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Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 12:49 pm
by Poofah
Don't feel bad -- it's really tough to gauge the true value of a pet so early into the patch. I snapped up the first Droplet of Y'Shaarj I saw for 65k, since I assumed it'd be similar to Viscous Horror. Oops! Apparently it dropped in LFR even though it wasn't supposed to (this has been hotfixed since, but the supply already got a big boost). It was a calculated risk that I don't feel bad about, even though I came out on the losing end. I took the same sort of risk on Viscous Horror in 5.3 -- I jumped on the first one I saw, and I came out ahead on that.

Pet values are absurdly volatile -- they swing wildly based on new content and hotfixes (and cheats such as duping, sadly). Anyone tried to buy a Darkmoon Zeppelin lately? Those things quintupled in value on my server(s), presumably from the celestial tourny and lil Oon. At least that could be anticipated though. The price fluctuations with stuff like Spectral Tiger Cub, Droplet and Frolicker are much more frustrating. It's obvious there was a hotfix to Scary Sprite spawn rate and health, but there was no warning and there's no official statement about it that I can find.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 1:06 pm
by Peanutty
I'm glad to hear of the hotfix - this is closer to how it should've been from the start. Granted I did get one before the hotifx as a gift from a guildmate who was helping me camp (and I was afraid to ever summon it on the Isle because I didn't want people crying at me), but now I can repay the favor.

LOL! While typing this the crystal popped up in front of me. 3 Scary Sprites and the pet dropped as well. Guess I'll be paying that favor back a lot sooner than expected!

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 1:45 pm
by Evellynne
I got one earlier and dpsed until 10 sprites spawned, I was shocked, since I've done this event everyday and have only seen one spawn! and the pet dropped too!! Now to continue farming for my pocket heals one :D
I was so happy!

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by Poxx
Managed to kill 4 scary sprites today on my dk (blood in dps gear), 230k-ish dps overall (still stuck with a crap 510 weapon). Most scary spirits I ever managed to spawn as well. No pet though, as all the island rares seem to hate me so much they refuse to drop it.

Got the STR/Cleave trinket in SoO today, will see tomorrow if it helps (should with the mass pulls you can make).

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 26th, 2013, 9:40 pm
by Hootstwo
Well, having not seen this thread since the apparent buff to drop rates, I just bought one on Proudmoore, it was 40k on AH and I pounced on it as quickly as I could (given that the others that had been listed up this point were in the 250-400k range!) I'll be interested to see just how much (and how quickly) the price comes down.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 3:14 am
by Mizix
Oh for the love of God, thank you Blizzard! Now it feels like I can actually farm it. Of course, I will be unlucky as always (80 Leafmender's kills later, still no pet... Spirit of Jadefire doesn't like me much either) and never see it, but I may give it a decent farming session now =)

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 3:24 am
by Index
Got mine last night!!!! Did it on my best geared toon(510ish level, casual FTW!!) and despite getting 13! sprites to spawn, no pet. Thought I'd give it a bash on my 500level DK, only got 5 sprites up but finally got the pet. Let out such a cheer, got some funny looks off the wife :D

On a side note: also bagsied [pet]Pierre[/pet] last night, after slacking making the bars :)


Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 7:38 am
by Nomadking
I spawned 10 sprites today on my Blood DK (ilvl 525) simply running around the tree blood boiling like a madman and letting my diseases do most the work killing stuff for me, and simply focusing the Elites a little with my main attacks. Never even came close to dying, and much easier on a tank character than any of the others I've tried so far! :)

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 8:50 am
by Laraven
so I watched a warrior do the crystal this morning...6 scary sprites spawned, he got two pets off them. He gave me one, and sold me the other one for 1k. Complete random person.

I did this one two toons, first I got 3 to spawn, and second time i got 4, No pet off either.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 9:14 am
by Yaafm
Just came to post somthing odd this morning. Did the Purple crystal before work and had FIVE scary sprites spawn, also they were not elite, no dragon around the boarder. Dont remember if they were elite before, but I found them rather easy to kill.
No pet but maybe there was a change ofsome sort, never had 5 spawn.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 11:28 am
by Gilneas
Did it a couple times today. Spawned 7 the first time (no pet), and did really bad the 2nd time by dying early and only spawning/killing 2.... but got the pet. :P

Expected it to be a little harder than that, but its good that they listened to the feedback.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 12:27 pm
by Azrile
It really is a neat event though. running around crazy spamming aoes and then trying to target the angries and burn them down before time runs out.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 3:34 pm
by Zython
Yaafm wrote:Just came to post somthing odd this morning. Did the Purple crystal before work and had FIVE scary sprites spawn, also they were not elite, no dragon around the boarder. Dont remember if they were elite before, but I found them rather easy to kill.
No pet but maybe there was a change ofsome sort, never had 5 spawn.
Even stranger? Despite no longer being elite, they STILL give credit for the path of the mistwalker quest.

Anyhow, really should have traded/sold mine when I had the chance, but I certainly understand the necessity for the change and welcome it.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 9:48 pm
by Yellowlab
I did this just now, after the hotfix. I got 4 Sprite to spawn, but someone ganked me during the event again. I was so mad, but when I got back to my corpse, I looted the pet! So I was instantly un-mad.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 2:50 pm
by Imthedci
The crystal seems to spawn much more frequently now. It used to be once an hour, now it seems to be once every 15 mins. or so. Also there seems to be a lot more Scary Sprites spawning each time. :mrgreen:

Update: I'm not sure how it was before, but since Tuesday, I'm noticing that you can only use the crystal once a day.

Re: Any Scary Sprite insights?

Posted: October 3rd, 2013, 11:27 am
by Shiranui
Scary Sprite now deals 40% less damage and should spawn slightly more frequently.