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Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 6th, 2015, 11:05 pm
by Samiha
A big thank you to Neolarva and Les Sentinelles <3 . Got my pet some days ago and I am so happy that there are so nice guilds out there who let us pet collectors join in and get the pets :) .

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 8th, 2015, 2:02 am
by Faolin
Selae wrote:It's awesome that the community is doing this. I joined one of the guilds and am currently working on the rep to get my very own Deathwatch Hatchling! yay!
That's awesome :D I've had about 40+ pass through my guild! I'm glad you had the chance to find an awesome guild too!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 10th, 2015, 2:46 pm
by Ziboo
Thank you Shinii and Pet Peeves on Zul'jin. Have my pet, and it really wasn't a bad grind. Heirloom gear and 100% tabard helped. I think I sold a couple of extra pets, but also took up skinning/herbing - that's just free money on the ground - and have sold all that.

I may continue leveling hunter number, well we don't talk about that.......

Thanks again for opening this up!

Shinii wrote:Greetings fellow pet collectors!

I am pleased to announce that my guild Pet Peeves on Zul'jin (horde side) Has just completed the Challenge mode gold guild achievement!!!! We now have access to [pet]Deathwatch Hatchling[/pet] from the guild vendor!

If you wish to join Pet peeves and claim a pet for yourself you are most welcome! Joining is 100% free! Feel free and stay to enjoy company of other pet collectors! Any contributions for the guild are welcome but not required.

PS I will be attending my first Blizzcon this year and hope to meet others from Warcraftpets! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 10th, 2015, 6:27 pm
by Corrii
Huge thanks to Pet Peeves on Zul'jin! These folks were kind enough to open their doors, and they were friendly, fun, and helpful to boot. Not only did I get the pet, but I had my faith in WoW humanity restored. Y'all are awesome!


Jkina - Zul'jin
Tisane - Borean Tundra

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 11th, 2015, 4:40 pm
by Mitze
No longer offering invites, sorry

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 12th, 2015, 4:41 pm
by Malfious
Thank you very much Neolarva & Les Sentinelles for inviting me to your guild & giving me 300g too :) Got the pet today! Will send you the gold back once I sell some pets on the auction

Hopefully be able to get the Cloud Serpent too as I went on for Exalted.. will probably use my lvl 100 boost next week to learn it (If you don't mind!)^^

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 12th, 2015, 11:45 pm
by Pekosbob
A great big thank you to Faolin for the guild invite. I was able to grind out the reputation on a fresh Goblin and snag the Shore Crawler while I was at it (been putting that one off too long). Enjoy the little thank you gift I left behind. You are awesome! :D

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 17th, 2015, 10:17 pm
by Modestypooh
Mitze wrote:XIS on kilrogg horde EU can provide pet aswell.
Anyone in the guild can invite so just ask for invite whenever :D
I asked nicely for an invite to your guild Mitze, but got this as a reply:
this it not pet battle guild
and I can chose who is there and not, so I think you are not a person that should be in xis :)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 2:15 am
by Waflob
Nezla wrote:
Mitze wrote:XIS on kilrogg horde EU can provide pet aswell.
Anyone in the guild can invite so just ask for invite whenever :D
I asked nicely for an invite to your guild Mitze, but got this as a reply:
this it not pet battle guild
and I can chose who is there and not, so I think you are not a person that should be in xis :)
I can only hope that this is a misunderstanding. I got an invite and they're a friendly bunch. However, when I first logged in, they were in the middle of a raid, so I waited until they'd finished.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 20th, 2015, 8:37 am
by Mitze
Nezla wrote:
Mitze wrote:XIS on kilrogg horde EU can provide pet aswell.
Anyone in the guild can invite so just ask for invite whenever :D
I asked nicely for an invite to your guild Mitze, but got this as a reply:
this it not pet battle guild
and I can chose who is there and not, so I think you are not a person that should be in xis :)

Hmmm sorry about that, we have a few not so friendly ppl apparently.
Who was it if you can remember the name?

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 22nd, 2015, 2:00 pm
by Ravnhawk
Just a reminder - Horde server

Pet Peeves On Zul'jin has the Deathwatch Hatchling unlocked plus a few other mounts and pets.

Just whisper any one in the guild for an invite.

There is no charge to join the guild.

Also we have lots of extra pets in various bank tabs. If there's any pets the you need (or other stuff) if you are unable to access that tab please whisper an officer and above and they can get it to you.

Whisper me the GM or any co-gm for starter gold. In game mail works as well. We ran out of bags so as soon as I can get some made we'll start passing those out again as well. We didn't plan well enough for those wanting the pet. LOL

Enjoy Ravnhawk

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 22nd, 2015, 8:15 pm
by Kaziah
Just wanted to formally extend our many thanks to Ravnhawk and Pet Peeves on Zul'jin for letting my husband and I join for the Deathwatch Hatchling. Zariaria was very kind and helpful getting us started with bags/gold and everyone we met in Pet Peeves were very friendly.

I donated a few bags and excess gold in hopes it would help support your generous offer to others. We have a small friends/family guild with a casual Silver CM group, but if we can ever help anyone wanting to start a character on Silvermoon-US, please don't hesitate to let me know and I would be happy to help.

Thanks again :)

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 25th, 2015, 10:51 pm
by Nazz
I too would like to extend thanks to the people of <Pet Peeves> on Zul'jin for allowing me to get my pet through them and for their generous support in getting the necessary rep/funds.

Thank you all very much,
Medarel - Zul'jin
Nazz - Cenarion Circle

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: December 28th, 2015, 7:37 am
by Punkgirl
I want to say Thank you to Mitze in XIS guild @Kilrogg-EU Horde for taking me in and letting me get the pet, now how about you guys get going doing the Mythic: Imperator's Fall Guild Run so I can collect the mount as well, JK, thank for taking me in though.


Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 5th, 2016, 4:58 am
by Mitze
Punkgirl wrote:I want to say Thank you to Mitze in XIS guild @Kilrogg-EU Horde for taking me in and letting me get the pet, now how about you guys get going doing the Mythic: Imperator's Fall Guild Run so I can collect the mount as well, JK, thank for taking me in though.


Haha, it will get done in the spring some time so stick around for now if you want :D

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 7th, 2016, 3:36 am
by Guest
Big thanks to Neolarva and the guild LesSentinelles for letting me join to get the Deathwatch Hatchling. They also provided me with 300 g starter gold! I was able to donate the aquired shorecrawler to theier guild bank after grinding up the rep with a goblin with tabard and heirloom gear in less than 1,5 hours.

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 8th, 2016, 7:58 pm
by Avarix
Huge thankyou to Mitze and their lovely guildies =) Got my hatchling tonight!

Re: Deathwatch Hatchling Guild

Posted: January 9th, 2016, 5:11 pm
by Mordal
Want to say thank you to the guild pet peeves, especially zariaria for the guild invite.
Was kind enough to invite me, set me up with some bags and starter gold so I could get my deathwatch hatchling.
Very much appreciated