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Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 2:49 am
by Topaz
Even the big version is tiny!
Clockwork Gnome (along with Panther Cub) were my 2 first rare quality pets and were part of my first "team" so I decided to give my lil' robot a nice tribute :)

I own Hatespark the Tiny and got a few months of game time in game tokens so ill give up on that as well.

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 4:00 am
by Paladance
EDIT: I forgot that I can't delete that. Double thanks @Shingetsu ^^

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 9:12 am
by Shingetsu
maybe you're not allowd to hotlink or something:
if you right click -> show image you can see it:
On the other hand, @Shingetsu what's the Kelv's mog? :mrgreen:
It's the MoP Challenge Mode Set with the WoD Challenge Mode Bow :)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 5:57 pm
by Spinachdip
posting this for my wife, Linzer. she recently started pet collecting.
she has the windrider pet. us server
thanks for doing this. nice to see.

(frosty)Slurpee and myself @ home!


(not sure how to fix this, hopefully it's viewable!!)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 7:59 pm
by Aquitas
Here is my entry, I used my magic mirror so my curious oracle hatchling and I could be twins.


However it seems you can't actually see my toon, at least you can see my pet.

PS I also already have brightpaw. I am on a US server

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 1:49 am
by Frosty5555
Hello: here is my post of Fel Flame with Fel Spark....I already have the goblin and brightpaw on US Servers....thanks and Happy Holidays!
FelSparkFelFlame.jpg (49.13KiB)Viewed 8321 times

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 7:58 pm
by Az190
Grumpus SMASH!


(he also steals your gifts and/or souls)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 17th, 2015, 3:38 am
by Cubcho
I know the mini-me part wasn't to actually turn into your pet but i couldn't resist :D
WoWScrnShot_121715_021656-1.jpg (67.25KiB)Viewed 8291 times
I also already have a brightpaw

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 10:48 am
by Iibis
Can't forget about Lil' Hogger ;) (Hogger was faithfully smashing me in the back of my head with its axe while I was trying to get the best pic!)
hogger.jpg (255.14KiB)Viewed 8224 times

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 2:50 pm
by Kamira
Merry Christmas all! [xmas hat smiley] And thank you very much for making this giveaway, Azaelia and Madja! :D

I decided to go with a Fel Pup because he is adorable and he fit my transmog so well and hes adorable (yes, twice). Also playing a warlock the fel pets do get alot of run time :roll:
Felpup.jpg (76.23KiB)Viewed 8214 times
Taken near Temple of Sha'naar, Tanaan, Draenor. Kamira-Emerald Dream. :mrgreen:

I have the Gryphon Hatchling, the Windrider cub, Brightpaw as well as Hatespark the Tiny.

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 19th, 2015, 2:23 am
by Elmarc
One of my favs. [pet]Pet Bombling[/pet], with his big version in Gnomeregan. I used this pet so many times for leveling pets without the hassle of letting it fight one round. explode for full xp.

Edit: I have all the prizes so a month game time would be my pick for the prize :)


Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 19th, 2015, 4:23 am
by Rayjin
Whats better then 1 Cat?
RIGHT!!! 3 :)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 20th, 2015, 10:57 pm
by Scimytar
While decorating my garrison, I was surprised to see the Big Snowman. Figured it was a good opportunity for the little one to hang out with his relative.

(The only pet I need is the Diablo CE one.)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 1:56 am
by Lotuslilly
I absolutely love spectral pets, and Xu-Fu is one of my faves.

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 22nd, 2015, 6:11 pm
by Sparklestar
Happy holidays everyone! Me with my favorite pet!

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 23rd, 2015, 12:34 am
by Sabia
It's fun to see everyone's pictures!
My first post was a duplicate - :roll: ... it was Ashes of Al'ar with Phoenix Hatchling.

So I found another one: my Fossilized Raptor and Fossilized Hatchling.

Thanks everybody for sharing, and thanks for the contest! Merry Christmas!

(PS - I have none of the pets)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 23rd, 2015, 1:14 am
by FuxieDK
Incredible... We made it until post #57 before the first duplicate was posted...

Soooooo many good pics :)

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 23rd, 2015, 2:25 am
by Lucciola
My mage with her kirin tor familiar next to one of Khadgar's :)
I only recently got into pet collecting within the past few months, so I apologize for my lack of posts.
Note: I am from the US, and already have the gryphon hatchling. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Re: Azaelia and Madja's Xmas giveaway!

Posted: December 23rd, 2015, 12:22 pm
by Ridai
I always liked the striders - they are so deliacte and pretty :D
So here's my little family:
WoWScrnShot_122315_165852.jpg (102.43KiB)Viewed 8066 times
WoWScrnShot_122315_180122.jpg (53.88KiB)Viewed 8066 times
PS. I'm on EU-Draenor. I already have Brightpaw and Hatespark the Tiny.