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Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 8:03 am
by Bix
Neolarva wrote:EU serve :

Hi, I can let you in my guild to get the pet.
I'm on a french serve : Les Sentinelles.
Guild name : Et resurrexit legend
Horde side.

We also have Tarecgosa and the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent. Sadly we don't have the boar.

I don't ask for anything in return. Just come and grab the pet ^^

You can add my battletag => neolarva#2332 or ask to a guild member to guild you, they can.
(once I invite you, I'll remove you from my battletag list)
Thanks a LOT to Neolarva and their guild. Hard to find an EU guild in the flood of nice US offers, but this one made my day! I got a very quick invite, and even 300g in my mailbox, it's SO nice. As an additional flavor, being a native French speaker myself, I was in my element :)

After 3-4 hours guild-rep grinding with 100% bonus tabard (I hadn't played the post-cataclysm Orc newbie quests, they're quite cool, I even read quest text !), made very easy with heirloom stuff (insta-kill each mob lol), I got my Deathwatch Hatchling!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 2:00 pm
by Guybrush
Yup, completely true. I also wanna thank neolarva#2332 and the guild Et resurrexit legend on the French Server Les Sentinelles (RP) - horde side// for the offer to recruit members that are looking for the Deathwatch Hatchling Pet!
And also for the gold I received in the mail to buy the Pet!!
Levelers can still use the Chauffeured Hog to race around, get the rep boost from Renowned Tabard, and all kinds of heirlooms for the head, neck, shoulder, back, chest, legs, rings, trinkets and weapon - to make it an easy experience. (If you collected them ofcourse.)
DMF has also a few rep boosts if it's up and you are looking for more rep bonuses.

Cya around! Greetings, Guybrush // Pethereicome
"And now the Rep-Grind starts!"

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 25th, 2016, 3:14 am
by Waflob
A big dollop of gratitude to Mitze and the guild XIS.
Got the pet and, if it's ok with you, would like to keep the char in the guild. If this causes too much unwanted bloat, please let me know - I'd like to put something in the guild bank before any farewells are bid.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 26th, 2016, 1:47 pm
by Xederya
Just wanted to give a huge thank you to Shinii and Pet Peeves on Zul'jin for letting my (most recent) hunter Deadxed join along with my husband so we could get the Deatwatch Hatchling. It was fun starting over with nothing (except heirlooms, a tabard and a mount :D) on a server where there are lots of people!!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 29th, 2016, 5:23 am
by Mitze
Waflob wrote:A big dollop of gratitude to Mitze and the guild XIS.
Got the pet and, if it's ok with you, would like to keep the char in the guild. If this causes too much unwanted bloat, please let me know - I'd like to put something in the guild bank before any farewells are bid.

You are more than welcome to stay :)

On a sidenote, we got the meta mount now if anyone wants it

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 29th, 2016, 8:30 pm
by Ziboo
Xederya wrote:Just wanted to give a huge thank you to Shinii and Pet Peeves on Zul'jin for letting my (most recent) hunter Deadxed join along with my husband so we could get the Deatwatch Hatchling. It was fun starting over with nothing (except heirlooms, a tabard and a mount :D) on a server where there are lots of people!!
Agree 100%. Pet Peeves thank you again! (In game hunter is Eandii). My main server Wymrest Accord is pretty busy, but seems quiet compared to Zul'jin!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 12:04 pm
by Neolarva
Since I'm on a break from WoW, the offer to join my guild is no longer available.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: February 5th, 2016, 1:31 pm
by Paladance
Ow. Have a nice time!
I'd like to thank you nevertheless. And to you all of guild for the patience! I had a kind of break myself. ;)

To all repgrinders: Lunar Festival and Love is in the Air quests provide a great opportunity to make your progress! They are never gray. :)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: February 7th, 2016, 11:06 am
by Vakeetah
Just contacted Mitze over on XIS. Literally, as I happened to whisper one of their alts! :D I'll get to work straight away, but for the time being, I appreciate this chance a lot! :)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: February 8th, 2016, 4:45 pm
by Rrockw
Just wanted to extend my thanks as well to Pet Peeves on Zul'jin for letting me join and get the pet!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: February 17th, 2016, 10:40 pm
by Commanderrogers
Is Destromath guild still inviting for this? I hope so. My wife and I created toons there before we bothered coming here to
Well, if we don't see a reply on here then we will just be waiting for the guild invite. Looking forward to leveling some new toons again. Been a while since we started from scratch.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 4th, 2016, 7:52 am
by Fearghail
I'd like to offer the WCP community the opportunity to obtain this pet in our guild and anything else they need from our vendor. <Blacksmithing Supplies> has been on US-Oceanic-Barthilas PvP-Horde since 2009.

