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Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 4th, 2014, 9:05 pm
by Ackbah
Hey all, I busted out the D3 CE and am having a hoot playing D3. There are some items I want to pick up in the AH but I just started and don't have the kind of gold that peeps are asking for in the AH. Blizz is shutting down the AH in D3 on the 18th so I thought I would float this...I don't think there should be anything wrong with this but if the powers that be say there is then just delete the post.

I am looking for a substantial amount of gold or items. I am soloing thru atm and have not grouped or even opened a trade with anyone. School me yo...

I have the following;

Darkmoon Rabbit B/B I think...its not S/S I know that...sue me if I got it wrong I will check and edit.
Darkmoon Eye
Moon Moon
2 Murkalot codes.
I can get whatever else you need other then high end TGC's or super ultra rare whatevers...I don't want to make this harder then it has to be...Ill even go WowG for D3G...but I will force you to take a pet...even if you don't want it !! Then its pet related!!

I need a yit ton "O" gold !! Make it rain !!


Ack )


Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 6th, 2014, 4:39 am
by Hermy
I haven't played D3 for ages - let me log in and see how much gold I have on there. I'd be keen to trade for a Murkalot code! But I suspect I don't have enough.

Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 6th, 2014, 9:13 pm
by Ackbah
I got bombed with friend requests. I am working thru them. I accidently deleted one and I missed the name, I am so sorry...whoever you are please send the request again.


Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 6th, 2014, 10:41 pm
by Amuneta
Added you but my ui isn't always reliable, so if you still need some d3 gold feel free to add me if it didn't go through Amuneta#1245.

Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 7th, 2014, 10:20 am
by Kandace
Hi Ackbah,
How much D3 gold were you looking for for one of your murkalot codes? Thanks :)

Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 7th, 2014, 2:02 pm
by Ackbah
Well hell...first off sorry to waste anyones time on this. Trading gold in D3 is not even allowed I stated I just started playing and I was talking to people that used to play, so my information was not accurate. Now as the AH still exists there is a way to move gold around from players using the AH. The bigger issue is that the amounts of gold that are required to actually make a difference is least to me...I have played a few hours and have accumilated a measly 50k or so. I was thinking ok so Ill buy an item or two go twink a bit, maybe suprise my 9 year old son who will be multi boxing with me etc etc...the problem is that most everything in the AH is 50 million + gold...wth!! A lvl 17 weapon is roughly around 80 if I were to use USD $$ cashish, the same weapon will cost me $3.00...yha. Is seems wrong to ask for a billion gold for a murkalot code (that is the pet everyone seems interested in) as there just cannot be that many people that have that kind of gold...are there? I am hoping that when the AH only has a day or two to go peeps will unload stuff at rock bottom prices...atm rock bottom is in the 50 mil range. Thanks for the offers but atm nothing short of hundreds of millions of gold would even get me a gem or a bad hat !!

Ack )

Re: Pets for Diablo 3 gold?

Posted: March 8th, 2014, 12:02 pm
by Faelar
To be honest with the expansion hitting soon most of the items you'd want to buy or obtain will become quite worthless. Level 70 items will destroy anything in the game at the current time. However gold will still be useful for crafting your own items and xmogging and other random things. So one thing you could trade for is the expensive gems and try to quickly sell those on the AH for a fair amount of gold just to have a stockpile. For now the only things I'd say that are useful on the AH are items like the cain's set which gives bonus exp and is a good boost on rushing to 60 before the expansion.