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Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 6th, 2014, 4:16 pm
by Guest
My latest 3 are now gloriously 25.

Pyre, your challenge if you choose to accept is a long one, filled with uncommons and rares alike. Make them all rare and 25!

Beast: Albino Snake
Elemental: Ashstone Core
Flying: Cenarion Hatchling
Undead: Crawling Claw
Mechanical: Clockwork Rocket Bot
Magic: Darkmoon Eye
Critter: Darkmoon Rabbit
Dragonkin: Spirit of Competition
Aquatic: Spirebound Crab (as its this months pet!)

Three Others:
Spirit of Summer (we're nearly there)
Snarly (One of my favourites!)
Silver Piggy (Why is this still green!)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 7th, 2014, 3:54 pm
by Faithhealer
Arwyn3 wrote:
All 3 pets ready to play with the big dogs. Faithhealer your Dark Pheonix wants to rise to the occasion. Get it to lv 25!

Next poster 3 please.
At long last my [pet]Dark Phoenix Hatchling[/pet] is 25. Oh, how vacations get in the way of pet leveling.

[profile]Haevlyn[/profile] I see that you have managed to find a [pet]Spineclaw Crab[/pet]. Make him 25 so his level is suited to his rarity.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 7th, 2014, 7:18 pm
by Jaw
Faithhealer, your mission should you choose to accept it: [pet]Death Talon Whelpguard[/pet]

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 2:21 pm
by Tiberius
Hermy wrote:[profile]Tiberius[/profile], I couldn't resist your challenge! Here you go:

Aquatic: [pet]Tideskipper[/pet] & [pet]Garden Frog[/pet]
Beast: [pet]Rat Snake[/pet] & [pet]Zandalari Toe Nibbler [/pet](because really, who doesn't want their toes nibbled by an adorable mini-dino?)
Critter: [pet]Shimmershell Snail[/pet] & [pet]Dung Beetle[/pet]
Dragonkin: [pet]Spawn of Onyxia[/pet], [pet]Phoenix Hawk Hatchling[/pet] & [pet]Thundering Serpent Hatchling[/pet] (I added a third, as he only has one level to go!)
Elemental: [pet]Emerald Shale Hatchling[/pet] & [pet]Crimson Shale Hatchling[/pet]
Flying: [pet]Chicken[/pet] & [pet]Bat[/pet]
Humanoid: [pet]Sporeling Sprout[/pet] &[pet] Stunted Yeti[/pet]
Magic: [pet]Oily Slimeling[/pet] & [pet]Lofty Libram[/pet]
Mechanical: [pet]Robo-Chick [/pet]& [pet]Rabid Nut Varmint 5000[/pet]
Undead: [pet]Infected Squirrel[/pet]

Try as I might, I couldn't find another Undead for you to level, so instead I challenge you to find a rare [pet]Snowshoe Hare[/pet].
It took me a little bit, as I also leveled a few not on the list, but they are leveled! That [pet]Snowshoe Hare[/pet] challenge is quite the challenge, so I am still working on that.
Hermy wrote:I also wanted to add, before I forgot again, in honour of your last awesome challenge to me, I named my [pet]Sea Pony[/pet] after you. :D
Aw, thats awesome! I have named my lvl 25 [pet]Peanut[/pet] after you, since when I see him I think of you (since he is your avatar here).
Pyrephoenix wrote:I see Tiberius is raising the stakes.... Hmm. I've just discovered the Rematch addon, so I have 13 pets in my leveling queue right now.
Oh rematch is a superb addon, and recommend it to anyone! My queue is always full of challenge pets from here, and random others that I want to get leveled.

And on that topic, lets pile in more pets into that queue. Same bit as last time, 1 or 2 pets from each family!

Last but not least, [profile]Jaw[/profile], let's get your [pet]Cogblade Raptor[/pet] leveled up, as it can be handy for tamers!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 8th, 2014, 2:28 pm
by Guest
My Spineclaw Crab is happily scuttling around 25 new places he hasn't been before.

Beast: Albino Snake and Elder Python
Aquatic: Gulp Froglet
Critter: Rusty Snail Silkbeard Snail
Mechanical: Rascal Bot and Anodised Robocub
Magic: Mana Wyrmling and Darkmoon Eye
Flying: Crimson Moth and Hawk Owl
Dragonkin: Couldn't see any
Humanoid: Couldn't see any
Elemental: Water Waveling

Next Poster: At least 5 pets for me please

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 2:43 pm
by Blixtiya
how about the chicken, curious wolvar pup, creepy crawly, miniwing and mechanical chicken?

give me 1-2

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 3:50 pm
by Jaw
Thanks for [pet]Cogblade Raptor[/pet] pick, [profile]Tiberius[/profile]. He will be forever known as "Jawberius" in honor of your challenge.