Join the server and type /who supplies for a list of online members. Anyone will be able to invite you to guild.

I'd prefer people to gain rep in a somewhat timely manner. Anyone offline for a couple of months will be removed. We are a very active guild, but we also have ample space for growth of active players. I would be delighted if anyone looking for a change of scenery decided to stick around with us.

Our vendor sells mounts including the Thundering Cloud Serpent, Dark Phoenix and Kor'kron Annihilator. Pets include Dragonwrath Whelpling (Lil' Tarecgosa), Dark Phoenix Hatchling, Guild Page & Herald and Armadillo Pup. Other items include tailored guild shirts, teleport cloaks, garrison standards and battle banners, all guild heirlooms including legs and the Cataclysm feast & cauldron recipes.

We're recruiting mature, casual people for levelling, CMs, raid ach & Rated BGs in Legion. Heirlooms, repairs, 50-ch Ventrilo, guild bank. #4 Barthilas Guild Ach pts & #9 Horde, all Oceanic realms.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 4th, 2016, 8:11 am
by Lunarific
We also have quite a few pet collectors in Blacksmithing Supplies already, 5 of the top 20 collectors on our server (according to WCP) have toons in the guild! We're not just collecting pets... we're collecting pet collectors too! ;) (Fear also forgot to mention we are a bunch of achievement nerds too.)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 7th, 2016, 12:54 am
by Gryfalia
And I'll add another thanks to Pet Peeves! I'm just waiting for my pets to sell (cheap!) on the AH so I can buy the Hatchling, took me 2-3 hours tops. Was easy to join and they were quite nice about it.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 8th, 2016, 3:59 pm
by Ryu99
Since the last CMs i have moved guild however my new guild has agreed to allow players to join for the pet!!! :D

Saurfang/Terrokar/Darkspear EU

Any member of "raider" and above can invite into guild. Our only request is good behavior :)

Hope to see some of you soon.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 10th, 2016, 9:51 am
by Klausv
A BIG thank you to Neolarva and the guild for the help with getting the Deathwatch Hatchling. (I got mine a few weeks ago, before the offer was withdrawn).

May I suggest that anyone who gets an invite brings a present to the guild as thanks? If the inviting guild has to give the invites gold every time they might eventually withdraw the offer due to it being too costly.

As for myself I just brought a tradeable pet as a gift, and declined the gold since I didn't think it was right that the inviting guild should give me anything. After all, THEY did ME a favour, not the other way round. :) If you make a DK you can easily farm up 300G by yourself.

Remember to use a Renowned or Illustrious Tabard. :)

An easy way to farm up gold on a new realm is to go and fish up Bloated Thresher when Darkmoon Faire is up. Each thresher gives ca. 10 - 30 gold, and any char with fishing can get them. (Wowhead is currently listing the threshers as being worth 19G 98s 56c, which I assume is the average amount of gold they give). You can fish for them while camping the Darkmoon Rabbit too.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 13th, 2016, 6:25 am
by Landmaj
Klausv wrote:An easy way to farm up gold on a new realm is to go and fish up Bloated Thresher when Darkmoon Faire is up.
The easiest way to farm gold on a new server is to not farm at all. Since battle pets are account wide, you can just buy a fast-selling pet on your main, cage it on a new server and sell for (more or less) the same price.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 13th, 2016, 2:21 pm
by Vakeetah
Landmaj wrote:The easiest way to farm gold on a new server is to not farm at all. Since battle pets are account wide, you can just buy a fast-selling pet on your main, cage it on a new server and sell for (more or less) the same price.
Well, at least for Horde, you can also buy Orgrimmar Axe from the War Mill and mail them around, since they are Bind-to-account - for an instant 50G, without having to get involved in the AH.

If your main is Alliance, the equivalent Stormwind Shield sells for much less - but as long as the recipient is Horde, it'll automatically transform into an Axe and sell for 50G all the same.

However, if the character you're levelling is on Alliance side, you're out of luck. Can still mail stuff from War Mill but none nearly as profitable as the Axe. Think the next best was Thunderlord Sabatons.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 14th, 2016, 10:22 am
by Aeonesti
Huge props to Pet Peeves for opening up their guild. Thanks a million guys!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: March 16th, 2016, 3:06 pm
by Arnithall
Aeonesti wrote:Huge props to Pet Peeves for opening up their guild. Thanks a million guys!
Ditto to that. Just picked mine up yesterday with their help!