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Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 1:15 am
by Annieb
Has anyone counted the potential numbers for pet stones that will be needed (assuming the datamined alpha info is more or less accurate)?

How many stones/charms are you guys hoarding? I'm still levelling pets (never ending effort); si i don't want to be sitting on 5x as many as necessary when I could use them now.

Trying to come up with a rough plan ...

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 6:42 am
by Merana
6 aquatic
21 beast
5 critter
4 dragonkin
2 elemental
13 flying
1 humanoid
8 magic
2 mechanical
2 undead

Not sure if that list is accurate anymore, I put it together when the largest batch of pets was datamined on alpha a while ago.
Not all might be uncommon though, and a lot are wild pets.

And about levels, well, there's a bunch of wild pets and a bunch that haven't had their source revealed, so I'm going with 1k Flawless Battle-Training Stone.

Stack up on Pet Charms as well, since the garrison vendors will move to Dalaran and most likely have new things for sale!

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 8:12 am
by Kamira
Merana wrote:6 aquaticStack up on Pet Charms as well, since the garrison vendors will move to Dalaran and most likely have new things for sale!
Don't you figure new pets/toys/etc would cost gold or a new currency? Not WoD stuff?

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 8:46 am
by Merana
Kamira wrote:
Merana wrote:Stack up on Pet Charms as well, since the garrison vendors will move to Dalaran and most likely have new things for sale!
Don't you figure new pets/toys/etc would cost gold or a new currency? Not WoD stuff?
Considering the Legion tamer NPC quests (currently) reward pet charms as well, no.

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 11:32 am
by Quintessence
Kamira wrote:
Merana wrote:6 aquaticStack up on Pet Charms as well, since the garrison vendors will move to Dalaran and most likely have new things for sale!
Don't you figure new pets/toys/etc would cost gold or a new currency? Not WoD stuff?
Some of the new pets might cost gold/new currency, but so far there are [url=]at least 3 new pets[/url] that will cost Pet Charms in Legion.

As for pet families so far:
  • beast - 21
    flying - 13
    magic - 9
    aquatic - 6
    critter - 5
    elemental - 4
    dragonkin - 4
    mechanical - 2
    undead - 2
    humanoid - 1
(From the list of [url=]Legion Datamined Pets found here[/url])

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 12:20 pm
by Gracin
I guess I need to get on the ball and actually do the garrison pet dailies on all of my toons.

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 2:05 pm
by Peanutty
I'm still sitting on almost all the rarity stones I had at the start of WoD. :lol: I'm really terrible.

I think even the Pet Charms will still have some use even if they decide to switch to a completely new currency once Legion goes live. Newer players or players coming back will not want to do the garrison grind and so the toys and pets from the current garrison vendor would still sell.

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 19th, 2015, 4:02 am
by Paladance
I store 3 of each rarity family stones, as well as almost 500 leveling stones and at least 900 Pet Charms.

Despite incoming inequality, I think I'm safe. ;)

Re: Legion pet families?

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 8:11 pm
by Cardee
I'm also counting on pet charms continuing to be relevant in Legion. It's so nice to have a guaranteed (and plentiful!) source of blue upgrade stones, although I must admit I miss hunting for rare quality wild pets.