And for you [profile]Blixtiya[/profile], [pet]Arctic Fox Kit[/pet] & [pet]Curious Oracle Hatchling[/pet]. Fox Kit because it still eludes me and the Oracle just because it's so sexah.

I'd like 3 new pets to level if I could. All from different families if possible.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 8:34 pm
by Beana
Grabby my Jade Tentacle joins his Jade brothers at 25! He just grabbed 25? Bwahaha :)

Jaw! 3? Okay!

Elfin Rabbit - I know he's only a common....But ya know you asked for a challenge! Rare and 25!

Dread Hatchling - He's a pvp and pve to be dreaded by opponents that's for sure!

Toothy - Because an aquatic Croc can never do wrong :) Good luck!!!

**** NEXT POSTER ***** Give me a pair to level (2)

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 9th, 2014, 11:23 pm
by Snuggly

Go level your [pet]Gilded Moth[/pet] "Guild" and [pet]Horny Toad[/pet]. Moth because you can always use lots of moths and Horny Toad because I'm jealous you have a rare one. :)

Next poster, gimme at least 3 to level.

First time poster to thread,

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 6:34 am
by Ashlar
[profile]Snuggly[/profile], I see that your [pet]Emerald Whelpling[/pet], [pet]Elementium Geode[/pet] and [pet]Disgusting Oozeling[/pet] desperately need some attention!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 8:32 am
by Mima
This is fun!!
Ashlar, your Murkalot is waiting to do some action and your Rascal-Bot is feeling a bit lonely, pls take care of them. :D

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 10:29 am
by Voskres
Coilfang Stalker and Tainted Waveling.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 12:13 pm
by Jaw
I'm back after going on the journey that [profile]Beana[/profile] sent me on and I'm happy to report that [pet]Dread Hatchling[/pet] and [pet]Toothy[/pet] are now level 25. As for the [pet]Elfin Rabbit[/pet], it's long hard road to becoming a rare is over as well. Will henceforth be known as "Bejawna". Thanks for the challenge! :mrgreen:

[profile]Voskres[/profile]! Give some lovin' to that [pet]Lucky Quilen Cub[/pet]. Sadly, I'll never know my own, so I want you to show yours some extra special attention!

3 more please! Different families again, please! :shock:

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 1:58 pm
by Zoros
First time poster. I think these three will be fun to level.

Red Cricket,Lil' Bad Wolf, Zergling

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 4:24 pm
by Merilwen
With Heroic Raiding shutdown in my guild I'm bored :(

@Beana - Hi :D

@Zoros - Get your Spectral Tiger Cub to 25! That was my first level 25 pet!

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 5:41 pm
by Naija
Merilwen, your [pet]Singing Sunflower[/pet] will sing a happier tune at level 25.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 11th, 2014, 12:07 am
by Voskres
Jaw wrote: [profile]Voskres[/profile]! Give some lovin' to that [pet]Lucky Quilen Cub[/pet]. Sadly, I'll never know my own, so I want you to show yours some extra special attention!
Done; took all day due to 3 kids games at 3 diff places.

Naija, Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling and Blue Moth.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 11th, 2014, 5:58 am
by Hermy
Thanks to [profile]Graven[/profile] (who I've named my [pet]Darkmoon Hatchling[/pet] after) and [profile]Tiberius[/profile], I have a big 'ole batch of new Level 25s!

[profile]Voskres[/profile], I saw a wee snake yesterday outside my apartment, so in its honour, I think you should level your [pet]Adder[/pet] to 25. Slither slither!

Next poster, any challenge you feel like throwing my way, throw! :D

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 11th, 2014, 9:15 am
by Jaw
Thanks to [profile]Zoros[/profile], my [pet]Red Cricket[/pet], [pet]Lil' Bad Wolf[/pet] and [pet]Zergling[/pet] have joined my quickly growing stable of 25's. As Jawls and Jawbreaker already have names, [pet]Red Cricket[/pet] will now be known as "Zorojaw" in your honor.

I need you to make your [pet]Giraffe Calf[/pet] & [pet]Little Fawn[/pet] strong enough to protect themselves. I would advise taking your [pet]Fossilized Hatchling[/pet] with you. They may need a little extra help! :D

3 more! I only ask that one be a Dragonkin as I have none that can sit at the big boy table.

Re: Catch that pet

Posted: June 11th, 2014, 9:51 am
by Blixtiya
Jaw: now my curious oracle hatchling and arctic fox kit has grown up :)

Jaw(again): as dragons go, that crimson whelpling would burn things hotter if it were bigger.
and any windrider cub should be 25 by law, including yours ;)
lastly, due to its family hitting Blizzards bin, that guardian cub should learn to fend for itself.

2 more pets please. :)