 1-10, with 7 being MF and SW, ALL of the new pets fall somewhere between a 6-10 in rarity, with many of them being FAR more rare than SW or MF (due mostly to the fact that the area they can spawn in is super tiny). So now instead of having 2 super duper rare pets, blizz has kindly given us 13 new ones.

Isn't it fun to stare at your screen and do nothing for hours at a time just so that when that 1 pet spawns you can be there to find out it's a poor? I know I love the new "exciting pet battling action" that is taking place thanks to all these new pets!

EDIT: So I just read this on MMO champion. It's a blue post...

Patch 5.1 New Pets
The new pets are on fairly long spawn timers, and are randomized (i.e. will not spawn on server restart). We've confirmed they have been spawning on some realms, so just keep an eye out!

Is "some" realms rather than all the realms working as intended? Which special realms are these so I can go make alts on them?
They're random, so they're not going to spawn on every realm at the same time. So yeah, working as intended.

So it seems that they are only spawning VERY rarely with REALLY long spawn timers on SOME realms and not on others! HOLY CRAP! If this means what I think it means, I rescind what I said above and will, without a doubt, say they are all 10s on the rarity scale listed above making them WAY more rare than SW or MF...holy crap!

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Imthedci » November 28th, 2012, 3:14 pm

Here's what I found out about the new pets.
General - None of them appear to be secondary pets, so it's a waste fighting everything in the zone trying to get one.

Kun-Lai Runt - They spawn on the central mountain range (The area between Shado-Pan Monestary, Winter's Blossom, One Keg, Mogu'shan Terrace and the Peak of Serenity). If you just fly around this area and battle (or kill) every pet you run into, they will spawn (ran into a large number of them).

Anodized Robo-Cub - In and around Everlook. Haven't seen one myself, yet... Although I did learn that if you kill all the mechanical critters in and around Everlook, they take about two mins to respawn and you might find a robo-bear.

Lofty LIbram - While there weren't any around the Crater last night, I got lucky this morning and found a lone book flapping around (poor, but I take what I can get).

No sign of Harpy Younglings or Infinite Whelps when I looked in their respective areas though.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by NathKnave » November 28th, 2012, 4:21 pm

I haven't gone out looking for all the new pets yet, just two.

I found the Fluxfire Feline right outside of Gnomeregan. I can't say as to its rarity however, I found one right away and it was rare(!) and I didn't stick around.

The next one I went after was the Harpy Youngling. I got to the Dry Hills (northwestern part of Northern Barrens, where the harpies live) and found several spawns waiting for me. The first one I battled was uncommon, so I nabbed that. I battled all the spawns that were there (there was another person there doing the same), and it took several minutes for more to spawn. I didn't think it was ridiculously low or anything, I would battle one, and 3 to 5 minutes later another would spawn. After 30 minutes or so, I captured a rare and left.

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Re: 5.1 Pets

Post by Gilneas » November 28th, 2012, 4:28 pm

I found most of them successfully last night in a 2-3 hour span flying around. In some cases I had to fly around at the location for a few minutes, in others I just got really lucky and flew directly to one on accident (hi, Harpy Youngling). The only two I could not find (well, three, counting the rodent from Krasarang) were the Fluxfire Feline and the Stunted Yeti. I did just miss out on the feline this morning though.

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