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Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 2:24 am
by Tipperscales
Tipperscales... time to help your [pet]Ruby Sapling[/pet] become a full fledge Guardian. :lol:
Amhaa, get your [pet]Snarly[/pet] to 25, gator gota eat.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 4:10 am
by Bellababy463
Bellababy, level that Pandaren Earth Spirit

well my [pet]Pandaren Eart Spirit[/pet] is ready to rock and roll at 25

Tipperscales your [pet]Core Hound Pup[/pet] Want to be big and tough to help you protect the team so get him up to snuff :lol:

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 4:36 am
by Rioriel
Been a while since I got involved in this. I usually level one a day to 25, and just random /roll which family and pick the first one I like the look of - but some inspiration is always good!

@Bellababy463 'Tis the lunar festival, your [pet]Enchanted Lantern[/pet] should shine brightest!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 7:37 am
by Wadester
Hi, just trying out the catch that pet forum . If i have this right i name a pet and the post above mine catches it /levels it to 25?
if im wrong on that please let me know . Roiriel it sounds like your very active and have a lot of pets ... how bout the corehound to 25?

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 8:03 am
by Jdnight
Janitor wrote:[profile]Jdnight[/profile], your [pet]Singing Sunflower[/pet] really wants to grow big and strong to help beat the nasty zombies.
My Singing Sunflower has now sang his way to level 25, took a little longer than wanted but he is there. Now for Wadester, your Venus is named after a Goddess, make it level 25 to accomplish its namesake.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 10:49 am
by Rodasi
My Darkmoon Zeppelin is all leveled up and flying high!

[profile]Jdnight[/profile] I challenge you to CATCH a blue [pet]Fluxfire Feline[/pet] and level it up to 25! It is a fun pet to have!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 30th, 2014, 11:53 am
by Bellaboosh
Rodasi! Your [pet]disgusting oozeling[/pet] has seen his big brothers and wants to be just like them! Get him up to 25! :D

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 3:24 am
by Bellababy463
Enchanted Lantern should shine brightest!

Well my [pet]Enchanted Lantern[/pet] Is finally shinning as bright as the sun at 25!!!

Bellaboosh your [pet]Lil' Tarecgosa[/pet] wants to be big and strong like her namesake!!! ;)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 12:23 pm
by Principa
Tipperscales wrote: Principa, your [pet]Lunar Lantern[/pet] is feeling the season, and wants to glow bright.
Oh shoot... I just realized that I leveled my [pet]Festival Lantern[/pet] instead of my Lunar Lantern... heh. Is that still a pass?

[profile]Bellababy463[/profile], I love that you've named your [pet]Pandaren Water Spirit[/pet] "Guysier"... level him up and let him [ability]dive[/ability] right into your favourite battle pet list!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 7:43 pm
by Undeadgoat
[pet]Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon[/pet] is level 25 and burninating your magic lamps!

Amhaa, I have to say I'm frankly jealous of your pet collection! Level that [pet]Droplet of Y'shaarj[/pet], see what shiny new 5.4 tricks he has up his sleeve! ;)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: January 31st, 2014, 8:35 pm
by Wadester
ok jdnight Venus it is and ill do it with no hands :-) update venus got to lvl 21 and i ran out of gas but first thing this morning she is walking to the top

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 9:22 am
by Arrianrhod
Lexy wrote: Arrianrhod! ... You have a super cute Gu'chi Booger but at level 1.
Booger busted out some moves and made it to 25.

[profile]Wadester[/profile] your [pet]Core Hound Pup[/pet] is feeling unloved, get him to 25 :)

and I see a few people have been skipped so [profile]Principa[/profile] your [pet]Darkmoon Hatchling[/pet] would love to go out and play and [profile]Undeadgoat[/profile] your [pet]Darkmoon Monkey[/pet] would like to join in the 25 party.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 2:06 pm
by Lexy
Arrianrhod wrote:
Lexy wrote: Arrianrhod! ... You have a super cute Gu'chi Booger but at level 1.
Booger busted out some moves and made it to 25.

Hahah awesome! I also got my Lashtail Hatchling to 25, i never knew how cute he is with his shiney blue eye

Arrianrhod, next up for you is Mopsy

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 5:01 pm
by Lakestone
Beana wrote: Lakestone, Your Zalandari Anklerender keeps biting my ankles!!! I think that's a hint he wants 25!
Hopefully she stopped biting your ankles now when she hit 25 :)

[profile]Lexy[/profile], seems like your [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet] wants to be more toxic ;)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 6:47 pm
by Lexy
[profile]Lexy[/profile], seems like your [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet] wants to be more toxic ;)
ahhh more power to the toxic pets, all done )

Ok Lakestone you should get that Terrible Turnip up to 25, he is terribly sad that he is only level 1

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 7:07 pm
by Faithhealer
Haevlyn wrote:
[profile]Faithhealer[/profile] - Let's return this thread to it's original intentions. I challenge you to catch an [pet]Emerald Proto-Whelp[/pet] and level a rare one (whether you catch a rare or stone it is up to you!) to 25!

I simply can't believe you don't have this awesome pet yet. It's my go-to pet in almost all wild pet battles.
After months of searching I actually found one of these rare beauties. I nearly gave my husband a heart attack I was so excited. So caught, rare, and 25 one emerald proto-whelp.

[profile]Lexy[/profile] we meet again. I believe it may be time for you to do some digging. I've heard rumors there are [pet]crawling claw[/pet]s out there. I think you need one.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 7:49 pm
by Lexy
[profile]Lexy[/profile] we meet again. I believe it may be time for you to do some digging. I've heard rumors there are [pet]crawling claw[/pet]s out there. I think you need one.
argh you are touching a sore spot ;) all i have been doing for the past months is digging and digging and digging. I wont give up, i already spent 4 hours of digging today! its eluding me, but it will be min someday :)

and while i go back digging i challange you to upgrade your Fuzzy Twinle Toe Dragon and get it to 25 :)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 8:19 pm
by Renjah
It's been a while but my pets are 25 and I am ready to level more now :) [profile]Lexy[/profile] should you chose to level a pet while in search of your crawling claw why not make that cute [pet]Wind Rider Cub[/pet] max level :)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 1st, 2014, 8:51 pm
by Beana
My Windrider Cub is Lifted up to 25 :)

Renja, simply because he's rare and hard to get anymore.... Your Netherwhelp demands to be 25 :)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 12:08 pm
by Yumehayla
Back from hiatus, and my Tiny Snowman, Crow and Adder are all 25!
Beana, your Cenarion Hatchling yearns to be big and strong!

Three pets for me, please :)?