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Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 23rd, 2013, 10:38 am
by Syrrie
Dazer wrote:
Chrth wrote:EDIT: Also, my understanding of Opera Event is that you can not control which one you get. Fortunately Kara up to that point is laughably easy so you can throw all your 85+ alts at it; only requires you to down Moroes to get to it (although feel free to take a stab at Midnight while you're there).
Much like Halfus, Stone Guard and the old 'random' boss in ZG, I would expect the opera event to be fixed region-wide each week.
It's not fixed region-wide. Each alt you run through can get a different Opera event.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 23rd, 2013, 10:40 am
by Etherwalker
I wiped a few times learning the fight, but solo'd this as a Ret Paladin (ilvl 499). The important thing is to kill the Tainted Elementals, at the bottom of the stairs, as soon as you can. The timer for the next Tainted Elemental doesn't start until the spawned one is dead. As you kill them, collect their Tainted Cores and use them to disable Vashj's shield generators as soon as you get them. Kill the Strider spawns as quick as you can, since their fears are a pain. Kill the Naga's as you have time. There's not much a Ret Pally can do about the mass of other elementals, so you'll just have to deal with Vashj getting super powered.

The good news is she dropped the Coilfang Stalker, so I don't have to go back.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 4:27 am
by Gromagrim
Very easy fight on my warlock, one corruption tick will kill the small adds, so she doesn't get many stacks. Slightly harder on my warrior, missed a couple of tainted elementals, but didn't wipe on either.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 4:35 am
by Keithkorg
Catalytic wrote:If you kill Kael first, casters can all equip the staff and then Void Reaver is no problem.
Mind = blown. Thanks for the tip!

I would like to echo the suggestion of making a /tar taint macro - makes the fight a lot easier

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 7:38 am
by Chrth
Keithkorg wrote: I would like to echo the suggestion of making a /tar taint macro - makes the fight a lot easier
If you're going to let the Elementals buff Vash'j til she takes up the whole screen, create a /tar coilfang macro as well.

Other tips:
Beware of Lightning Shield (Shamans), Blink Strikes (Hunters), and Pets not on Passive (all Pet Classes). Those things may kill the Tainted Elemental and you won't be able to loot it.

Hunters, use Spirit Bond and laugh your way to an easy solo.

Make sure you're at close to full health and all Nagas and Striders are cleared from the platform before clicking the last pillar to free Vash'j.

Bonus tip for Kael'thas:
Hunters, dismiss your pet right after killing the foursome so you can't be mc'd.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: May 31st, 2013, 10:19 am
by Cat666
Vashj is easy for most classes you just need to be aware of her phases.

Phase 1 is a burn but she stuns you sometimes. Very little damage to you.

Phase 2 is the frantic phase. Any elementals that get to her buff her and cause her to grow in size, if your soloing it, this is unavoidable to the point I just ignore them for the most part. You need to kill the Tainted Elementals to get the core and the click on the pillars. MAKE SURE YOU PUT PETS INTO PASSIVE MODE, as damage from them will kill the Elemental but not count as your loot. You need to loot and click on the pillar every time. Once a tainted elemental is dead another will spawn in 50 seconds. If you've not used the core before you kill the new one, it won't have a secondary one. Kill the Naga and the Strider as soon as they appear as they slow/fear. Damage taken here is still minimal but it can get steady fast. Every class has a self heal of sorts so be sure to use it when required.

Phase 3 is the killer phase which threw me the first time I did it with no pet (I play a warlock) As Vashj is huge, she does a lot of damage, even if your 90. If you have a pet, turn passive off and let it tank her, if not pop all offensive and defensive cooldowns and nuke her. She has around 1.5mil health at this point so it isn't a lot, but a couple of lucky crits on you and it could be game over.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 2nd, 2013, 5:49 pm
by Lolfixheal
As a ret paladin ilevel 500-510 it was extremely easy to do vashj, done her before RWL2 anyway. Look in the air for green slime casts or simply /target Tainted macro. Toss lights hammer on vashj as one spawns, speed of light to the tainted, get core. clean up on way back to middle, clean the middle, then deactivate a core. exorcism, judgement followed by a TV on the strider and its 2-3 shot. Got 10 Water elementals in on her, sacred shield keeping me 100% Health. Striders dying before reaching me. Inbetween spawns of tainted, spent the time to clean Water elementals, ignore nagas, just cleave em Down as you go around.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 3:09 am
by Blackorange
I use three lvl 90 toons to farm Vashj

