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Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 11:03 am
by Nymphis
This is for those, who like me, don't check the other forums regularly lol!

Unfortunately it appears that someone has managed to duplicate a spectral tiger cub and is selling these items on many servers. Beware!

These are lvl 6 Spectral Tiger pets - lol a rather obvious level, but they may be levelled above that. Servers such as Illidan and many others have been swamped with the little guys. So please be cautious in your trades as I wouldn't want any of my new trading friends to lose their hard earned gold buying them (or trading hard earned pets for them).

Now while they may be legit - it seems hard to me to see that as there are SO MANY lvl 6 cubs out there.

For more info: ... 9&start=20

Good luck in your trades and have a lovely day!

* while any other information is welcomed - please refrain from pointing fingers and blaming - this thread was meant for an informational purpose only. There are many legit traders out there with cubs, I'm merely warning people of the lvl 6 cub epidemic lol :)

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 11:10 am
by Faelar
Yeah I've been avoiding any trades involving a spectral cub. I know people are claiming theirs are legit but there is no way of knowing. I've seen far too many level 1's trying to sell them and the level 6 variety as well. I for one do not believe many of these are legit. There are just WAY too many spectral cubs around 'all of a sudden' to look normal. As pointed out by many people there is not the same influx of dragon kites, soul-traders and other pets to go along with the kitties. So for now I suggest everyone stay away from them

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 2:04 pm
by Zoreia
Well this really bums me out. :< I recently forked over a TON of money for one over on Malorne (only because it would have taken me forever to earn that much elsewhere) before I knew about the duped cubs and he was also level 6. The person who put him on the ah was level 85 so no level 1s trying to sell the cub, but now I'm worried that my cub isn't legit. D:

I am able to cage him, rename him, summon him, and I leveled him to 25 with no problems, but I'm afraid I'm going to lose my kitty. ;_;

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 2:12 pm
by Faelar
To be honest I'm not sure if blizz will be able to do much as far as removing the pets. This is a bit different than the jewelled onyx panthers from a couple months back. The difference here is that the pets are cageable and I think that let's them bypass the whole not listable on the ah thing the panthers had. What I figure is going on is a lot of people are buying these level 6s and then learning them and caging them and putting them on the ah to resell.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 9:01 pm
by Amatheiya
I don't really understand how that's even possible. once you learn it, it goes into your journal, once you cage it, it's removed from your journal. I don't get how that is duplicating anything. or are you suggesting there is a glitch somewhere that is allowing the cubs to be caged, but they don't get removed from the journal, so they are being caged again and again? that's the only answer my tired brain is coming up with. I missed whatever hullabaloo was going on with the aforementioned panthers.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 9:05 pm
by Faelar
We're not sure how it is being done or what the glitch is. But all we know is that there is TONS of cubs on many markets now. Way way way too many at once to not be something shady. All we know for sure is that level 1s advertise in trade linking the Unlearned version. When a person buys a cub they are given a level 6 cub. That is the 2 things we know for sure.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 9:10 pm
by Mystical
I made a ticket about this yesterday and it's still pending...Seems like Blizz don't want to say anything about this

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 9:27 pm
by Ablutos
Faelar wrote:I know people are claiming theirs are legit but there is no way of knowing.
You didn't trade me a dupe did you? ;)

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 9:40 pm
by Faelar
Oh carp ya got me! See what had happened was I jumped into the future back in May came to July and bought a cub that was level 6...then I went back to the past and levelled it to 25. So BAM!

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 10:27 pm
by Phlogiston
So, you have a time machine but not a Mini Tyrael? ;-)

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 10:28 pm
by Faelar
*cry* I FORGOT to get it!! My secret shame!

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 10:35 pm
by Rosalyne
This sucks. I just decided yesterday that I was going to actively hunt down a cub because I've wanted one for so long, and then I read about this earlier today when I came to change my trading post. So I will be hanging on to my gold for now! I'm on a fairly low pop server, but I did see a player I recognize who had a lvl 6 cub out yesterday (it's now been leveled to 10) and I hope they get to keep their kitty if they didn't realise it was a dupe when they bought it.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 13th, 2013, 10:37 pm
by Faelar
I'm really not sure there is a lot blizzard can do about all of it. They have not come out and said anything about it either which is very frustrating. But yeah the people that really get hurt by this are the legit cat owners and the people who want to buy cats without the risk of blizz removing it or something funny happening.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 7:24 am
by Shootitup
Lol I haven't been on for the past month. So when I logged on the other day my level 17 Spec Cub was following me around. Someone asked me if it was legit? I was like, what? He's like the cub, i'm talking about the cub, is it legit?
So he explained to me what was going on. Kinda sad this is happening because it really destroys the Pet Market business.
These cubs are one of the most sought after Pets by collectors and now everyone is going to be paranoid about buying one. Which in turn will affect the legit sellers.
Had someone tell me these aren't even worth 100k anymore.
It's unbelievable. Anyways, so i'm hanging onto mine for now. Gonna level it to 24.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 8:29 am
by Beana
I hate to read this. I worked so hard for my legit one last summer and now I'm hearing its likely now going to be a common pet. Knowing blizzard they will stop the duplicates but likely not delete the ones bought... And then never issue a statement about it and hope we all forget. The past is always likely to repeat.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 5:02 pm
by Mystical
They finally answer my ticket, and I'll post the answer here xD


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Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 5:08 pm
by Faelar
"If you feel like you don't want to waste all that gold why not just hunt the cub instead." What the hell is the GM trying to say here? Clueless as hell these gms are.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 5:08 pm
by Nymphis
Thanks for that post Mystical... lol now what I want to know is what they mean by "hunt the cub instead." O.o

Update - many more lvl 6 kitties on Illidan - down to 80k ish in the AH. I know we all want a kitty if we don't have one - but I don't recommend supporting these scammers by buying one. Remember, you may not get to keep it and then you're wasting gold you could use to by a pet you get to keep!

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 5:10 pm
by Faelar
The sad reality is I doubt they remove these pets. So people will buy them at 80k or less as they keep falling. It basically makes this pet worth far less than the ST now.

Re: Spectral Tiger Cub Duping - info for traders!

Posted: July 14th, 2013, 5:12 pm
by Mystical
hunt the cub instead: buy the TCG cards or buy the cub from ebay? lol.. I don't know xD