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Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 6:19 am
by Meemo
I've recently come back to WoW after a two year break and my there are a lot of changes! I noticed Curse is gone, and I'm now using Twitch to manage my add ons. I've been looking for some add ons to help with collecting and battling and all the popular ones I can find so far are either not on Twitch or not being updated or both... I have a new PC so can't even remember what I used to use... I just remember I used to have teams set up for different zones, and levelling teams etc etc..

I can see the addon list hasn't been contributed to for quite a while and these things change... so can I please have your pet add on recommendations?

My main objective is all the pet achievements...

I'd like..

lots of groups
something that tells me which pet I should battle with...
if there's a pet nearby I don't have

Re: Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 9:43 am
by Paladance
A bit ago the website mods have created [url=]a guide[/url] to most popular pet addons and their utilities. I hope it helps! :)

It seems you'd like to get Rematch and PetTracker.

Re: Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 12:24 pm
by Meemo
Pet Tracker is no longer being updated by the author, didn't want to install something that might make my already slow PC run even slower...

I've downloaded them both... lets see how we go! Thanks for your help.

Re: Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 9th, 2018, 8:47 pm
by Jerebear
Meemo wrote:I noticed Curse is gone, and I'm now using Twitch to manage my add ons.

I just checked and the curse website still works for me. Are you having trouble finding it or loading it?

Re: Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 17th, 2018, 7:22 am
by N0083rp00f
I think there is a miss-assumption here.
Curse now uses the Twitch engine for distribution of Add-Ons as well a whole load of stuff most of us don't want or need.
My only warning about the newest iteration of curse is that once you install it that you go through all the options and defaults and turn everything you don't want or need off.

Re: Post Curse Add Ons

Posted: January 17th, 2018, 8:03 pm
by Jerebear
N0083rp00f wrote:I think there is a miss-assumption here.
Curse now uses the Twitch engine for distribution of Add-Ons as well a whole load of stuff most of us don't want or need.
My only warning about the newest iteration of curse is that once you install it that you go through all the options and defaults and turn everything you don't want or need off.
That's interesting. I've never used the curse application. I just download the addon and extract it to the interface folder directly. Takes a few seconds but it pretty painless. I didn't realize they had changed it all up.