LVL 90 Hunter 500+ilvl Is super easy to deal with i have hunter pet heal passive and i can kill most of the elementals before they reach her.
LVL 90 DK (tank) 480+ilvl is a still easy only because i can allow her to reach her Max 99 stacks and she doesnt hurt me.
LVL 90 Druid (tank0 470+ilvl is by far my toughest yet. i come really close to dieing each time i attempt her. i still manage to kill her but its tough and the stack only reachs 50+ her stun with poision combo is tough.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 3:29 am
by Cat666
Blackorange wrote:LVL 90 Druid (tank0 470+ilvl is by far my toughest yet. i come really close to dieing each time i attempt her. i still manage to kill her but its tough and the stack only reachs 50+ her stun with poision combo is tough.
I'm not a master with my druid (resto only) but I'd imagine you'd be better off going feral.

Just keep rejuvination rolling on you as you get the cores and when phase 3 rolls around pop all offensive and defensive cooldowns to burn her down asap. Barkskin would give you a decent period of reduced damage, and Frenzied Regeneration should easily give you enough time to down her.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 6:54 am
by Myrrmi
Hunter here, around 510

Vashj: took her on as BM (my deafult spec) with a spirit beast (my default pet), spirit bond and such
2nd phase - don't bother killing normal elementals, you won't be able to kill everything by yourself AND keep an eye out for tainted ones.
- /tar tainted macro is your friend - stand in the middle, directly at her, and spam it.
- /tar coilfang can be a core-saver as well, especially towards the end, when it's hard to click around without targeting her
- IMPORTANT! any pet class have your pet on passive. The elementals are really weak, they die from 1 petattack, and if it happens you get no loot option. Make sure it's you, not the pet, that's killing them.
- by the end of the phase she'll be buffed up to 99, so make sure there're no addidtional adds up when you insert the last core.
3rd phase - burn all your offensive and defensive cooldowns and hope for the best :)

Kael: MM "petless" spec, with a serpent pet out untill the actual Kael fight; Exhileration, glyphed Chimera, an emergency pot and a bandage for healing
- WARNING! you can't have any targetable pet or minion with you for the Kael phase, or you get MCed and the fight resets. That includes (probably, haven't confirmed each and every of those): pets, summons like dire beast or crows or the summon from current tier 2-piece (hope you haven't vendored away your previous tier set yet? :P )
- taunt doesn't work, and without BM's kill command your pet won't probably be able to hold aggro. Happens.
- remember to dissmiss your pet at the very beginning of Kael's phase, just after killing the 4 adds. With the CC storm the adds throw at you, you can end up a bit low on hp here, but don't panic :) the worst part has just passed.
- you can use the time when Kael flies up to destroy his windows to safely bandage yourself.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 7:44 am
by Mizix
Jadax wrote:She is possible to solo even at 99 stacks. I did it today on my Ele Sham, so don't give up if you miss a few Tainted Elementals.
Yeah me too, I figured I would try Primal Elementalist before bothering my brother for help. I just let my improved Earth Elemental tank her in phase 3. I never got a single stun in my face and she couldn't kill my elemental, I popped bloodlust and ascendance and she died very quickly =) Also, my shaman is awfully geared: a mix of healing/dps gear, around 490 ilvl.

On my priest, which has the same ilvl of my shaman, I tried as discipline: popped all the defensive cooldowns in phase three and could manage to kill her at the first try.

There is hope!

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 3rd, 2013, 9:40 am
by GilroyKilroy
Cat666 wrote:I'm not a master with my druid (resto only) but I'd imagine you'd be better off going feral.
Pretty easy on my boomkin.

Re: Soloying Lady Vashj

Posted: June 4th, 2013, 12:28 pm
by Anasa
Just a note here, Karazhan's Opera event is not region-specific. I did it three different characters this week (on the same server), and each one got a different event. It's probably random on the RaidID. So if you do it on one character and don't get Little Red Riding Hood, try it on other characters! You might get a different event!

That said, I did get my lil bad wolf, so at least I don't have to worry about it any more :)