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Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 9:23 am
by Imry
Niaabi wrote: If you don't mind me asking, what programme do you use to create these as I wouldn't mind having a go at it myself?
I use Adobe Photoshop and WoW Model Viewer for these, but I imagine you could substitute Photoshop with a number of free programs that are similar! I've only ever used Photoshop though, so I couldn't give you a recommendation for one.

Re: Interest Check? Free Signature Images for Pet Collectors

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 9:53 am
by Imry
Melmo wrote:You have amazing talent!! I'd love a sig when you have time :)

Character name/link: Melmoki [url][/url]
Fave colors: Blue, purple, silver
Fave pets: Mini Tyrael, Guardian Cub, Argi, Frosty
Info: I guess just my fave title - The Seeker
Style: I love the look of Sagentine's sig, so something similar to that?

Thanks so much!
@ Melmo - I've run into a few problems with your signature (your character's shoulders are bugged in my modelviewer - they won't show up at all) so I'll try to contact you in game this evening/weekend and see if we can't figure out an alternative.

Edit: Annnd it seems that it's now wanting to do it on everyone. I'm going to uninstall/reinstall again and see if that works.

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 9:27 pm
by Stella3
Omg these are amazing I would totally love it if you did one for me!!

Fave colors: are shades of pink (mostly pastel with highlights of vibrant pinks) and white.

Pets: Rabbit, any moth that would coordinate with scheme. and any cat that coordinates with theme as well.

Style: Cutesy!!

etc: My in-game title is 'Gorgeous' Also include "made by (your name)" as I want your signature on it if you are okay with that!

Thanks so much!

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 11:13 pm
by Hollthulhu
Those sigs are so amazeballs. I'd love to have one.

- Character Name: Knavybone ([url=]Transmog[/url]) [url=]Profile[/url]
- 2-3 Favorite Colors: No favorites, just anything that compliments her & the pets.
- 3-4 Favorite Pets: [pet]Onyxian Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet], [pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet]
- Preferred Style: Something that looks awesome! Rawr!

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 27th, 2015, 4:48 pm
by Melmo
I'm sorry mine was giving you problems @_@ But it looks so spectacular, it's exactly what I wanted!!! Are there any pets you're still looking for?

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 27th, 2015, 11:21 pm
by Imry
Melmo wrote:I'm sorry mine was giving you problems @_@ But it looks so spectacular, it's exactly what I wanted!!! Are there any pets you're still looking for?
So glad you like it! And it wasn't really yours in particular that was giving me problems, just my modelviewer in general that's being a butt. I found some work arounds though!

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 28th, 2015, 9:13 pm
by Janitor
Thanks Imry!
It looks completely awesome!! :D
I'm one happy pet collector now.

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 30th, 2015, 7:38 pm
by Mkeyes
I would love to get in on this if you aren't completely overwhelmed already!

Character name: niriia, armory link:

Favorite colors: blues, grays-silver, green/black

Title: niriia the stormbreaker

Style wise: Stormy - shamanistic / minimalist

Favorite pets: your choice I can't decide!
Pandarian water spirit
Mechanical pandarian dragonling
Cog blade raptor
Baby blizzard bear
Celestial dragon
Xu fu
Mini tyrael
Treasure goblin

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 31st, 2015, 11:23 am
by Zonnetje
Yes please!

- Zonnetje -
- red, purple, pink
- spectral tiger cub, lil taregosa, argi, wind rider cub
- title - the pink-haired gnome
- Realm - Thorium Brotherhood
- eclectic, magey (love the font you used for for Sagentine, the outline shape on yours is stunning)

I am so interested in this!

thank you so very much (and thanks to Talalara for nudging me to this) ... these are gorgeous! I am so excited to see what you come up with!


Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: March 31st, 2015, 2:29 pm
by Vaerosi
*squees* It's perfect! Thank you so, so much! *huggles*

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 12:08 am
by Fahra
Oh, wow! If you're still accepting requests, I would absolutely adore a signature. Thank you so much!

Character name: Velmaara
Armory link:
Favorite colors: Bright green and purple
Favorite pets: Zao, Unborn Val'kyr, Zipao Tiger, Snowy Panda
Information to be included: Title "The Light of Dawn". Seems appropriate for a paladin!
Preferred style: I really loved the one you did for Gingerscream with the starry background. I'm an astronomy student, and I thought it was really striking - especially for a Draenei character! Would you be able to do something similar but with greens and purples? Font-wise, I really like the one you did for Talalara's name. Golden color for the lettering?

Thank you again! Please don't rush to finish it, I'm happy to wait however long it takes. I just think it's awesome that you're doing this! :D

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 9:01 am
by Gracies

Thank you so much for your generosity and time!

Here is my request/info:


Fave Colors: Pink, Lilac, Gold

Title: Astral Walker

Fave Pets: Sprite Darter Hatchling, Nether Faerie Dragon, Argi, Pandaren Air Spirit.

Style: Cutesy <3 :)!

Thank you so much again for doing this! You are amazing, kind and extremely talented!

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 10:15 am
by Diva
This is pretty cool! :) I think it's safe to say we all appreciate the time you put into these, they're all so spectacular!

I'd like to get one made for my horde main.

Character: Doomcookie - Madoran
Colors: Green, Black, and Silver/Grey
Pets: Spectral Tiger Cub, Jade Tiger, Bananas, and Frostwolf Pup
Info: Name, Realm, and Zookeeper title would be nice. :)
Style: Grungy meets Elegant? Run with it. Haha.

<(-.-<) /hugs It's gonna be AWESOMESAUCE! :)

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 12:14 pm
by Pureshasu

Black, red, gold/yellow
Unborn Val'kyr, Tiny Red Carp, Darkmoon Rabbit, Sprite Darter Hatchling
"Rawr! :3"
Make it like I wanted it all dark and intimidating but it ended up being adorable lol. Like cupcakes and fairy dragons adorable lol.

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 12:25 pm
by Badpathing
Nice sigs and nice of you to do this.

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 6:34 pm
by Corah
- Character Name & Link to Armory Sefaya
- 2-3 Favorite Colors Gold, Silver and red
- 3-4 Favorite Pets White Kitten, Searing Scorching, frigid Frostling, Lifelike Toad
- Any Information you would like included on the signature The title "the Diplomat"
- Preferred Style if any (Cutesy, Grungy, Serious, Minimalist, etc.) Shamany?

Thank you so much! Your stuff is great!

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 2nd, 2015, 6:30 pm
by Lordblacknail
This community is just so filled with wonderful people. Thank you for this.

blue, silver, maroon
Frosty, phoenix hatchling, blossoming ancient, cinder kitten
Ravencrest Eternal Nights Explorer
eclectic sounds good, but you can pick

Thank you so much for this for me and for the community

Re: FREE Signature Images for Pet Collectors!

Posted: April 2nd, 2015, 6:35 pm
by Lordblacknail
And for my wonderful wife
breen, gold, and silver
Feline Familiar, blossoming ancient, frosty,
ravencrest eternal nights, explorer
you pick

What with you doing this and Rusti and her adoption agency, the love is just overflowing.