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My WOW took a dump, launcher deleted everything and started downloading 70+GB

Posted: January 5th, 2021, 12:05 am
by Whatever
No idea what went wrong but for a while I couldn't get on WOW and when I ran repair, it got stuck on checking, error occured, rechecking loop for several minutes then it started downloading the whole WOW program.

I was able to get on as soon as I reached playable but all of the addons were gone. I had to re-download all the addons and had to restore Rematch addon from my backup. However my TD wasn't backed up and I didn't realize TD scripts wasn't part of Rematch backup option. Is there a way to backup TD scripts?

Re: My WOW took a dump, launcher deleted everything and started downloading 70+GB

Posted: January 5th, 2021, 11:12 pm
by Jerebear
I don't use TD specifically, but every addon saves data to the same folder usually. So look in _retail_/WTF/Account/<account_name>/SavedVariables and look for the name of the addon followed by .lua and make a copy of the file somewhere. That's how I backup Rematch and other addons I care about.